Gospel it the kindergarten


Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI organization, we greet you with the grace and love of Jesus Christ!

I praise the Lord for miraculously taking care of us and blessing His work. Recently we had a funeral where the oldest sister of our church members died. This sister was a believer for over 70 years and was a good example for all of us, for neighbors and friends. We always have many unbelievers at funerals who listened to the Word of the Gospel. We pray for them that the Lord would test their hearts and give them repentance.

We have one sister in our church who works as a kindergarten teacher in our village. Already in several groups of the kindergarten, she did Bible lessons, where she showed children the most important truths about God that every child should know from an early age. At the end of the lesson, everyone , of these children, we received a gift. We will pray for this cause, for Sister Marina, so that the authorities do not prevent her from continuing these useful, Christian, Bible studies among these children. Through each business, we, as a church, wish more people from our village learned the way of Christ, the true way of life that can lead them to the Kingdom of God.

Prayer Needs:

1. Let's pray for our village that people seek the Lord.

2. For our church, so that every member of the church was active in the work that the Lord entrusted to them.

3. For me and our other preachers, so that we preach the gospel pure and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

But I am very grateful to you for being a great help and support for us in our ministry here. I wish the Lord to help you and take care of all your needs, to take care of you and always to protect you. We pray for you.

With love, your brother in Christ, Gortopan Mihai.