Women pray from all over the world


Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God and always pray for you that you are a great support for us.

At the beginning of the month of November, the sisters from our church united with all the Baptist sisters from all over the world in fasting and prayer and prayed for the troubles and problems through which women from all over the world are going through. We also collected donations for this purpose. Our sisters gather for prayer once a day. week in every week. They pray for the needs and deeds of the church. We have one case in our church, where there is one sister, her name is Veronica, she alone is a believer in her family, where all family members are unbelievers. And now Veronica fell seriously ill and this the disease had serious consequences for her health - her mind became clouded. She became a burden for all unbelieving members of her family. A grave condition. And so our sisters united to help this family and even help them with finances. This is a very good testimony for this family. We pray for this family.

In the middle of this month, a pastor's conference was organized in Kiev, which was broadcast online. For the pastors of our region, the conference was organized in 2 places, in churches where there is Internet. These are in Tarasovtsy and in Chernivtsi. There were good biblical instructions and trainings on the topic: "The personality of the pastor, his vocations and the responsibility that he has in the ministry of the pastor" There were very good moments where we were spiritually edified.


At the end of the month we had one blessing of a child in our church, where we prayed, together with the church, for this family and their newborn child, handing it over in the hands of Almighty God.

Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for the unbelieving family where our sick sister Veronica, a member of our church, lives.

-For the people of our village who listen to the words of the Gospel, so that they seek God.

-For the youth and children of our church, so that they grow spiritually and that they are useful in God's Vineyard.

-For me and my family, for God to protect us from the Covid 19 Pandemic.

At the same time, I am very grateful to you for the help that we have on your part in our ministry and for your prayers that you raised before God for us.

We, too, pray for you and wish you God's Blessings and that these blessings accompany you every day of your life.

With love, your brother in Christ Mihai Hortopan and my family.