Celebration of the victorious day

We greet you with a Christian greeting, Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! We are grateful for God that He rose His Son from the death, and also for that we are His Holly Body as a Church.

God blessed us richly this month, and we could show His love to many people.

In the church of Hertza city we celebrated the victorious day of the Light, Life and Goodness. Jesus conquered hell, evil, darkness, and death. Our church glorified God for such a great victory. And we are looking forward to seeing our King on the cloud descending on the earth.

We started to reconstruct our exterior of our House of Prayer. We need to buy a lot of material and to pay for work. With God`s help, we hope to start that in a week. We want to invite people into a warm and pleasure place.

I visited a widow, Olya in Chernivtsi City. She is a member of the House of Prayer church. She is very sick and she lives alone. It is hard to move and walk for her. I bought her necessary products and supported her spiritually. She has no children here and only niece visit and care about her.

I visited the church in Borivtsy village. It is quite open and sincere church. They genuinely accepted us and I served them with Word of God.

Prayer needs:

1. For reconstruction of house of prayer in Hertza so that God gave us finance and good workers

2. For widow Olya, so that God care for her through different people

3. For our ministry, may God strengthen us and lead us wherever He wants.

We are grateful to everyone who support our ministry spiritually and financially. May God bless you and return you in hundredfold.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertza, Pastushak Alex.

She remained alone

Greetings, brothers and sisters in faith in Jesus Christ. By God's grace, we are all still alive and able to serve His church. We thank you for your cooperation, that together we can spread the Gospel in Ukraine.

On the first Sunday of April, we had a service commemorating the suffering and death of Jesus Christ in the church of the city of Hertza. We had a special time for sanctification and union with Christ and each other. Two women started attending our services, we pray that they will come to know the truth. After the service, we visited an old sister, her name is Lena. Together with her, we also received bread and wine as symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. She was very happy that she could take part in this commandment.

We visited the church in the village of Vikno. More than 50 unbelieving immigrants gathered there and I preached there about the storms of life and inspired them to seek protection and refuge in the boat of Jesus Christ. Then we distributed medicines and food to them.

One widow, Agnesa, from the House of Peace church in Chernivtsi, had a birthday. She turned 73 years old. She is sick and cannot come to the service. I went to her house, wished her a happy birthday and brought her a box of essentials.

In our church there is also another widow Alina, she is a young woman about 30 years old, her husband died in the war. She stayed with her daughter, who is 4 years old. I visited them, supported them, and also brought them food.

We continue our ministry with teenagers. My wife, Nadiya, leads a group of teenage girls studying the Bible. They meet once every 2 weeks. The last time there were more than 10 people and they were talking about envy.

We plan to hold the next Bible School session on April 27-29. We expect that many more young hearts will come to study the truths of the Holy Scriptures.

Prayer requests:

1. For sister Lena, she is old and alone, her husband died, and her son is at war.

2. For our widows and orphans in our churches. May God become their father and guardian.

3. For service with immigrants, so that these people see good deeds and glorify God, so that they see the light in us and come to the One who is the Light.

4. For our physical and spiritual health, so that we have the strength and inspiration to continue serving God.

Thank you all for your spiritual and financial support. May God bless your families and your ministry.

With prayers for you, missionary in the city of Chernivtsi and in the city of Hertsa Pastushak Oleksandr.

Service for widows and orphans

I greet you dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. We are such happy people that we know God, who brought us together even though we are so far from each other. We feel how you worry and pray for us. We are grateful for your financial and spiritual support.

I want to share with you how God leads us in service and what blessings we experience.

- Every month we hold a holy dinner together with our church members in the city of Herts. This time we once again praised God for His grace and gave thanks for His Son Jesus Christ. We had a special time to repent and purify our souls and to participate in the Lord's Supper.

- One woman who used to go to Jehovah's Witnesses started visiting our House of Prayer in the city of Herts. We communicate with her, create an atmosphere of acceptance, and invite her to further services. She is open to communication and we pray for her repentance.

- In the House of Peace church in Chernivtsi, there was a special service dedicated to widows and orphans. I preached about the widow from Sarepta of Sidon, I supported and blessed all our widowed sisters and orphan children. After that, a delicious table awaited them all and they were given food packages.

- On the radio waves, we announce the good news to people and that protection and consolation can be found only in Christ. We support people in this difficult time, pray for them and cry with those who have suffered the loss of loved ones.

- My wife and I are consultants on the hotline, where different people call from different parts of Ukraine. Some of them ask for prayer support, others for psychological support, and others for spiritual support. We respond to all their needs and conduct soul-care conversations.

- In the House of Peace, there was a festive service with the participation of a children's choir. Children's voices glorified God and sang prayer songs for peace in Ukraine. It was a very moving and blessed service. I served by photographing this holiday.

Prayer requests:

1. For our church in Hertsa, so that God will give the awakening of the city and repentance in the church.

2. For our service on the radio, so that more people can learn about God.

3. For God's protection of our family and strengthening of our health after the accident.

4. For spiritual strength and God's providence in service in the Lord's field.

Thank you again for your support during this difficult time. May God look upon you in a special way and fulfill your every need.

A missionary in the city of Hertsa and in the city of Chernivtsi, Pastushak Oleksandr.

Meeting with refugees

Greeting to you brothers and sisters from mission PIE. May God bless you by His generous and riches. We wish you grace, peace and favor of God. We are grateful to you for your support and prayers.

Despite the war, we continue to serve God even more diligent and zealously. Regardless the circumstances, people need Christ and the Gospel more than before.

On the first Sunday of February, we had a holly communion with our church in Hertza. All members tested themselves and concerned about their spiritual purification. We want to be ready and worthy to take bread and wine.

We visited our old sister who is sick and can not to come to the congregation. She was happy to have a service at her house. She is godliness and devoted to God. Her son is in the army, and she left alone at home.

We have a street evangelization in Chernivtsi city. We hold this ministry in different points of city. People come to us to drink a tea and cookies, to receive some literature, and to talk about a war. We show them God in these conditions and share the Gospel and invite to the House of Prayer.

We have various ministry with teenagers. Regularly we meet with them at the church of House of peace. Girls come here to pour out their problems and feelings. My wife Nadia is a counselor for them who helps them to solve physiological problems and to get closer to God.

Likewise, we have regularly meetings with teenager girls at the downtown of Chernivtsi. We have a room to gather with them and to hold some program. This meeting is organized for unbelieving teenagers. Last time there were about 10 girls. They had a food table, hot drinks, various games and spiritual topic to discuss.

Praise the Lord for such possibilities to serve people in this terrible time.

Prayer needs:

1. For our health. May God heal us completely from pain and consequences of the wounds.

2. For God give us wisdom and right words what to say to people in need and in grief.

3. For our strength to serve refugees who live among us.

4. For our listeners so that they grow spiritually through our programs and become closer to God.

5. For refugees in Chernivtsi, may they come to Christ through street evangelization.

Gratitude for your spiritual and prayer support, we feel it and that is a great blessing for us.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertza Pastushak Alex.

Ministry with teenagers

We welcome you, our dear employees at God's field. May God bless you this year even more than the previous one, may His grace and mercy always accompany you on all roads.

God has wonderfully guided us through 2022 and we believe that this is just the beginning, there will be even more wonderful events.

On December 25, we celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ with the church in the city of Herts. We had a wonderful Christmas program where we thanked God for His Son who came into this world as a baby.

We met the new year with a reminder of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Each member of the church thanked God for the past year, that we are all still alive and prayed to God for blessings for the coming year.

Our old sister Lena was left alone because her son was taken to the army. We visit her and help her with food and medicine.

We held another Bible School session with teenagers. We were very impressed and blessed by God. Due to the war, many families left the country and we expected that there would not be many teenagers. But God gave us twice as much as in previous times. There were about 25 teenagers in total. We conducted various spiritual and practical disciplines so that they would receive a basis for their spiritual development.

In the House of Peace Church in Chernivtsi, we had festive Christmas services with the participation of various choirs. I served by preaching the Word of God and photographs.

We also held a youth ministry for displaced people and gave them gifts. They really liked it and we planned to hold such meetings twice a month.

We thank God that we have the opportunity to serve Him with our gifts and talents in such a difficult time.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. May God reward you and fill your hearts with his joy and peace.

With prayers for you, Alex Pastushak

Haverst day

Hello dear brothers and sisters from the USA. May God’s peace and glory descend upon you and your ministry.

We are contented that God can use us for His Kingdom. We are instruments in His hand, and by His grace, we are who we are.

October conducts very saturatedly on many events.

On the first Sunday, we had a great holiday in our church in Hertza - Thanksgiving Day or Harvest day. We worshiped God for everything He gave us this year, material and spiritual goods. We had gratitude to God for the harvest in our gardens and fields. God continues to feed us despite the war and that the enemy stole a lot of food. We had a long and profound service that day.

Also, we had a communion of remembrance of the suffering of Jesus Christ. The church glorified God for such a great gift to us sinners. Everyone was humbled and remorseful before God.

We attended one old sister, Lena, who is 96. She is sick and can not come to the congregation. So we shared Holly's supper with her at her house. She was happy to be a part of the church, even though she is at home.

Our family got into a car accident. A car exceeded the speed limit and hit our car. My wife and I got severe injuries, we had a concussion of the brain, I broke my knee, and Nadia got hurt in her back and knees. By the grace of God, we are survived and still alive. We could die. Right after the hit, we lost consciousness for a while, and we thought we died. But God rose us up, and we are able to continue our ministry. Our son Mark was with us in a car, but God protected Him, and he didn't get any wounds. Praise God for this miracle.

Prayer needs:

Pray for our church in Hertza may people grow up spiritually and bring a lot of fruit.

Pray for our bodies, may God treat us and strengthen us in our needs.

Pray for our spiritual war. The enemy doesn't sleep and attack us a lot.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. May God give back a hundredfold.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Herts Pastushak Alex.

Meeting with refugees

Greetings brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission. We want to share God's blessings with you!

We had a great opportunity to talk with our immigrant brothers and sisters and have a good time. My wife Nadia and my sisters were going through the book of Ruth and talking about mistakes in life that lead to serious consequences. Elimelech and Naomi's family's choice to leave Israel was a mistake, for which they paid a very bitter price. But God can use even our mistakes for His glory and through all this he brought Ruth to Bethlehem, she believed and she became David's great-grandmother. We make such meetings regularly.

And my brothers and I analyzed the topic of depression and the way out of it based on the story of Ilya. Even such a great prophet, through whom God performed great miracles, fell into depression due to fear and panic. But God fed and strengthened him to continue his work. The atmosphere was warm and pleasant, God touched the hearts of everyone present.

We held another session of our Bible School in the Carpathian Mountains. A lot of new teenagers came who really wanted to study the Bible and spend time with us. We had sports and interesting pastimes, hiking and studying various useful topics. All children would like to stay even longer and continue their studies. There were more than 30 of us.

We thank God for protecting us all and blessing our entire camp.

Prayer requests:

- For displaced persons who have lost everything and do not know what to do next.

- For teenagers who are still being formed, so that they become true Christians and good people.

- For Hertz, may God wake the city from sleep.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. May God give back a hundredfold.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Herts Pastushak Alex.

Ministry in the camp Candela

We greet you, brothers and sisters, who are involved in the ministry of the PIE mission. I want to share with you how God blessed us for this month and how He led us in the ministry of His church.

We are so grateful to God that He blessed the camp Candela and that He allowed us to involved in it. I and my wife Nadia were photo and video makers. At every night service, we showed to children their activities for a whole day. How they had a prayer service, how they exerсised, listened to lessons, played games, and swam in the pool.

There were about 130 children and we could get to know many of them, build relationships, and show them Christ. Praise the Lord on the last service about 60 children came to Christ.

When brothers Cornel, Will, and Mark came I interpreted them at lessons and services. We visited a lot of refugees in different villages and encouraged them and shared the Gospel.

There were many refugees who surrendered their lives to Jesus, especially in the church of Novoselitsa there were about 15.

We are glad to be a small part of the great God`s work. We are happy that the door of heaven is still opened and people can get saved.

Prayer needs:

1. Pray for all children who attended the camp, may the seed planted in their hearts will grow up and bring the fruit of changed minds and lives.

2. Pray for refugees we attended, may these circumstances refocus them to Christ, may hospitality of the church show them love of Christ.

3. Pray for the end of a war and at the same time for achieving God’s goals due to which He let this war happen.

4. Pray for the Church of Christ. May It spread the Gospel, and shows God’s glory and His love to non-Christians. May through its ministry many people get to know Jesus.

5. Pray for my health and spiritual strength so that I would be able to serve God with more power.

We appreciate you for your prayers and financial support of our ministry. We all are coworkers in the Church`s ministry. God bless you all and protect your family.

With love and prayer for you Pastushak family.

Ministry with a team from USA

Accept our sincere greetings from Chernivtsi and Hertza churches!

We are getting used to living in the war. Our hearts were wounded by the cases that happened in the East. We need God's healing to remove the pain from our souls. Praise the Lord for Holy Spirit He sent to us, who solaces and peaces us now. 

We were glad to meet a team from the USA that came here to help us in our ministry. One family of counselors, David and Carole, came to our apartment and spent with us a week. They could join our ministry and make a great impact from their experience. We went to the street evangelization in the center of Chernivtsi and met a lot of unbeliever people and refugees. We heard their stories about how they fled from the bombing and exploding. Not only that but we were astonished and wondered how people could leave in the basement without light and heat for a couple of months. They told how all houses around them were destroyed, but their one was not. God saved them and helped them to escape from there under flying helicopters and rockets. David and Carole could talk and comfort them, pray for them and give them a hug. 

We attended to some patients that are old and sick and stayed at home. They can not go to the church but have a great desire to listen to the Gospel and talk with believers. Some of them were faithful servants of God and could share their experiences. 

We had some meetings with the refugees at the House of peace church. They live there since the war got started. They were glad to meet American counselors and to listen to the lecture about anxiety. All refugees loved David and Carole and freely gave them a hug with a smile on their face. 

Carole had a meeting with young ladies, and also she could to comfort one young widow that lost her husband in the war. 

David preached in Hertza and Chernivtsi churches. People’s hearts had a response, and they thanked for that message. 

We conducted a radio program with David on the subject of abuse in the family. He gave practical advice on how to behave with such people.

So this week had run very quickly and we had a productive ministry with a team from the US. Praise the Lord for such blessed time and possibilities to serve God. 

Prayer needs:

  • For refugees that came to Chernivtsi to look for a shelter. May they find a home here and find Jesus as a savior. 

  • For that people to whom we talked, may God comfort those who lost houses and relatives. 

  • For our church in Hertza, may members grow up spiritually and in quantity. 

We are deeply appreciated to everyone who prays for us and support our ministry in this difficult time. Gob bless you abundantly.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertza Alex Pastushak

She reads New Testament every day now

Accept our sincere greetings from Chernivtsi and Hertza churches! Praise the Lord, we are still alive, and we are able to continue to perform our ministry. We are thankful to God for knowing you for so many years and for our cooperation in the ministry. Without your support and prayers, we couldn’t do so much for God’s kingdom.

We got a terrible circumstance with a full-scale war with Russia, but we trust in God despite anything, and we continue to worship God and serve Him with more zeal. This case, even more, opened people's hearts to the Gospel than it was before. So we inspire people to follow Jesus and encourage them where they are.

We continue to accept refugees from different points of Ukraine at our home. We serve them in all their needs. They told that they wondered how people in Western Ukraine love them and are hospitality to them. 

One woman, Natasha, came from Kharkiv to Hertza as a refugee. She is disabled. And she needs food, hygiene products, etc. We visited her a couple of times, we brought her everything she needed. We talked with her about war and what God is doing through this case. We prayed for her health, her family, and relatives that left at home in Kharkiv. We gave her a New Testament, and she started to read. When we come the next time, she told us what she had read already. 

We plan to perform the last session with our Bible school. Many of the students moved out abroad, so we pray that we could gather enough teenagers for lessons. We think about some places close to the Carpathian Mountains, so we can have a trip after lessons. 

We receive a lot of calls at the hotline and people release their needs. Some girls are pregnant by Russian soldiers, and they don't know what to do, they are baffled and thinking about abortion. Another one is troubled and distressed because lost everything, relatives, and home. People are depressed and scared. We support and encourage them.

My wife Nadia arranged ministry for teenage girls. They meet in a group and research the Word of God and learn how to worship God in deeds.  

Thank you for your prayers and support. God bless you abundantly!

Missionary Alex Pastushak