Meeting with refugees

Greetings brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission. We want to share God's blessings with you!

We had a great opportunity to talk with our immigrant brothers and sisters and have a good time. My wife Nadia and my sisters were going through the book of Ruth and talking about mistakes in life that lead to serious consequences. Elimelech and Naomi's family's choice to leave Israel was a mistake, for which they paid a very bitter price. But God can use even our mistakes for His glory and through all this he brought Ruth to Bethlehem, she believed and she became David's great-grandmother. We make such meetings regularly.

And my brothers and I analyzed the topic of depression and the way out of it based on the story of Ilya. Even such a great prophet, through whom God performed great miracles, fell into depression due to fear and panic. But God fed and strengthened him to continue his work. The atmosphere was warm and pleasant, God touched the hearts of everyone present.

We held another session of our Bible School in the Carpathian Mountains. A lot of new teenagers came who really wanted to study the Bible and spend time with us. We had sports and interesting pastimes, hiking and studying various useful topics. All children would like to stay even longer and continue their studies. There were more than 30 of us.

We thank God for protecting us all and blessing our entire camp.

Prayer requests:

- For displaced persons who have lost everything and do not know what to do next.

- For teenagers who are still being formed, so that they become true Christians and good people.

- For Hertz, may God wake the city from sleep.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. May God give back a hundredfold.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Herts Pastushak Alex.