Haverst day

Hello dear brothers and sisters from the USA. May God’s peace and glory descend upon you and your ministry.

We are contented that God can use us for His Kingdom. We are instruments in His hand, and by His grace, we are who we are.

October conducts very saturatedly on many events.

On the first Sunday, we had a great holiday in our church in Hertza - Thanksgiving Day or Harvest day. We worshiped God for everything He gave us this year, material and spiritual goods. We had gratitude to God for the harvest in our gardens and fields. God continues to feed us despite the war and that the enemy stole a lot of food. We had a long and profound service that day.

Also, we had a communion of remembrance of the suffering of Jesus Christ. The church glorified God for such a great gift to us sinners. Everyone was humbled and remorseful before God.

We attended one old sister, Lena, who is 96. She is sick and can not come to the congregation. So we shared Holly's supper with her at her house. She was happy to be a part of the church, even though she is at home.

Our family got into a car accident. A car exceeded the speed limit and hit our car. My wife and I got severe injuries, we had a concussion of the brain, I broke my knee, and Nadia got hurt in her back and knees. By the grace of God, we are survived and still alive. We could die. Right after the hit, we lost consciousness for a while, and we thought we died. But God rose us up, and we are able to continue our ministry. Our son Mark was with us in a car, but God protected Him, and he didn't get any wounds. Praise God for this miracle.

Prayer needs:

Pray for our church in Hertza may people grow up spiritually and bring a lot of fruit.

Pray for our bodies, may God treat us and strengthen us in our needs.

Pray for our spiritual war. The enemy doesn't sleep and attack us a lot.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. May God give back a hundredfold.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Herts Pastushak Alex.