We greet you, brothers and sisters, who are involved in the ministry of the PIE mission. I want to share with you how God blessed us for this month and how He led us in the ministry of His church.
We are so grateful to God that He blessed the camp Candela and that He allowed us to involved in it. I and my wife Nadia were photo and video makers. At every night service, we showed to children their activities for a whole day. How they had a prayer service, how they exerсised, listened to lessons, played games, and swam in the pool.
There were about 130 children and we could get to know many of them, build relationships, and show them Christ. Praise the Lord on the last service about 60 children came to Christ.
When brothers Cornel, Will, and Mark came I interpreted them at lessons and services. We visited a lot of refugees in different villages and encouraged them and shared the Gospel.
There were many refugees who surrendered their lives to Jesus, especially in the church of Novoselitsa there were about 15.
We are glad to be a small part of the great God`s work. We are happy that the door of heaven is still opened and people can get saved.
Prayer needs:
1. Pray for all children who attended the camp, may the seed planted in their hearts will grow up and bring the fruit of changed minds and lives.
2. Pray for refugees we attended, may these circumstances refocus them to Christ, may hospitality of the church show them love of Christ.
3. Pray for the end of a war and at the same time for achieving God’s goals due to which He let this war happen.
4. Pray for the Church of Christ. May It spread the Gospel, and shows God’s glory and His love to non-Christians. May through its ministry many people get to know Jesus.
5. Pray for my health and spiritual strength so that I would be able to serve God with more power.
We appreciate you for your prayers and financial support of our ministry. We all are coworkers in the Church`s ministry. God bless you all and protect your family.
With love and prayer for you Pastushak family.