She remained alone

Greetings, brothers and sisters in faith in Jesus Christ. By God's grace, we are all still alive and able to serve His church. We thank you for your cooperation, that together we can spread the Gospel in Ukraine.

On the first Sunday of April, we had a service commemorating the suffering and death of Jesus Christ in the church of the city of Hertza. We had a special time for sanctification and union with Christ and each other. Two women started attending our services, we pray that they will come to know the truth. After the service, we visited an old sister, her name is Lena. Together with her, we also received bread and wine as symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. She was very happy that she could take part in this commandment.

We visited the church in the village of Vikno. More than 50 unbelieving immigrants gathered there and I preached there about the storms of life and inspired them to seek protection and refuge in the boat of Jesus Christ. Then we distributed medicines and food to them.

One widow, Agnesa, from the House of Peace church in Chernivtsi, had a birthday. She turned 73 years old. She is sick and cannot come to the service. I went to her house, wished her a happy birthday and brought her a box of essentials.

In our church there is also another widow Alina, she is a young woman about 30 years old, her husband died in the war. She stayed with her daughter, who is 4 years old. I visited them, supported them, and also brought them food.

We continue our ministry with teenagers. My wife, Nadiya, leads a group of teenage girls studying the Bible. They meet once every 2 weeks. The last time there were more than 10 people and they were talking about envy.

We plan to hold the next Bible School session on April 27-29. We expect that many more young hearts will come to study the truths of the Holy Scriptures.

Prayer requests:

1. For sister Lena, she is old and alone, her husband died, and her son is at war.

2. For our widows and orphans in our churches. May God become their father and guardian.

3. For service with immigrants, so that these people see good deeds and glorify God, so that they see the light in us and come to the One who is the Light.

4. For our physical and spiritual health, so that we have the strength and inspiration to continue serving God.

Thank you all for your spiritual and financial support. May God bless your families and your ministry.

With prayers for you, missionary in the city of Chernivtsi and in the city of Hertsa Pastushak Oleksandr.