...to be found faithful

Blessings from above from the Father of lights in 2025, to all whom He redeemed!

I have the pleasure of greeting all of you who, in addition to your daily concerns, take the time to think about others, including us from Romania.

I hope that you are well and that you want your faithfulness to the Lord to be at its height this year as well!

The "winter" holidays, besides the joy and the work that needs to be done, brought us together, families, brothers, sisters and friends.

One of the blessings experienced, on this occasion, was the meeting of some of those who returned to the Lord, forming the Baptist Church of Victoria.

 We debugged memories, we experienced some of the emotions of the first moments and we were happy that the Lord has taken care of us up to this point!

In the years 1990-1991, the tables set during the meetings were much poorer, but accompanied by enthusiasm, zeal for sharing and evangelization of the unsaved.

 Bread, boiled potatoes, bacon and sour cucumbers were the menu of most meetings.

 The re-editing of the sunset meetings warmed our hearts and made us grateful to God for his mercy and for the call given to everyone!

Although we missed your presence, we thank you for thinking of us and praying that we will be kept in His grace, until the end!

Please pray for:

-         the Church in Victoria, that where we are, on this earth, everyone who passed by, or is still in this church, may be found faithful, at the coming of the Lord!

-        Those few people who heard the Word of Truth come to believe and be saved

Carry them in prayer, as we do for you, so that each one is a vessel of honor, sanctified, useful to the Master!

Thank you for your care and we ask our Father and the Lord Jesus to bless you and keep you in His love!

Timotei Stanea – PIEI Romania National Director

A little update for the new year...

Because we are at the beginning of a new year, i would like to share with you a bit of what has been going on past year and what we are expecting God to do this year.

The church I serve enjoys peace and wants to please the Lord.

Brothers and sisters are eager to serve, those who are still able to do so, and those who are old and sick are encouraged to intercede before the Lord for those who are actively involved in various ministries of the church. We still have an after school program for 35 children and we were also involved in helping the surrounding churches with packages for the celebration of the birth of the Lord.

The missionaries received few gifts this year, 10 each, we also helped two other churches to support the work among children who do not belong to the church or the evangelical environment, namely the church in Craiva and the church in Pitesti.

And this year we had the opportunity to go to the city and sing carols, by which we bring the news of the savior's birth and the Gospel message to those we would interact with. We pray that the seed sown on the occasion of carols may bear fruit in due time.

We were also able to spend together with the church the passing of the years, thanking the Lord for the fact that he helped us to be able to be witnesses and to be together in unity, works done by the Holy Spirit.

We want to be more fruitful this year and it is expected from each of the church members to put their gifts both in the service of the brothers and sisters but also in the service of the local community as a way of establishing relationships and being able to preach the gospel to those who need salvation.

Although the distances are quite large between the mission points of about 400 km, we still want to have a functional brotherly relationship and keep in touch with each other. Even if the distances make it difficult for all the missionaries to collaborate and work together, nevertheless the missionaries came together engaging in common projects during church services and in this way they also served together on the occasion of baptisms or sports activities.

One of the wishes of the missionaries and a concern of ours is to pray and look for people called to good and reliable work, to whom we can entrust the baton of the work.

This is a significant point for some of us and we ask you to pray that the Lord will bring out workers and add them to the missionary work in Romania.

We continue that every Monday of every week, we have a time of fellowship in prayer to meet and bring before the Lord our needs, of the churches and brothers in the United States and not only, but also of those who have us conveyed their needs. We seek to be faithful in this aspect and rejoice whenever we meet and see each other.

We look with confidence to the time ahead of us and we pray for both our country and the United States, that we will have mission teams to support us in the work we do, whether it is working with children or helping those in need, of widows and orphans, the eye glasses ministry and last but not least in evangelizing people .

As a need for prayer, I would mention the intercession for each missionary that the Lord encourages and strengthens them not to weaken on the way and to bring their work to completion with joy.

We are waiting for you to support us in prayer as we said that the Lord will help us to find people whose heart is dedicated to the Lord and who will enlarge the ministry teams and even take over the responsibilities of the workers.

We want the Lord to open doors for the gospel so pray with us for us and as many opportunities to share the gospel as possible.

Pray that the Lord will put on the heart of the brothers and sisters the desire to search, to know the word and to live according to what is written.

Because we are arrears regarding a work strategy in church planting, we want this to become a priority in the shortest possible time and for every missionary in Romania to have a plan, a well-grounded strategy valid for each of us, a strategy on to implement it. Pray that the Lord will help us to complete this project.

Thank you to all those who have a heart and will also bring our request before the Lord and we will also continue to pray for you. Thank you.

One of the most important projects of the P.I.E.I.Romaniai organization is to complete one by one the projects in the areas that will have an impact not only for the missionaries but also for the whole country.

Here I would like to mention the work from Necrilesti where last year teams came on a short-term mission from the United States together with missionaries and other brothers and sisters from the churches and we had a time dedicated to this place through prayer.

From then until now, progress has been made in terms of the cottage and the surrounding facilities.

You certainly have many things to do, but we trust in the Lord who has all the resources that he can take care and in this way and in this way we can have camps both for the missionaries of the organization and for the churches that will request this thing.

The upstairs rooms as well as those on the ground floor, the kitchen, the great room are completed, and outside, the toilets and showers are almost ready to be put into use.

It is necessary for each room to be assigned the furniture for accommodation, the kitchen, the necessary appliances and crockery, as well as tables and chairs or benches for the place where food is to be served. Equally necessary is the finishing of showers and toilets.

Financial but also human resources are needed and we are waiting for the Lord to put it on the hearts of the people raised to him to get involved according to what they have, and not what they don't have, prayer, financial, physical participation both in terms of construction and in service and work with young children.

The Alba Center it’s also the first stop as you come in Romania for mission. God’s willing we have been able last year to remodel the fellowship room and part of the kitchen. Ofocurse, we still need the kichen necesities and alot of work needs to be done, but we ae praying and hoping that God will pour resources for this too at the right time. Also, we have been praying for AC units and God has been faithful and blessed the Center with AC units in every room. In the summer it gets very hot upstairs and this was a real necesity. We would also love to have an individual heating system for the center, because as some of you may now, at this moment we have a warm the whole facility in order to have hot water for shower in a single room. We belive and trust God for resources this way too.

Concearing our mission point in Podari, southern part of Romania, last year we have been able, by the grace of God to completly finish 2 rooms, 2 bathrooms and a small extension kitchen out of 16 rooms. We are praying and hoping that this year we can finish at least 4 more rooms and the kitchen area - our plan is to bring small teams down south and have the experience of what other parts of PIEI Romania ministries look like down there.

 So, we have so many reasons to bring before the Lord such as:

  • the people who hear the gospel to be touched and turn to God

  • the misionaries do their job with a joyful heart

  • the teams that will come to experice God throught hte activities we have here

  • protection over every person that is involved in sharing the gospel, maybe being a VBS leader, van driver, kitchen personel, teachers and pastors.

  • pray to see where God is leading you this summer

So, i would like to just appreciate you so much for the way you already chose to get involved: maybe you pray, maybe you chose to come to join us, maybe you give, maybe you are paying for someone to come, in every way you did something, I am praying and ask God to show His love and mercy upon you and grant you so uch more. Everything you have read by now about PIEI Romania Ministries is possible because people like you give and listen to the voice of the Lord and chose to not sit confortable and get involved. may God bless you abundantly.

Timotei Stanea – PIEI Romania National Director

Fisher of Men

May you all be blessed,

I thought that I wouldn't be wrong if I put before you a thought, that I put into practice, which shows a little of the work I do, even very little, but which I consider to be extremely important, especially during these times, when the distance between people is getting bigger.

Some of the most interesting moments with a lot of spiritual charge we see in the life of Lord Jesus is when he was with the fishermen.

In fact he even chose fishermen among his disciples whom he later turned into fishers of men!

I also use such moments when I spend a few days together with church brothers, people whose faith has collapsed, or with men who need to receive salvation through grace and faith.

Maybe someone would say it's a waste of time, I consider it a long-term investment,  and it's an opportunity to plant a seed or “water” those that have received the gospel seed already.

I thank the Lord for a time that we had this year and in which we were happy to be able to rest, to retire from the hustle and bustle of this life and to contemplate God's creation, that brings so much joy to our hearts!


The beauty of the moments spent in nature at a fairly low temperature brought us back full of gratitude and the desire to praise and honor the wonderful Creator for the way he reveals himself in creation.

I encourage you to pray with me that the christian way of life will be embraced by those who do not know the Lord Jesus and that our hearts will be strengthened by grace bringing praise and glory to the glorious God for his creation and above all, for the Lord Jesus whom he sent as the savior of the world.


Stanea Timotei, PIEI Romania National Director




One Body of Christ

“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and our Lord” 2Peter 1:2

In a context of  thanks, I would also like to bring before you one of the beautiful events that we experienced in Victoria together with the church.

Every year the day of thanksgiving, we as a church decided to be in the month of November towards the end of the period when the churches celebrated this day like this because we can invite other churches to come to fellowship with us.

We are happy to see that the brothers can still come together and praise the Lord by giving their thanks and creating a bouquet and a beautiful offering of good smell before the Father in heaven.


A little while ago we had the opportunity and joy to have the Lord’s supper with brothers and sisters from different churches close to the area we serve: members of the church in Avrig, the church in Marsha, the church in Bradu, the church in Fagaras, the church in Cisnadie, and this fact really made us feel like one body in Christ, all united in His Spirit.


As one body, we have been grateful to the Lord first of all for His unspeakably great gift, Jesus Christ, also we thanked for the help throughout the whole year, the blessings that we received, the prayers that were heard, the opportunities to share the gospel and for His care concerning "our daily bread." We thanked the Lord and for all those who pray for us and we dared to ask him to give you grace to bless you and keep you strong until the day of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Thank you for carrying us in your prayers as we do otherwise and we ask you to pray that we may be protected from the evil one to live in holiness and in unity and that by going through this life the places we pass may be transformed into places full of springs so that those who come after us may be able to say no more about this water and even more about the water of life


Stanea Timotei, PIEI Romania National Director


In depth counseling

May the Lod bless each and everyone of you!

Not long ago I had the blessed opportunity to spend some time in study and training regarding the anger managemnt.

PIEI missionaries, families from their churches or single people met for two days at PIEI Center in Alba Iulia, where together with brother David Beckwith, have spent time in prayer and Bible study analyzing the problem of anger from a Christian and professional perspective.

Both, we the 24 participants and those with whom we interact in order to help can say that we have a strategy for approaching this topic in our lives of brothers and sisters in churches and peers with whom we can talk about this topic.

In fact, brother David's idea was for him to offer us help, so that each of us could help ourselves in dealing with and solving such a situation.

The meeting in Alba Iulia has in mind a longer, lasting process and we can consider that it is a beginning through which it is desired to form Christian counselors, men of God, men and women who will come to support the work of missionaries, pastors, working for the restoration of peace and the more significant imprinting of the image of Jesus Christ in the life of the Christian community.

It is pleasant and encouraging to be able to follow this theme on the pages of the holy scriptures and to see that there is an answer provided by God in terms of approaching the subject as well as solving it. We were encouraged to get involved not to be careless because the work is assisted by the holy spirit and has great results. A proof of this fact lies in that countless examples attest that obedience to scriptures bring great results!

Pray with us that the work started will continue and bring results!

May the Lord open up new ways for every missionary and their church have the opportunity to continue to be equipped.

May the Holy Spirit help to solve all situations of this nature, and not the evil one have not gain from this kind of situations.

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director

A Week of Service

Grace and peace be multiplied to you all...  

We have just finished a full week, packed with activities: Bible studies, skits, games, sports, "works of art" created by the hands of the children and volunteers, good cheer, and above all, a clear and understandable presentation of the person of the Lord Jesus!  

This year, in addition to the brothers who helped shape the program, as well as the brothers and sisters from the church with rich experience in working with children and teenagers, we were delighted to see the involvement of the church’s teenagers and even some from outside their number. These teenagers "served" enthusiastically, making a great contribution to the success of the VBS.  

Even the "Kitchen" didn’t fall short, with the sisters getting involved exceptionally, providing snacks and even lunch for all participants!  

Over 40 children heard again about the Lord Jesus and the work He did while on Earth!  

We pray that everything they hear and see will have a positive impact on their lives.  

We pray that this ministry will continue.  

We pray that the children will be protected from the corruption of the times through the Word they have heard.  

We pray that their families will be protected by God.  

We pray that their lives will be transformed and renewed by the Spirit of the Lord.  

And all these things are lifted as prayers before our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray with us for these things, and we thank you for doing so!  

May you all be blessed, and we look forward, if it is the Lord's will, to having you join us in 2025 as part of a mission team that loves children and desires to serve them!  

The Lord be with you!  

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director

A Call To Serve

Blessings to all,

Time passes, and we see this by looking at the clock, the calendar, or ourselves. We discover that we no longer have the same vitality, we look at our children and occasionally ask ourselves what kind of role model we have been, or are for them?

At one point, the Lord Jesus says, “For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” John 13

Not long ago, a team of young people from Germany joined us in serving the needy, namely widows and poor families, in Arges County. They came to offer help and develop service skills for their own lives. They were a model for us, those in PIEI-Romania, for me and Brother Traian Chilau, and those in the churches and villages.

Seeing the good work they were doing, I wanted to instill such service in the life of my son, Timotei, and not only him but also together with Isaac Reeve, the son of Pastor Scott Reeve from the USA. I asked and sent them to serve alongside the young people sent by the Biblical Mission from Germany. Working side by side with them, they cut wood, arranged it, painted, cleaned, and distributed food, bringing joy and meeting real needs. They all managed to become a model for others!

We at PIEI discover that we have so many ways at our disposal to show Christian love to those around us. At the same time, we develop service skills by serving others. A practical way to show, on a small scale, that we want to follow the example of the Lord Jesus.

I think that you too can be part of such a team, a team that, while striving to follow a Model, becomes a model for others. It’s worth trying! We are glad to know that you will keep in prayer those who have been the beneficiaries of the service and gifts received!

Alongside these are many poor people around us, each one of us, as well as around the world. It’s worth at least praying for them, and if you want more, get involved and lift their burdens. Pray that, inspired by the model of these young people, the youth in the missionaries' PIEI churches will also want to get involved, forming teams to help “the least of these brothers” of the Lord Jesus!

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director and servant of the Lord Jesus

A Meeting of Faith and Action

Blessings to all,

Today, June 7th, I had the opportunity to meet with Brother Florin Boruga, a pastor in Sighișoara and a man with a heart for working with refugees from Ukraine. I also met with brothers and sisters from Ukraine who are currently residing in Sighișoara and supporting the work of those who have come from the war zone.

PIEI has always been open to supporting those with special needs, whether they are poor, widows, orphans, strangers, sick, or in prison. We have always wanted and continue to want to be doers of the Word and to hear the wonderful words of our Savior, the Lord Jesus, who on that day will say to us, "Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you."

In today's meeting, we thought about ways we could help children and widowed women from the war zone who we wish to bring to Romania to spend a time of comfort, encouragement, and support in their situations following their experiences in the war zone in Ukraine. We are praying and seeking opportunities for spiritual, emotional, and material support for them.

We believe that you, who are reading these words, can also be of help in some way. I don't know how, but I am convinced that if you ask for God's guidance in finding a way to get involved, the Lord will surely respond.

Today, we had discussions, alternative plans, and prayer. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, but we entrust it into the Lord's hands and declare that we want to be faithful, to love Him and our neighbor.

Be blessed, and don't forget to pray for us here in Romania and for those in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you!

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director

Forming Strong Partnerships

Blessings to all, much has happened lately. Among everything, I would like to mention one thing, namely that considering the Scripture's remark, "two are better than one," we have sought to create a partnership between the PIEI Mission and Choose Life, a Christian Association with a long history of work in Romania.

After a prior meeting between representatives of the Choose Life Association and myself, we managed to lay the groundwork for a time spent together between them and the living missionaries in Romania.

At the PIEI Center in Alba Iulia, we had a blessed time where we prayed and discussed each other's work, and then I was presented with the programs they have and run in Romania in collaboration with Churches and Christian Organizations.

We quickly realized that this possibility existed, and there was a desire for collaboration, following which we would develop certain projects in their mission field according to the missionaries' wishes and capabilities.

For the next seven weeks, as the beginning of our collaboration, we have decided to participate online in a training course called "Beyond Success." This course prepares the participants and allows them to implement this training among those they work with within the churches.

Moreover, this period is meant to create relationships and develop skills in each of our lives.

We hope that, just as the course began with enthusiasm, we can reach the finish line with the same enthusiasm.

We are glad to know that you support us in our endeavors and ask for the Lord's blessing and mercy for us. We also desire our relationships to be healthy under the authority of the Holy Spirit and, filled with His power, to put into practice the teachings we receive.

We also ask for your prayers so that nothing interrupts this process and we can successfully reach its completion.

Additionally, please pray for the missionaries, for our families, and for all those with whom we interact in our daily service.

Thank you for this prayer, knowing that we are in your prayers. Be blessed!

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director

The Grain Of Wheat Must Die To Bear Fruit

As always, we ought to thank God for everything. We strive to discover things that show how God the Father, through the Lord Jesus, upholds all things by the word of His power. We know that Jesus has all power in heaven and on earth, and we feel safe knowing that by obeying Him, we are guarded and protected in every place and moment. As willing servants, we have allowed our ears to be pierced, and we wouldn't want to return to where we were when we did not know Him.

The mission of PIEI in Romania, despite the trials, remains steadfast and continues its work through missionaries who have committed to fulfilling it. We have in mind the preservation of the vision, that of "making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that the Lord Jesus has commanded us" according to the text from Matthew 28:18-19.

Certainly, any Christian organization in the true sense of the word desires to support the church, local churches, in fulfilling the mandate entrusted to them; to the apostles and transmitted from generation to generation, beginning in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. We have taken on the great commission and sought legal ways according to the scriptures and the country's laws to bring the gospel of our generation where we have been placed.

International evangelist partners have found a way to fulfill what they have said through the following models:

  • Working together, strengthening relationships, and supporting each other

  • Seeking to win Romania for Christ

  • Concern and care for those in need

  • Facilitating the involvement of short-term mission teams

  • External mission and assisting foreigners

  • Prayer thoughts and support

Thanks to all who in one way or another support the mission work in Romania!

In terms of missionary collaboration, alongside serving and equipping faithful individuals with whom they are directly connected, evangelization and winning souls for Christ are also considered. Brother Relu Rodean, somewhere in the area of Campeni, struggles to hold up the flag of faith, encouraging the churches he serves and seeking to share the gospel even on the football field with young people in the town, providing moments to discuss with them about the teachings of the Lord Jesus and their need for salvation.

In the same region of the Apuseni Mountains, in Sohodol and Ponorel, among other places, Brother Florin Botar strives to be a good worker and a witness for the Lord Jesus, working with brothers but especially paying attention to those who are seeking salvation. Through various activities, evangelistic services, or discussions on the streets and in homes, he shares the gospel of the Lord Jesus' salvation through faith and reconciliation with God.

Brother Tani Nemes, besides his pastoral work, actively involves himself in the lives of teenagers and finds it opportune to work together with Brother Florin Botar and other missionaries, especially in special needs evangelism. He always seeks to show his faith through deeds.



Joldos, Emanuel is intensively involved in the lives of children, teenagers, and young people, seeking every way to present the gospel of the Lord Jesus to them and the redemptive sacrifice of Calvary as the only way of salvation for those who believe. Youth meetings, sports evangelism, and educational projects are effective tools in the life of the worker, who recently also got involved in helping a church in its shepherding, alongside missionary work carried out in PIEI.

Brother Daniel Petrut seizes every opportunity to offer a good testimony in the localities where he serves as a PIEI missionary, having connections with teachers and children in school, and finding joy and opportunities to show what the Lord Jesus can do in the lives of those who believe in Him.

Considering that certain programs can bring about major positive changes in the lives of young people and, especially, salvation, he finds it appropriate to be involved in organizing dreams both for his area of work and in places where other missionaries request his help. He has been working on preparing for the summer Bible study camp in July, and we are delighted to have a team from the United States with us.

About Cornel Fogorosiu, a brother like a young retiree, it can be said that he found a way not to withdraw from work but, on the contrary, to get involved in the lives of families, both those in the church and those who are not church members but are open to participating in church meetings and various events organized by him.

Crossing the Carpathians towards the southern part of the country, Brother Traian Chilau is still full of passion as in his younger years, a passion manifested in visiting the places where churches have been planted, in caring for brothers and the work, and especially in actively training a new generation team to carry on the work, Oiesti Disciple-Making Bible School.

Sister Florina Darvell continues to serve the Lord in Drăgănești Olt and helps the work in Beciu and Nenciulesti. She is involved in working with women and children, seeking to sow in the hearts of each participant love for the Lord and a desire to live a holy life, while also wanting to form a team to share the burden of the work and pass on the mission she received from the Lord.

Every year, on March 8th, we have sought to bring joy to the hearts of as many women as possible from the mission points where we work and to proclaim the Gospel. On this occasion, may the Lord continue to work in their hearts.

Brother Florin Sfetcu struggles in his work to remain faithful to the Lord and to present the gospel to both young and old. At the same time, he is involved in the project of constructing a house for use as a place of worship.

Brother Mihai Geabou, like the other missionaries, struggles to do the Lord's work and to do it as well as possible. He is actively involved and seeks to serve in both churches in Alexandria and Nenciulesti. Despite a complex working team, he works sacrificially both in the life of the church and in the communities where the churches are located, through developing medical evangelization programs on the street, discussions with people on various occasions, or situations managed by him, having a good collaboration with the town halls to obtain spaces to develop his work and to make the gospel known.

Good testimony of the work he does encourages people to be interested in the way of truth and to be searched in their souls. He desires to develop the work and in collaboration with churches nearby, organizes events to which people are invited, either regarding family study or medical missions, which leave a good impression on the minds of those who participate.

Brother Gabi Cuc, the man who prays, continues the work at Căciulătești, and strives to maintain and develop the work at Rotunda, but especially lately, he struggles in his prayers for each missionary, for those from PIEI Romania and those from PIEI both from the United States and from all the other countries that participate and are part of PIEI international.

As National Director of PIEI, I could say that I like and choose the mindset and lifestyle of the apostle Paul, who said that I do not value my life as if it were precious, and I only want to joyfully fulfill my course. The same man said words that apply to me; he said, "I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls. If I love you more, am I to be loved less?" So, in every situation and my relationships with both my fellow PIEI missionaries and with those in the church, I seek to engage and help each one grow in likeness to our Lord Jesus Christ with the work that I can say God has assigned to each one.

  • I visit my brothers

  • I evangelize children and adults

  • I help those in need

  • I serve, seeking to do good, alongside all those who love the Lord!

Reaching Romania

Certainly, there are many methods to evangelize and impact Romania with authentic Christian testimony. The work of the PIEI Organization meets the needs of both missionaries and churches, providing the Lord with four locations:

  • The PIEI Center in Alba Iulia

  • The Cabin and land in Necrilesti

  • The location in Podari

  • Campsite land in Vistisoara/Victoria

PIEI Center - Alba Iulia

Priority has been given to its renovation and equipping with the necessary facilities for operation. Thus, work has been done to finish the kitchen and critical spaces, redoing part of the electrical installations, painting the walls, and connecting the building to the water, sewer, and gas networks. At the same time, the location has been offered for meetings of the brothers, conferences, or various other events.


A blessed place by the Lord with complete peace and a breathtaking view. A vision that comes to life and seeks to positively affect all categories of people, from children to adults, even the elderly can enjoy this place. Currently, intensive work is being done on rehabilitating the cabin and equipping it for opening something that was scheduled for July 2024.


The third location, a gift and a tool given by the Lord, after the completion of the roof, we got involved in renovating two accommodation spaces. So we are in the process of finalizing two rooms, inside which two bathrooms are being built. The space offers the possibility of accommodation for those who will visit the southern part of the country. After completing the campsite in Necrilesti, our attention will turn to the renovation and use it and to help the missionaries in this area, the churches, and the mission teams that will come to serve.

Campsite Land Victoria/Vistisoara

Although we started working on documents and the project, we are currently waiting for some cadastral documents to be released to allow the completion of the project and the issuance of the Building Permit. However, we have managed to install internet cables, work aimed at that particular area. We continue to pray for this project, so necessary for the Lord's work in our country!

Aspects related to Christian care

This is a way to show our obedience to the Lord's commandments, who said that whenever we did these things to the least of His brothers, we did them to Him. The acts of faith, as James says, show that missionary fighters are not indifferent to the needs of those around them, so they have always been ready to help either with food, clothing, medicines, or other things to help people who are in precarious situations to fare better. We have not been able to meet all the needs, but certainly, some burdens have been lifted through the involvement of the Mission and PIEI Romania missionaries.

Short-term mission teams

So far, regarding this year, we have not enjoyed the presence and partnership of such teams. We had with us Brother Walter, the Mission Director, who visited the missionaries and the working areas in which they are located. We also had meetings with some of them in Draganesti Olt, having constructive discussions regarding the work of PIEI in Romania. We are awaiting teams that will come in the coming months, starting in July!

We were blessed by the visit of Sister Anita from the United States in January of this year! It was a blessed time!


Both our PIEI missionary brothers in Ukraine and their families, as well as those with whom they work, coming from the war zone, have always been in our prayers. We have not met with them this year, but we know that brothers from the United States are directly involved in supporting the work in Ukraine, which makes us, through the partnership created, still united with each other.

As National Director of PIEI, I have sought to serve Ukrainian refugees in Romania in the Sighișoara area through various donations obtained with the Lord's help, gathered by ICM from the United States. Additionally, I contributed through my service to arranging spaces for work with refugees at the Romanian Christian Center in Chernivtsi.

The work of the church in Chernivtsi with refugees.

Prayer requests:

  • Just as we pray daily for the PIEI mission, both those in the United States and those around the world where the mission is involved and has missionaries, we ask you to carry in prayer.

  • One thing we desire is to ask the Lord to open doors for us to bring the gospel and see people saved.

  • As we are taught, please support us in prayer for the raising up of workers to bring the pure gospel as we see it on the pages of Scripture to the next generation.

  • We desire to be led by the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the work to which we have been called.

  • Boldness to preach the Word.


We want to bring a few words of thanks to all of you who have in one way or another made yourselves available to the Lord for any good work. Thank you for your prayers, for your advice, for your service, for your financial support, and especially for your willingness to continue to do this work despite the obstacles that the world raises in the way of Christian ministry! For those in Romania in particular, I want to express my gratitude to Brother Jenu Stef, who, in the background, is so necessary for the work and advancement of the PIEI mission in Romania!

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director

Empowering Discipleship

Bless you all, to refresh our memory and to receive news from the missionaries of PIEI in Romania, each of them, in the place where they have been called and positioned by the Lord. Know that they strive to fulfill the words of the Lord Jesus, those of going and preaching the Gospel, and especially of teaching disciples to keep all that He commanded, to the apostles and through them to us.

I had the opportunity to visit Brother Traian Chilau, I found him well and deeply interested in doing the work of the Lord. Together we visited two of the churches where he serves. At the same time, he tried to train disciples, people who would carry on the work commanded by the Lord Jesus. 

I was pleasantly surprised to meet brothers and sisters who are eager to know the word of God not only to hear it but also to teach it, a fact that places them in the category of "special people," I would say, of the local churches. 

I was glad to meet people open to Bible study, to ask questions, to offer answers as they understood them, during the Bible study, which they practiced at home and coming together, they tried to encourage and motivate each other to be pleasing to the Lord and to do His will.

It was nice to see Brother Traian's desire to raise faithful people of the Lord, eager to carry on the work of the Lord, as well as his desire to leave behind a well-trodden path, an example for the churches he serves, including for other PIEI missionaries from other areas of the country. 

We thank God for the work He is doing in that area and also for His servants, whom He has called and entrusted with such a high ministry.

We call upon you to pray for all the PIEI missionaries in Romania, for their work, for the families they have, and for all those who benefit from their sacrifice! 

We also desire, especially those of us who are older, to find people who are trustworthy and able to carry on the pure and healthy teaching of the Holy Scriptures! 

Pray for this work as well. Thank you, and we are confident that you will do what we ask, even more!

May the grace of the Lord be with you!

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director

Meeting with the families

Blessings to all!

It is said that as the families of the church are, so is the church itself. Every pastor, and missionary, desires to have spiritually healthy, mature churches with a good testimony in the places where they are established. And we at Victoria desire the same to fulfill God's expectations.

We strive to be pleasing to Him in all things. It's not easy, sometimes it's even hard. It's necessary to "go against the current," which makes us stronger, and more capable. So, together with the church families, we have organized a time for Bible study, fellowship, and some rest!

We stood face to face with the appearance of this age, then after looking closely, we saw how "pleasant it is to the sight, how good it is to eat, and how desirable it is to open someone's mind."

Then we looked at it, counting its promises, judging/weighing it, and dividing things according to what Scripture says. We found that compared to what God says, the world has its alternatives, that we are so accommodated to them, that everything seems extremely normal to us, almost unacceptable that the Lord has a different perspective on things!

For example, the Lord God makes it known that if the first family/the first people do not obey the command, they will surely die on that day. Just as today there is discussion about whether they died, how they died, and for some, the fact that they did not die, just as much discussion is being held about whether the consequences of disobedience are evident today.

Of course, there have been many discussions and opinions, but in the end, we concluded that even today, Satan/the old serpent, LIES!!

On this occasion, we were delighted to have the Fogorosiu family, Cornel and Nuti, missionaries from PIEI!

The topic brought to the attention of the families by them was also pleasant and loaded with discussions; "Raising and disciplining children" as presented in the Book of Proverbs.

Thank you for any prayers you have offered before the Lord for us.

Please do not cease to intercede for the families of the Church, for our children, alongside us, for every missionary family in PIEI,

For all the families who have come or come into contact with us, to hear the Gospel and respond to the divine calling.

We pray for you and your families!

May grace be with all of you.

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director

Faith With Deeds

Greetings to all!

Another full week has passed in our lives, a week in which PIEI missionaries, some of whom were highly involved in the work carried out by Brother Cornel Fogorosiu in Alba Iulia.

We rejoiced in the visit of Sister Anita from the United States, who spent a few days with us visiting churches, meeting missionaries, and also spending time at the PIEI center in Alba Iulia with both sisters and families.

James in his letter says:

"Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds."

Nothing can be more eloquent than the fact that the things we say are affirmed in action by those who speak. Similarly, we are delighted that the things we report are highlighted in the actions and deeds we do according to the gifts and calling the Lord has given us.

So, after visiting the Fogorosiu family and the church in Nou, the church in Victoria had the honor of being visited by Sister Anita and speaking about some of the things happening in this place. Although we are a small church, we desire to do great things for the Lord and be involved in the community's daily life. We would be glad if our actions could reach the ends of the earth. Is this possible? Through our efforts, it's hard to say, but with God's help and guided by His Spirit, we strive to be a light in the world and salt for this earth.

On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the PIEI center in Alba hosted a meeting dedicated to families, and we were glad that besides Christian families, other families have not yet entered into a covenant with the Lord but are not far from it. We pray that the time they spend with us will be a time that helps each of them choose to follow the Lord soon.

Friday evening was spent in a time of getting to know each other, in a time of questions and answers, singing, and prayer. We hope this time was spent profitably, and the answers to the questions asked were helpful to those interested in this work. Although the time allocated for the meeting was set beforehand, the discussions continued past midnight, and many of those who participated wanted to spend more time in that place, an opportunity to get to know us and see how we view and do things.

On Saturday morning, we had two workshops, one for men and one for women. I took care of the meeting with the men on Saturday morning and sought to show the participants what kind of family God desires and what kind of man God desires for His family. The sisters had a special time, and with the kindness of Sister Livia Zdrâng, they enjoyed discussing the women of the Bible, witnessing and receiving teaching that encouraged them all. After this time, Brother Cornel Fogoroșiu had a special time teaching families about what love and respect mean in family life.

Missionaries from the Alba - Sibiu area had the opportunity to meet Sister Anita, talk about their work, their family, and themselves, and answer the questions asked of them. Last but not least, they were able to thank Sister Anita and the church for their involvement in supporting the work in Romania, leaving the door open for this collaboration to continue in the future if it is the Lord's will.

It is fitting to express a heartfelt thank you for the faithfulness of the church over the years, and we pray that the Lord will bless it and make it a reliable support for all missionaries spread across the earth.

The way Brother Mike and his wife, as well as Jenu and Sister Violeta, hosted and treated us, was outstanding, and they ensured that no one lacked anything on this occasion. We thank them for these things!

We rejoice that once again the Lord has used us in His work, and we hope that fruit will be brought forth and that the harvest will remain.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for PIEI missionaries in Romania.

  • Pray that the work of the Lord will spread through them in the country, and the seed of the Gospel, sown on every occasion, will find fertile ground and bring forth fruit.

We thank all those who read these lines, who pray for us, who support and look forward with hope that you will choose to visit our country and lend us a helping hand!

We continue to pray for you and ask the Lord to guard you from all evil, to give you grace and growth in knowledge of Him!

Timotei Stânea - PIEI National Director

Teen Challenges

Blessings to all of you. After about two months of preparation for an event related to drug prevention, the Church, through its youth, accomplished this mission. Together with the Teen Challenge organization in Cluj, which graciously accepted three young people from their ranks to come and spend about four days with us, along with the youth from the two high schools in Victoria City, the youth from several churches in the area, and implicitly with the Church I pastor, with the help of the Lord Jesus.

Their presence had a significant impact, especially because they were formerly drug users who, by God's grace, had experienced deliverance. Utilizing the work of the Teen Challenge organization, the Lord has rehabilitated many lives, restored relationships and families, and, at the same time, saved souls that now testify to the impact of the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Sharing their personal experiences had a profound effect on the participants, sparking interest and many questions related to such a lifestyle and the disturbance it causes in the lives of those who experience addiction. Over 250 people had the opportunity to be informed, to better understand what a life immersed in the empire of forbidden substances means, but more importantly, it became evident that there are underlying causes to lead to such a life, if it can be called a life.

I would mention two of them, which were extremely evident to the participants and contributed significantly to many traumas, sufferings, and a heightened risk to life.

1. Dysfunctional family environment: A high proportion of lives are destroyed because often parents do not have a good, correct relationship with their children, and vice versa. As the Holy Scripture says in the book of Malachi, a significant problem is that the hearts of parents and children are not turned towards each other. This is an extremely important reason for God to punish a nation. Today, we face a similar situation where the importance of genuine, pure, and true love gets overlooked due to various concerns of parents for a better life and achieving their dreams.

2. Bad friendships: The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians that "bad company corrupts good character." Due to the pressure of the home atmosphere and the high influence of negative peer groups, many young people, and not only them, are not prepared or taught how to handle negative influences, leading to the breakdown of their lives with evident costs for both the family and the individuals.

We pray for the Church to impact society, being salt and light in this world. May it be a place where all those in need can find comfort, help, and advice, and provide moral and material support to those going through such situations. What can ultimately save a person's life is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, in which the saving power of God is found for all who receive it, believe it, and choose to live by it.

The PIEI mission (Partners in International Evangelization) was part of this event, proving the interest in living out concrete actions that stem from the teachings of the Lord Jesus for the saved.

Prayer Requests:

  • Families where relationships are strained

  • Those living and experiencing traumas within their families

  • Those who have experienced deliverance remain steadfast on this path

  • The love of the Churches is evident in their relationship with all people

  • Protection from evil for all of us

Through the involvement of PIEI, many people find the Truth, the only one that brings complete freedom! Thank you all for any support you offer! Grace in all your lives!

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director

A Continuous Celebration

Blessings to all,

The celebration of the Savior's Birth extends beyond December 24-26. It is not just an occasion but a way of life that reflects upon the entire lives of Christians and, through them, upon the world.

Even in Victoria, the Baptist Christian Church hosted and served a large number of parents and children even before the arrival of the Christmas celebration. Together with MWB (Mission Without Borders), with whom the Church has been collaborating for many years, we combined gifts and the Gospel, once again managing to refresh the Truth in the hearts and minds of the present parents and children.

Christmas carols, a Biblical-themed skit, and songs along with the Truth about the essence of the Holiday, especially about the Lord Jesus, the true celebrant, constituted the content of the meeting. Joy and good spirits added flavor to the gathering even though the holiday was yet to arrive.

So, you can celebrate Emmanuel both before and during the holiday season and even after it passes! The reality is that you can have a continuous celebration of Christ Jesus when you believe!

Be blessed, and don't forget, each of you can have a CONTINUOUS Celebration!

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director

"How do y’all?"

Greetings to all,

After a few days of recovery, I can now write a few lines about my visit to the United States and the experiences I had there, as well as my return and the reception by those back home. I am grateful to God that I safely returned home after my visit to the United States, facilitated by the kindness and involvement of PIEI, of which I am a member.

First and foremost, I would like to thank the Lord for the opportunity and life experiences I had throughout November in the United States, along with dear brothers and sisters belonging to the PIEI organization and, more importantly, dear brothers and sisters belonging to the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.

My gratitude extends to all those who had the kindness and disposition to meet with me, creating the opportunity for me to talk about the work of the Lord, which the PIEI missionaries do in Romania. I am thankful for the time they devoted to me and to Brother Cornel Stef, for the love with which they received us, whether in churches, families, various places, or in their homes for breakfast or even dinner.

I had the experience of meeting people who were delighted to hear news about the impact of their involvement in the work of PIEI missionaries in Romania. Although it might be challenging for me to list them all now, I hope they will come across these lines. To all those I met and whose love I benefited from during our time together, I believe they will find joy in knowing that I refer to them and to everyone with whom I spent time, especially during moments in the house of the Lord during ministry and preaching the Word.

Cultural differences undoubtedly play a role, but beyond that, I have seen and experienced that the Spirit of God is the one bringing together all those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into their lives, both as Savior and Lord! It was pleasant to know that I am within the Christian family, the family of God's children and that no matter how far I am from home, I had a pleasant experience and can say that I felt at home. Thanks for the feeling and experience of finding the same love of God manifested through you, especially those with whom I met and spent a wonderful time.

May the Lord bless you and keep you close to Him, so that nothing may separate you from Him, and may we all together be with Him forever!

The return home was full of adventures, and even more so, life lessons. Although I arrived late at night, there was prepared food and cakes waiting for me as a sign and welcome "among my own," the people of Victoria, the church I have been serving for over 33 years.

The moment of meeting with the church on Sunday was delightful and joyful. Everyone who attended the church welcomed my wife and me, embracing us and offering words of welcome. Some, jokingly, said, "Never leave again, Americans!" Everyone wanted to know how it was, how the church in the United States is, how the people are if I learned something new, and what experiences I had. So, I promised to share with them my experiences throughout December, every Thursday evening after our Bible study.

Today, I had the opportunity to meet with the PIEI Committee in Romania and discuss the strategy we aim to implement starting next year. I informed the brothers about the progress of the work in the United States, how good and pleasant my visit was, and the meetings I had, thanks to the scheduling done by Brother Cornel Ștef, Alex, Rodica, and Brother Walter.

I can't overlook the joy and pleasure of spending time in the home of Brother Mihai Iulian and his wife, Alina. He was a member of the Lord's church in Victoria. It was a blessed and efficient time, and may the Lord bless them.

Brief details about the meeting with my brothers include deciding to meet weekly online to pray and analyze our work in the light of the Word and our possibilities. Monthly, we decided to send a report of our activities, discussions, and decisions to our brothers on the PIEI Committee in the United States. We also want to express our gratitude for all those who pray for us, support the work, and want to get involved with short-term mission teams.

One notable decision we made is to always make decisions with the agreement of all those involved. We aim for unity within the Committee and want to see the same unity among our brothers in the PIEI Committee in the United States. We will never make a decision based on a vote that could lead to disagreements and division within the Committee. We pray to the Lord to help us in this work, to watch over it at all times and believe that the Spirit of God is the one who can accomplish this, and we want to be led by Him.

We desire with all our hearts to be guided by the teachings of the Scriptures in our actions, to seek the will of the Lord, and not to do anything out of a spirit of contention or vain glory. We will focus our attention on the Christian Center and its vision, which has been there since the project phase before it was built, namely to win young people for Christ. We want to pay special attention to the facilities that, once resolved, can be made available to the Lord to fulfill this vision. We decided to purchase a tent to be placed on the land behind the existing building and to be used to its full capacity in the work we have committed to.

The second project is in Podari, which requires extensive renovation, intending for it to become a tool that PIEI can use to further the Gospel work. The other two projects in Negrilești and Victoria are on the Committee's working list, and investments will be made according to the needs of each project.

Lastly, we want collaboration with the surrounding churches and even those in Alba County to be effective, supporting any church with the potential to advance the Lord's work, so people may be saved, and the church may be built.

As we approach the celebration of the Lord's birth, I would like to wish you all a blessed time, and the joy of praising the Lord in the community of believers, that is, in the Church of Christ, and also in your families. Be blessed by the Lord, and may His grace overflow abundantly upon all of you.

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director 

Fellowship with my brothers in the USA and ministry in Romania

Greetings to all! It has been two weeks in the States, and I can confidently say that this journey has been a blessing from the very start, and it continues to be so. I am hopeful and actively seeking His guidance until the end of my stay. I was graciously hosted in the homes of Brother Alex and Rodica, and later in the home of Brother Cornel and Gabi, where we shared a blessed and meaningful time together. I had the privilege of participating in special moments at the PIEI meeting, connecting with brothers and sisters from various mission areas globally. Despite hailing from multiple countries and cultures, we share a common mission of evangelism, church planting, and disciple-making. This shared purpose motivates each of us to serve the Lord as long as we live in this world and wherever He has placed us.

During the nearly two weeks spent here with Brother Cornel, we visited churches and engaged with brothers, pastors, families, and friends. We discussed the current happenings in Romania and the dedicated work of missionaries in their respective areas. We delved into recent events at the PIEI center, where several young people enjoyed sports, fellowship, and received scriptural teachings from Brother Emanuel Joldos and Brother Beni Joldos. This event serves as a pilot program that we aspire to develop further, focusing on working with young people and presenting the Gospel to them. Our prayer is for the Lord to work in their hearts, leading to a genuine and sincere turning to Him, a life lived in obedience, and, above all, to see in each of them the zeal of dedicated disciples serving the Lord in His kingdom on earth.

Moreover, at the PIEI center, a sisters' meeting took place, with over 100 sisters participating in the International Day of Prayer. They rejoiced in the presence and work of the Lord among them, praising Him through songs and absorbing teachings. Reflecting on the past 19 days of my journey, I can affirm that I had a blessed time and fellowship with churches, not only through preaching but also through conversations that allowed me to better understand and directly hear about the current situation in Romania.

Another significant event attended was the PIEI banquet, where I connected with brothers and sisters from both the United States and Romania, who have been here for an extended period. We enjoyed time together, shared memories, and presented the work that PIEI is actively involved in. We encouraged everyone to consider becoming co-laborers with PIEI in Romania. Our prayer is that their hearts will be moved by what they have witnessed and heard, leading them to decide to get involved, whether through prayer or financial support. In particular, they were encouraged to participate in short-term mission teams and collaborate with missionaries in the field. Some have expressed their desire, and we hope that God will bless this intention, turning it into action.

Ministry in Romania

We are very thankful for the wonderful summer we’ve had here at PIEI Center Alba Iulia, Romania and also grateful for an abundant and rich in events fall. We have started with a pastors meeting from all over Alba county, where about 10 pastors and their wife’s have been invited for fellowship and also to find out more about PIEI ministry and how PIEI would like to get involved helping local churches and ministries with this great facility, the PIEI Center. 

This meeting was of great encouragement for those present, and it turned up into a sum of events in the following weeks. One of the pastors wife, which is involved in a women’s ministry in church, deceided to  come and have an annual women’s prayer confference which was attended by more than a hundred ladies. 

Another event that took place on mid octomber was PIEI’s missionary annual meeting. We have been honored to have with us PIEI’s president, Cornel Stef, the treasurer of PIEI – Rodica Popa and her husband Alex Popa as well as PIEI’s mission director, Walter Windsor Cunningham. 

PIEI’s annual meeting lasts for 3 days and in this time, our national director, Timotei Stanea is making sure all missionaries get to talk and share how is everything going on the mission field, what the missionaries are confronted with in their local area, a little bit of feedback and how things can be improved. One thing that really helps everyone is that coming to Alba for this 3 days meeting, allows the missionaries to take a fresh breathe and somehow refresh their mind, body and soul, getting to just rest , talk with their mission partners from other counties. Every time we get together with our missionaries we are trying to make it feel like they are at some retreat place, and they are being served by others. Sometimes you need to sit down and rest and PIEI through it’s annual meetings wants to give this opportunity to it’s missionaries to take a 3 days rest and come to Alba where they can just related to others and listen to a word of encouragement from the national director of visitors like those mentioned above. 

Since the weather is turning cold outside, Emanuel Joldos, one of PIEI’s missionaries, is holding indoor activities inside PIEI Center. Teens of different ages come along to play and listen to gospel, read and explained by Emanuel to them in small stories or life teachings.

We would like to let know that all this events are possible because people like, belive what the bible verse says … whoever sows generously will also reap generously…and belive it or not, it’s not only about money, but it’s that discipline of taking time and pray or fast, or share with others about the joy that we have to be partners with you and how God works here in Romania. 

Thank you and May God Bless you,

Timotei Stanea- National Director Romania

Annual Report

My name is Stinea Timotei-Valentin (the one who honors God). I am 57 years old. I am married to Marilena. We have been blessed with 4 children, three girls and one boy, three sons-in-law, and 9 grandchildren. I have been working with PIEI as a missionary since 1991. Currently, I serve as the National Director of PIEI in Romania and pastor a small church in Victoria.


Pastoral Theology - Emanuel University Oradea Master of Arts


I was called to ministry through the text from 2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine”.

Thanks: I offer heartfelt thanks to God for His immeasurable grace and faithfulness, and for His caring provision for us, His servants, PIEI missionaries, in the year 2023.

Jesus said in John 10:16, "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd."

I like to believe that in the mind of the Lord Jesus when He spoke of other sheep, we from Romania were included. And if this were not enough, I am comforted by His words in John 17:20; "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word."

We Believe in Him Through His Word

We would like to mention some of how the Great Shepherd continued His work of "gathering His flock" in Romania. He faithfully builds His Church, calling souls to salvation and equipping them for every good work, to all those who receive and listen to Him.

Romania after COVID no longer resembles what it was before. That period marked many lives, both of unbelievers and believers. Like a sifting, the faith of some has been strengthened while others have lost it. It was not easy, and if it were not for the Great Shepherd of the sheep, how scattered we would have been? So, we owe it to Him that we still exist, and His work continues through us, you, and many others worldwide. A path we desire to be holy, dedicated, and effective is PIEI, both in Romania and everywhere else.

Missionary Service:

  • 12 missionaries work in 28 mission locations, continuing in 2023 to serve the Lord through their sacrificial involvement in evangelization: in homes, places of worship, on the streets, outdoors, from person to person in small groups, or larger gatherings.

Listening to the Lord Jesus, we sought to share the Gospel with every creature, young and old, men and women... We used various legitimate methods to bring the Word to people.

I recall:

  • evangelization programs: visits to families, educational activities, teaching English and German, distributing Bibles and New Testaments, After School programs, VBS (Vacation Bible School), camps, excursions, events, and Bible studies.

  • Christian care for the poor, sick, widows, orphans, refugees, both in the country and in Ukraine.

I can say with all my heart that every PIEI missionary has been filled with passion in their area of work. Hundreds of children and young people have heard the Gospel, and hundreds of parents have come into contact with PIEI missionaries and the Gospel. We pray that this holy seed will sprout and bear fruit.

By God's grace, the missionaries had the opportunity to meet at the PIEI Christian center in Alba Iulia three times in 2023. Twice they were together with their families, a blessed and appreciated time for each of them. We focused on fellowship, Bible study, prayer, but also rest.

The issues related to the organization and legislation of our work have been placed on the table, so that each missionary works legally, respecting the country's updated laws. The last meeting focused on preserving and strengthening relationships among missionaries and the churches they serve.

In the Gospel of Matthew 4:21, it says that James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were mending (Katartizo - meaning uniting or restoring) their nets. Similarly, PIEI missionaries were encouraged to restore, meaning to bring their relationships in line with biblical principles, improving cooperation so that each one is involved in the life and work of others, according to the gifts received from the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, the PIEI mission will have several projects that will be carried out at the organization's level. Each missionary will lead one of these projects:

  • Aurel Rodean - sports evangelization

  • Botar Florin - evangelization in families

  • Nemes Traian - evangelization through meeting needs

  • Emanuel Joldos - evangelization of adolescents and young people

  • Petrut Daniel - evangelization through organizing camps and VBS

  • Cornel Fogorosiu - evangelization through working with families

  • Traian Chilau - discipleship and worker training

  • Gabi Cuc - evangelization through prayer

  • Florina Darvell - evangelization through working with women

  • Sfetcu Florin - evangelization through construction work

  • Mihail Geabou - evangelization through press and media

  • Timotei Stinea - evangelization through serving all, leadership, mentoring, and counseling.

Here are various ways of service that we invite you to join us in implementing. I know that there are many local works in which you are involved. I dare to ask and invite you to join us, based on a Scripture verse that the Lord speaks to those involved... "For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance."

In the same vein, God has opened new doors for PIEI, offering the opportunity for a broader work towards winning Romania for Christ. Thus, PIEI RO has a Christian Center in the center of Romania, in Alba Iulia, where efforts are being made to be a "sacred tool" used for:

  • God's glory

  • Welcoming short-term mission teams

  • Christian involvement in the surrounding church community

  • Education

  • Conferences

  • Sports

  • Rest

  • Offices

We look confidently towards the future and hope that by 2025, PIEI International will be able to have a meeting with the participation of all fathers belonging to the PIEI organization worldwide.

  • Christian Center

    • Location: Podari

    • An open door for work

    • It is a property that owns two hectares of land, a building with 12 rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a meeting room - all with utilities. In 2023, the entire roof of the building was replaced, and renovation work inside the building began. It is desired that the place be used by missionaries from the southern part of the country and by the surrounding churches, as well as by mission teams coming to support missionary work.

  • Location: Necrilesti

    • Another open door

    • A wonderful place where we want to have a camp, a place where individuals, families, and churches, can retreat, seeking the Lord: in prayer, meditation, counseling, studies, and rest.

  • City: Victoria

    • Another open door, provided by the Lord for the establishment of a camp for children, adolescents, and young people, which PIEI desires and through which it aims to reach and impact all of Romania and perhaps even the ends of the earth. For now, we have encountered a legal obstacle. We face difficulties in finalizing the documents and obtaining the construction permit. We pray and seek solutions and support in overcoming the situation. We have a construction plan, and we desire to see it realized.

Working together, PIEI aims to be a support and a co-worker for churches that do not belong to PIEI families, but belong to the Lord like us. 26 Pastors and their wives were invited to a dinner by the PIEI organization. An opportunity to develop and strengthen relationships with them and to find ways to work together. We had a beautiful fellowship, blessed by the Lord, and the possibility of opening another field of ministry for the mission.

A youth meeting and a prayer meeting of the sisters from the Community of Baptist Christian Churches in Sibiu will take place in November, which are the first fruits of this Fellowship.

  • External Mission: PIEI Romania has stood by the missionaries and the work of PIEI in Ukraine, our brothers, who are going through difficult times and are being heavily called upon to cope with the large number of refugees who have come to their area of work. They support even the soldiers on the front line with food and protective clothing during battles. They offer the Word of God in the form of the New Testament to those who fight.

Short-term Mission

We have been blessed by the presence of mission teams that have been involved in various areas of service alongside the missionaries:

  • Construction projects in Podari, led by Brother Walter.

  • Distribution of eyeglasses.

  • Working with children and families, including meetings with PIEI missionaries.

Brother Florin Sfetcu said: "Mission teams have helped me the most and the best." So we invite and await you to consider, among all the choices you make, to be a part of a short-term mission team in Romania, working together with us, according to the gifts and power that the Lord has given you.


We believe that if these were lacking, something would not have gone well. The Apostle Paul tells Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:12, "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted."

Directly or indirectly, the accusation of proselytism continues (accusing us of stealing the sheep). We are called false teachers, wolves in sheep's clothing. People are urged to stay away from us and not associate with us. In some places, they are threatened that if they have relations with born-again believers, they will not benefit from religious rites, etc.

Materialism and pleasures continue to blind the eyes of those of our kin, causing them to avoid the saving Word for them. The media focuses its attacks on the Church in general. The education of children is subjected to assaults in various ways by organizations that do not love the Lord.

The weak testimony of some believers discredits the work of the Lord. And many other obstacles can be listed that the evil one has raised in the path of the Gospel. However, we thank the LORD that HE defends His flock, and the chosen ones will never be snatched out of His hands.

Prayers and Requests:

"Whatever you ask for yourselves" and perhaps it can stand before the Lord wherever you are asking, ask for us. This is what we do for you.

We thank all of you who carry us in prayer, who financially support the work in Romania, who have been a part of mission teams and paid a price for it, not only financially but also physically and spiritually.

We also thank those of you who will want and choose to get involved in the future in any of the mentioned things above. We invite you to come alongside us, and together in Romania, let's be fellow workers with God.

Timotei Stinea – PIEI National Director

Lord, what do you want me to do?

I came into this world one month after my father passed away. The doctor told my mother to terminate the pregnancy or risk her own life. In obedience to the Lord, she entrusted her life to Him, accepting the risk of losing her own life to give birth to me. For 11 years, she diligently taught both of us boys the Biblical model of Christ's followers, then she went “home”.

After that moment, I slowly rebelled, becoming a young man full of hatred and openly declaring myself an enemy of God.

By the age of 20, my “argument” with the Lord had turned into an open war, taking every opportunity to mock Him. Oh Father, forgive my madness!

Loved despite my lack of love, I understood this when I experienced the state of being one called to judgment and without a Defender... only one solution.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on me. And He listened to me. After this, I asked Him insistently: Lord, what do you want me to do? He answered me, “Preach the Word, be steadfast in it, in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all long-suffering and teaching.” Since then, and until today, this is what I do!

I do it as a disciple of the Lord Jesus, as a servant of the Gospel, as a missionary, and as the national director of PIEI in Romania, as a pastor of the Church in Victoria, as a husband, father, and brother to those who love and obey the Lord. I am married to Marilena, my wife, and we are blessed with four children, three girls and one boy. Alongside my family, the Lord has given me three sons-in-law and nine grandchildren. I can say, with gratitude to the Lord, that we belong to Him!

As the National Director of PIEI Romania, I desire, pray, and do everything within my power for PIEI to fulfill the Lord's command in Matthew 28:18-20. Together with the PIEI missionaries in the country, we strive to be fulfillers of the Word, spreading the Gospel to places it has not yet reached, and teaching people, through word and example, to believe in the likeness of the Lord Jesus. Twelve missionaries work in 28 locations, planting and serving local churches.

I serve my brothers by visiting them and encouraging each one to be faithful in what they have been entrusted with.

I am seeking to develop PIEI projects in all these service areas, personally participating in or supporting their work. I take pleasure in bringing them together with their families to the PIEI Center in Alba Iulia, where fellowship strengthens relationships and rejuvenates their families.

Reaching Romania

By grace, we have been given everything we have as a mission of PIEI in our country. We have four properties entrusted to us by our Lord, Jesus Christ. This is not just a saying, but a reality. Therefore, we want all these places to be dedicated to the Lord. In each of them, He should be the Master, and all who cross their threshold should experience the presence of the Lord.

The Christian Center PIEI-Alba is used for fellowship, prayer, studies, sports, education, and more. In September, we had the joy of hosting pastors from Alba and the surrounding areas, along with their wives, as guests for a dinner. We organized the meeting as a special moment prepared for them, to honor them for their service and sacrifice. We also discussed how PIEI can assist the churches in Alba Iulia and the surrounding areas. It was a blessed time for which we thank the Lord and those who facilitated the event.

We pray that at Podari, the place will be like a 'beating heart' that sustains Christian life in the southern part of the country. I am thankful to the Lord for the church I am a part of. Though it may not be large in number, it prays and engages in serving according to the will of the Lord, even to the ends of the earth.


  • The Lord to open doors for me to proclaim the Word

  • To be in His will continuously

  • To have discernment and proficiency that comes from Him in all that I do

  • To be a faithful and good servant.

Thank you for any support that comes from you, the one reading these lines patiently. I call on you to be a part together with me and all my comrades in the work of PIEI in Romania. Be blessed by the Lord!

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director

Peaks And Valleys

Blessings to everyone,

It is pleasant to know that you are working together with God. This is not just an impression, nor a deception, but a visible reality. Many years ago, the Baptist Christian Community in Sibiu asked me to get involved in the work of the Hope Church in Ramnicu Valcea.

The churches also have their "peaks" and "valleys". Some workers are with the churches throughout this journey, while others are in the "valleys", and some on the "peaks". I was, together with the church, in its "valleys", and God worked in all of us, so we could see the "horizon" again.

By the way: I visited "La Cascada" in Covasna, a town somewhere in the central region of Romania, after participating in the dedication of the Cult Place of the Church in Zagon. As I climbed the stairs, I looked up to the end of them and noticed among the tree branches a patch of blue sky with a few white clouds, giving the impression of a pathway to where God dwells! I had a feeling of unique joy and fullness, unlike the usual ones. So, in my heart, I thanked and praised the Lord for this small experience.

As I climbed, I noticed that the "patch of the sky" was complemented by the crowns of the trees, then by their trunks, then by buildings, cars, people, paths, grass, and a few withered leaves fallen to the ground from where they had been not long before. At that moment, through this small experience, I understood something with applications in my life and in our lives on this earth: When we are in deep valleys/difficult moments that we experience, we look up, waiting for an open door, a way of salvation. However, as we climb, the situations are not as difficult anymore. We come out of them, our gaze shifts from the sky to the ground, and we almost forget the "patch of sky" and the help that came from there!

If we forget, surely in heaven, there are books of remembrance being written, whose content will undoubtedly refresh our memory on That Day, and which will contribute to our eternal reward!

Returning to my time of service at the Hope Church in Râmnicu Vâlcea, I can say that in the "hard service", the "patch of the sky" was so close... I served the fellowship, encouraging everyone to be faithful to the Lord throughout their earthly lives. The young people established families and became adults, and parents. Now, they raise their children in the fear of the Lord, and the result of their way of life and the teaching they give to their children bears fruit.

So, the Grigore family rejoiced to see their 17-year-old son in the waters of baptism. I rejoiced and preached, as simply as I could, "so that every person can understand," following the words of Brother Pastor Ionel Gag and to "write history" in this locality with an ancient historical attestation, but with a New Testament baptism, the first in the community's history.

May the Lord's blessing be with them there and with all of us, wherever we may be!

Prayer Requests:

  • That brother Beniamin may grow beautifully in the way of faith and walk on the Lord's Path until the end of his life.

  • May the Lord bless the locality of Horezu, and may many turn back to the Lord. Pray together with me that in the places where I find myself, I may honor the Lord, His Church, and the Mission of Partners in International Evangelism, which I represent in the dual capacity of a servant and National Director.

Stinea Timotei - PIEI Romania Missionary