Because we are at the beginning of a new year, i would like to share with you a bit of what has been going on past year and what we are expecting God to do this year.
The church I serve enjoys peace and wants to please the Lord.
Brothers and sisters are eager to serve, those who are still able to do so, and those who are old and sick are encouraged to intercede before the Lord for those who are actively involved in various ministries of the church. We still have an after school program for 35 children and we were also involved in helping the surrounding churches with packages for the celebration of the birth of the Lord.
The missionaries received few gifts this year, 10 each, we also helped two other churches to support the work among children who do not belong to the church or the evangelical environment, namely the church in Craiva and the church in Pitesti.
And this year we had the opportunity to go to the city and sing carols, by which we bring the news of the savior's birth and the Gospel message to those we would interact with. We pray that the seed sown on the occasion of carols may bear fruit in due time.
We were also able to spend together with the church the passing of the years, thanking the Lord for the fact that he helped us to be able to be witnesses and to be together in unity, works done by the Holy Spirit.
We want to be more fruitful this year and it is expected from each of the church members to put their gifts both in the service of the brothers and sisters but also in the service of the local community as a way of establishing relationships and being able to preach the gospel to those who need salvation.
Although the distances are quite large between the mission points of about 400 km, we still want to have a functional brotherly relationship and keep in touch with each other. Even if the distances make it difficult for all the missionaries to collaborate and work together, nevertheless the missionaries came together engaging in common projects during church services and in this way they also served together on the occasion of baptisms or sports activities.
One of the wishes of the missionaries and a concern of ours is to pray and look for people called to good and reliable work, to whom we can entrust the baton of the work.
This is a significant point for some of us and we ask you to pray that the Lord will bring out workers and add them to the missionary work in Romania.
We continue that every Monday of every week, we have a time of fellowship in prayer to meet and bring before the Lord our needs, of the churches and brothers in the United States and not only, but also of those who have us conveyed their needs. We seek to be faithful in this aspect and rejoice whenever we meet and see each other.
We look with confidence to the time ahead of us and we pray for both our country and the United States, that we will have mission teams to support us in the work we do, whether it is working with children or helping those in need, of widows and orphans, the eye glasses ministry and last but not least in evangelizing people .
As a need for prayer, I would mention the intercession for each missionary that the Lord encourages and strengthens them not to weaken on the way and to bring their work to completion with joy.
We are waiting for you to support us in prayer as we said that the Lord will help us to find people whose heart is dedicated to the Lord and who will enlarge the ministry teams and even take over the responsibilities of the workers.
We want the Lord to open doors for the gospel so pray with us for us and as many opportunities to share the gospel as possible.
Pray that the Lord will put on the heart of the brothers and sisters the desire to search, to know the word and to live according to what is written.
Because we are arrears regarding a work strategy in church planting, we want this to become a priority in the shortest possible time and for every missionary in Romania to have a plan, a well-grounded strategy valid for each of us, a strategy on to implement it. Pray that the Lord will help us to complete this project.
Thank you to all those who have a heart and will also bring our request before the Lord and we will also continue to pray for you. Thank you.
One of the most important projects of the P.I.E.I.Romaniai organization is to complete one by one the projects in the areas that will have an impact not only for the missionaries but also for the whole country.
Here I would like to mention the work from Necrilesti where last year teams came on a short-term mission from the United States together with missionaries and other brothers and sisters from the churches and we had a time dedicated to this place through prayer.
From then until now, progress has been made in terms of the cottage and the surrounding facilities.
You certainly have many things to do, but we trust in the Lord who has all the resources that he can take care and in this way and in this way we can have camps both for the missionaries of the organization and for the churches that will request this thing.
The upstairs rooms as well as those on the ground floor, the kitchen, the great room are completed, and outside, the toilets and showers are almost ready to be put into use.
It is necessary for each room to be assigned the furniture for accommodation, the kitchen, the necessary appliances and crockery, as well as tables and chairs or benches for the place where food is to be served. Equally necessary is the finishing of showers and toilets.
Financial but also human resources are needed and we are waiting for the Lord to put it on the hearts of the people raised to him to get involved according to what they have, and not what they don't have, prayer, financial, physical participation both in terms of construction and in service and work with young children.