Empowering Discipleship

Bless you all, to refresh our memory and to receive news from the missionaries of PIEI in Romania, each of them, in the place where they have been called and positioned by the Lord. Know that they strive to fulfill the words of the Lord Jesus, those of going and preaching the Gospel, and especially of teaching disciples to keep all that He commanded, to the apostles and through them to us.

I had the opportunity to visit Brother Traian Chilau, I found him well and deeply interested in doing the work of the Lord. Together we visited two of the churches where he serves. At the same time, he tried to train disciples, people who would carry on the work commanded by the Lord Jesus. 

I was pleasantly surprised to meet brothers and sisters who are eager to know the word of God not only to hear it but also to teach it, a fact that places them in the category of "special people," I would say, of the local churches. 

I was glad to meet people open to Bible study, to ask questions, to offer answers as they understood them, during the Bible study, which they practiced at home and coming together, they tried to encourage and motivate each other to be pleasing to the Lord and to do His will.

It was nice to see Brother Traian's desire to raise faithful people of the Lord, eager to carry on the work of the Lord, as well as his desire to leave behind a well-trodden path, an example for the churches he serves, including for other PIEI missionaries from other areas of the country. 

We thank God for the work He is doing in that area and also for His servants, whom He has called and entrusted with such a high ministry.

We call upon you to pray for all the PIEI missionaries in Romania, for their work, for the families they have, and for all those who benefit from their sacrifice! 

We also desire, especially those of us who are older, to find people who are trustworthy and able to carry on the pure and healthy teaching of the Holy Scriptures! 

Pray for this work as well. Thank you, and we are confident that you will do what we ask, even more!

May the grace of the Lord be with you!

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director