Forming Strong Partnerships

Blessings to all, much has happened lately. Among everything, I would like to mention one thing, namely that considering the Scripture's remark, "two are better than one," we have sought to create a partnership between the PIEI Mission and Choose Life, a Christian Association with a long history of work in Romania.

After a prior meeting between representatives of the Choose Life Association and myself, we managed to lay the groundwork for a time spent together between them and the living missionaries in Romania.

At the PIEI Center in Alba Iulia, we had a blessed time where we prayed and discussed each other's work, and then I was presented with the programs they have and run in Romania in collaboration with Churches and Christian Organizations.

We quickly realized that this possibility existed, and there was a desire for collaboration, following which we would develop certain projects in their mission field according to the missionaries' wishes and capabilities.

For the next seven weeks, as the beginning of our collaboration, we have decided to participate online in a training course called "Beyond Success." This course prepares the participants and allows them to implement this training among those they work with within the churches.

Moreover, this period is meant to create relationships and develop skills in each of our lives.

We hope that, just as the course began with enthusiasm, we can reach the finish line with the same enthusiasm.

We are glad to know that you support us in our endeavors and ask for the Lord's blessing and mercy for us. We also desire our relationships to be healthy under the authority of the Holy Spirit and, filled with His power, to put into practice the teachings we receive.

We also ask for your prayers so that nothing interrupts this process and we can successfully reach its completion.

Additionally, please pray for the missionaries, for our families, and for all those with whom we interact in our daily service.

Thank you for this prayer, knowing that we are in your prayers. Be blessed!

Timotei Stinea - PIEI National Director