Faith With Deeds

Greetings to all!

Another full week has passed in our lives, a week in which PIEI missionaries, some of whom were highly involved in the work carried out by Brother Cornel Fogorosiu in Alba Iulia.

We rejoiced in the visit of Sister Anita from the United States, who spent a few days with us visiting churches, meeting missionaries, and also spending time at the PIEI center in Alba Iulia with both sisters and families.

James in his letter says:

"Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds."

Nothing can be more eloquent than the fact that the things we say are affirmed in action by those who speak. Similarly, we are delighted that the things we report are highlighted in the actions and deeds we do according to the gifts and calling the Lord has given us.

So, after visiting the Fogorosiu family and the church in Nou, the church in Victoria had the honor of being visited by Sister Anita and speaking about some of the things happening in this place. Although we are a small church, we desire to do great things for the Lord and be involved in the community's daily life. We would be glad if our actions could reach the ends of the earth. Is this possible? Through our efforts, it's hard to say, but with God's help and guided by His Spirit, we strive to be a light in the world and salt for this earth.

On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the PIEI center in Alba hosted a meeting dedicated to families, and we were glad that besides Christian families, other families have not yet entered into a covenant with the Lord but are not far from it. We pray that the time they spend with us will be a time that helps each of them choose to follow the Lord soon.

Friday evening was spent in a time of getting to know each other, in a time of questions and answers, singing, and prayer. We hope this time was spent profitably, and the answers to the questions asked were helpful to those interested in this work. Although the time allocated for the meeting was set beforehand, the discussions continued past midnight, and many of those who participated wanted to spend more time in that place, an opportunity to get to know us and see how we view and do things.

On Saturday morning, we had two workshops, one for men and one for women. I took care of the meeting with the men on Saturday morning and sought to show the participants what kind of family God desires and what kind of man God desires for His family. The sisters had a special time, and with the kindness of Sister Livia Zdrâng, they enjoyed discussing the women of the Bible, witnessing and receiving teaching that encouraged them all. After this time, Brother Cornel Fogoroșiu had a special time teaching families about what love and respect mean in family life.

Missionaries from the Alba - Sibiu area had the opportunity to meet Sister Anita, talk about their work, their family, and themselves, and answer the questions asked of them. Last but not least, they were able to thank Sister Anita and the church for their involvement in supporting the work in Romania, leaving the door open for this collaboration to continue in the future if it is the Lord's will.

It is fitting to express a heartfelt thank you for the faithfulness of the church over the years, and we pray that the Lord will bless it and make it a reliable support for all missionaries spread across the earth.

The way Brother Mike and his wife, as well as Jenu and Sister Violeta, hosted and treated us, was outstanding, and they ensured that no one lacked anything on this occasion. We thank them for these things!

We rejoice that once again the Lord has used us in His work, and we hope that fruit will be brought forth and that the harvest will remain.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for PIEI missionaries in Romania.

  • Pray that the work of the Lord will spread through them in the country, and the seed of the Gospel, sown on every occasion, will find fertile ground and bring forth fruit.

We thank all those who read these lines, who pray for us, who support and look forward with hope that you will choose to visit our country and lend us a helping hand!

We continue to pray for you and ask the Lord to guard you from all evil, to give you grace and growth in knowledge of Him!

Timotei Stânea - PIEI National Director