Trip to the front line

Greetings to you brothers and sisters with a peace and love of the Lord our Jesus Christ!

I`d like to write to you a few words about completed work in the church and outside of it.

Last month was saturated with different events and trips.

In first, the trip to the zone of fight acts with a goal to distribute the help of foods and clothes to needy. I could visit such cities as Konstiantinovka, Druzhkivka, Toretsk, and New-York of Donetsk region. Unfortunately, the war is not going to stop. A lot of civilian people live in terrible conditions and need a help.

In second, I had a meeting with a group of brothers and pastors where I taught the Word of God, especially issues of liturgy and sacred actions at our churches.

Last week there were lessons at Theological institute. Young brothers have a great desire to learn the Bible. We had subjects that reffed to faith teaching of our brotherhood.

I want to thank God for that during a year we were able to share the Gospel among citizens of our city. Almost every day our church go out to the squares of the city and offer to people spiritual aid, hot drinks, and literature.

We continue to perform various ministries among children, youth and elders.

Recently we conducted the Day of widows. We encouraged them and helped them with the packages of products. Our prayer is constantly for them.

We have a lot of plans about performing evangelization among people of our city.

Thanks to all of you for prayers and spiritual support!

With respect and prayer for you, the missionary in Chernivtsi City Grygoriy Pastushak.

Humanitarian aid in the heart of the war

I greet all stuff of the PIE mission with peace and love of Lord our Jesus Christ!

I wish you that God`s mercy and grace reside on all of you!

Ending of the last year and beginning of the new one were full of many events and services. We tried to use these days in the most effective way for evangelization at our city. We chanted carols at different points of a city, handed around Christian literature, and talked with people. Our youth toiled a lot in this ministry. In the result, people come to the House of the prayer, attend services, and receive the humanitarian aid. And the mostly important that they come to Christ to penance.

Recently, I had two trips with the humanitarian aid for the East of Ukraine.

In the ending of last year I went to the Kherson region. People live in a predicament without clothe, food, electricity, and heating. In the village we visited there almost all houses were without roof. Everything was destroyed and damaged. We conducted a short service for inhabitants of a village and handed out them aid.

And on these days I was in the Bakhmut vicinity. We left our aid in the House of prayer because there was continuous and unstoppable fight and bombing. Noise of shots from canons and tanks were resounded. On the next day local church handed out products to the all needy and destitute. Thank God for His protection.

In a plan for future, we want to enhance evangelization among youth and children. Also we want to give spiritual and moral support for the people who are connected with military acts.

Please pray for us our our ministry.

With prayer and respect to all of you, pastor Grigoriy Pastushak.

Baptism at our church

Peace to you brothers and sisters workers of the mission PIE!

Sincerely greet you with love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! May God bless you abundantly!

I always pray may God bless the ministry of our mission. Today as never before people in our country need spiritual and humanitarian assistance.

Recently, we are focused on evangelization among settlers. In our city are remain dozens of thousands of refugees. Every day except Sunday we go out on the streets and squares, settle a tent and offer to people different aid like literature, food, and clothes. Many of them have the desire to come to our church where we hand out the product packages. Some of them repented and serve God.

Last Sunday we conducted the baptism. 11 people joint to the Church of Christ, praise the Lord.

I continue to teach at a theological institute. Thank God that young people have the desire to study.

We have also problems. Due to the war, hundreds of people moved abroad from our church. But we continue to serve and help the people. More than 40 settlers inhabit our hostel at this moment. They lost their houses so they plan to stay here in our church this winter.

With coming up the Christmas we have a lot of plans for how to help people who ran out in a difficult situation.

I ask you to pray for the end of this war in our country.

I am grateful to God and you for everything.

With prayers for you,

missionary in Chernivtsi Pastushak Grigoriy

Ordination of three pastors

Peace and grace to you brothers and sisters, coworkers on the field of God!

We have a great God’s blessing to work and glorify our Lord and Jesus Christ together!

The September was dedicated to celebration 100th Anniversary of the foundation of the baptism in Chernivtsi. We mentioned that mentors that initiated Christian movement in our city and at the Bukovina.

Some guests came to us from Kiev and Romania. We watched the movie about history of the baptism in Chernivtsi.

On September 18 we had ordinated three young brothers on the pastoral ministry. We pray that God help them in this responsible ministry.

We are preparing to the celebration of the Day of Harvest.

We are going to prepare to the water baptism. Praise the Lord, people repent and have a desire to join to the unity with Jesus.

I thank God that our church can help to the refugees. We go out to the streets with spiritual literatures and invite people to come to the House of prayer. We hand around humanitarian aid as well.

About 50 refugees stay at our hostel. They are going to reside here during the winter.

The autumn has come, so some ministries resumed, such as family, youth and the Sunday school.

Please continue to pray for Ukraine!

With respect to you, Grigoriy Pastushak.

Food and the Gospel on the street

I greet you all workers of the PIE mission with the love and peace of Jesus Christ! I sincerely appreciate to God that I am able to work with you in the Church of Christ!

It came a hard time for all believers of Ukraine, but it is a trial for us, and it hardens us.

Our church going on to accept refugees and give them first aid. Here are about 100 people in our church now. We don't know how long we will have to live in these circumstances. But we pray that peace comes as soon as possible.

We are preparing for the baptism now. There are more than 20 people, most of them are youth, who are studying the theology program. We plan to conduct it in the end of June.

I often take part in the radio ethers, where I pray for people's needs which appeal to us from different points of Ukraine. Ukrainians need not only material aid but spiritual too.

We go out to the city with evangelization almost every day. We feed people and hand them literature. We perform some interesting programs for kids.

We carry out events for youth and young families in our church. We invite people who are not believers yet.

We live in a very favorable time for evangelization. And we want to use it for spreading the Gospel.

I want to thank everyone who prays for the church in Ukraine. We really need prayers and support. We believe that God gives us a victory.

I also pray for you, especially for Marilyn and Carl. May God bless you! Accept a greeting from my wife Larisa.

With prayer and respect, Grygoriy Pastushak

Christ is Risen

Peace and grace to you brothers and sisters! Receive sincere greetings from Chernivtsi from our church "House of peace" and greetings with the holiday of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!

The western world had celebrated already but we only prepare.

We as believers people together with our government are worrying and praying for joint victory.

From the very beginning of the war, we accept, feed, and wear refugees. We spend a lot of strength, resources, and finance on that. But we hope that God will help us with that.

Our church activated in the street evangelization for inhabitance and refugees of the city. We go out to the city offer people food and spread the Gospel. A lot of people are interested, ask many questions, and come to the House of prayer and repent. Praise the Lord!

As a result of this activity, we have more than 20 people for baptism. We plan to have a baptism at the end of June. Now we prepare everything for that.

God helped me to visit last week Kyiv and Chernihiv with humanitarian and financial aid. The tears in my eyes appeared when I had seen fired houses, cities, and shoted cars. The fates of the people are damaged, their houses destroyed, and they don't have a livelihood. But among such chaos, there are churches and houses of prayer. People can come there and receive that first aid they need. We prayed with them and for them and asked for God`s protection.

I thank you all brothers and sisters who support us. Keep praying for us and God will help us for sure.

With respect and prayer for you, Grigoriy Pastushak.

War in Ukraine

I greet you all, brother and sisters, co-workers on the field of God. Grygoriy Pastushak is addressing to you, your brother in Christ.

The war is going three weeks already in our country. A lot of things has change for these time in the life of our people and in the life of the church. We are living by the news from the front. We are deeply worrying and praying for our army and country.

From the very first day our church had started with the refugees from Kharkiv, Kiev, Mykolaiv, and other cities. Every day dozens of refugees had come to us, and some day were more than a hundred. These people experienced a difficult emotional stress.

The bombs and shells had been exploding on their eyes, they saw how their houses were damaging, how people are dying. They remained living, they wanted to escape from that hell. So they came to us. We try to give them a shelter, food, clothes. Many of them go to the border from us. There appear a lot of problems and issues which we try to solve. God give us a strength and possibility for that.

I want to say thank you to all brothers and sisters who are not indifferent to our grief and misfortune, that you support activity of our church financially. With joint efforts, we can do much more.

Our congregations are not stopped even in the war conditions. 10 persons had repented for this time. Some of them have a desire to take a baptism.

We are activated in case of evangelization and personal Gospel. I have a lot of meetings with different people.

I thank to everyone who prays for a peace in Ukraine, for our church and for me personally.

May God bless you abundantly!

With prayer for you,

Grigoriy Pastushak

Fruits in the new year

Peace to you, dear brothers and sisters!

I sincerely thank God that I can report you for my ministry and that I can work together with you on the God’s field.

We entered the new year and faced to many issues which we need to solve for improving the spiritual case of the church before the coming of Jesus.

One of the main task that we put for ourselves is evangelization in our city and personal gospel for those with whom we live close. For these goals, we arrange different meetings with unbelievers and further we plan to have more connection with them as with young as with old generation.

Praise the Lord that in this year we have three repentance. It makes me rejoice and inspire me for further work.

My ministry in the theological institute in going on. Recently, I teached students by Zoom conference, but in the last session, we met offline as usual. Brothers had a great time to talk and study.

Baptists of Chernivtsi in 2022 celebrate their 100 anniversary. Celebration events planned for June. We sincerely invite everyone to come and celebrate with us such wonderful and significant date.

We work on the program of this feast today and on creation a movie where we tell about the history of our bukovina`s baptist brotherhood.

I thank God that he helped me to write a book, in which described 100 years path of our churches.

We experience with all country not easy period now. There is real possibility of a war. We don't know how will cases develop, but we pray God give us a peace for Ukraine and protect His Church.

Please, do not stop play for us. We really need prayer and spiritual support.

I sincerely thank God that I have such brothers and sisters as you who love God and serve Him.

God bless you all!

With love to you, missionary Pastushak Grigory.

Merry Christmas

Dear brothers and sisters, co-workers of the mission PIE, and ministers of God in His field!

I sincerely greet you and wish you Merry Christmas! Let Baby which was born and became a Savior, bless you abundantly and give you spiritual strength for following Him. I wish you happiness, health, peace, prosperity for you and for your family for many years!

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."


With respect and prayer for you,

Pastushak Grigoriy and Larisa

Ministry for His glory

Sincere greetings to you dear brothers and sisters!

Thank God that I can work for the glory of our God and Jesus Christ together with you.

We have a great blessing, our church is preparing for the baptism. Around 10 people have a desire to make a covenant with God. This sacrament will conduct on December 5.

These days I taught the subject of Eschatology to our students at Theological Institute. It is a very interesting and actual topic especially in the light of current events. I preached a series of sermons about it in our church.

I continue to take a part in the ethers at the radio station. It is a good opportunity to reach an unchristian audience.

Finally, I finished the work on writing my book about the history of foundation and development of the baptism in Chernivtsi and at Bucovina. It was very hard and scrupulous work. My son Alex made the layout and design of the book. I hope that at the end of November this book will be printed.

I often went to the different churches of our region with sermons and for various goals.

Now we started the preparation for the performance of different events referring to the Christmas holiday. We want to make more evangelical meetings for children and youth.

We conducted a literature night at our church. Christian poets from our region recited their poems. It is wonderful that we have such great talents who can write their thoughts in poem form.

Prayer requests:

  1. For the awakening of our city.

  2. For our future baptism.

  3. For our Christmas event, may a lot of people know more about God and accept Jesus Christ.

  4. For our health, may God protect us from the virus and give us strength to serve Him.

I want to express sincere appreciation for your support of my ministry. Please continue to pray for us, for all missionaries of the PIE Ukraine.

With prayer and love for you, Grigoriy Pastushak.