I greet you all workers of the PIE mission with the love and peace of Jesus Christ! I sincerely appreciate to God that I am able to work with you in the Church of Christ!
It came a hard time for all believers of Ukraine, but it is a trial for us, and it hardens us.
Our church going on to accept refugees and give them first aid. Here are about 100 people in our church now. We don't know how long we will have to live in these circumstances. But we pray that peace comes as soon as possible.
We are preparing for the baptism now. There are more than 20 people, most of them are youth, who are studying the theology program. We plan to conduct it in the end of June.
I often take part in the radio ethers, where I pray for people's needs which appeal to us from different points of Ukraine. Ukrainians need not only material aid but spiritual too.
We go out to the city with evangelization almost every day. We feed people and hand them literature. We perform some interesting programs for kids.
We carry out events for youth and young families in our church. We invite people who are not believers yet.
We live in a very favorable time for evangelization. And we want to use it for spreading the Gospel.
I want to thank everyone who prays for the church in Ukraine. We really need prayers and support. We believe that God gives us a victory.
I also pray for you, especially for Marilyn and Carl. May God bless you! Accept a greeting from my wife Larisa.
With prayer and respect, Grygoriy Pastushak