Sincere greetings to you dear brothers and sisters!
Thank God that I can work for the glory of our God and Jesus Christ together with you.
We have a great blessing, our church is preparing for the baptism. Around 10 people have a desire to make a covenant with God. This sacrament will conduct on December 5.
These days I taught the subject of Eschatology to our students at Theological Institute. It is a very interesting and actual topic especially in the light of current events. I preached a series of sermons about it in our church.
I continue to take a part in the ethers at the radio station. It is a good opportunity to reach an unchristian audience.
Finally, I finished the work on writing my book about the history of foundation and development of the baptism in Chernivtsi and at Bucovina. It was very hard and scrupulous work. My son Alex made the layout and design of the book. I hope that at the end of November this book will be printed.
I often went to the different churches of our region with sermons and for various goals.
Now we started the preparation for the performance of different events referring to the Christmas holiday. We want to make more evangelical meetings for children and youth.
We conducted a literature night at our church. Christian poets from our region recited their poems. It is wonderful that we have such great talents who can write their thoughts in poem form.
Prayer requests:
For the awakening of our city.
For our future baptism.
For our Christmas event, may a lot of people know more about God and accept Jesus Christ.
For our health, may God protect us from the virus and give us strength to serve Him.
I want to express sincere appreciation for your support of my ministry. Please continue to pray for us, for all missionaries of the PIE Ukraine.
With prayer and love for you, Grigoriy Pastushak.