Peace to you, dear brothers and sisters!
I sincerely thank God that I can report you for my ministry and that I can work together with you on the God’s field.
We entered the new year and faced to many issues which we need to solve for improving the spiritual case of the church before the coming of Jesus.
One of the main task that we put for ourselves is evangelization in our city and personal gospel for those with whom we live close. For these goals, we arrange different meetings with unbelievers and further we plan to have more connection with them as with young as with old generation.
Praise the Lord that in this year we have three repentance. It makes me rejoice and inspire me for further work.
My ministry in the theological institute in going on. Recently, I teached students by Zoom conference, but in the last session, we met offline as usual. Brothers had a great time to talk and study.
Baptists of Chernivtsi in 2022 celebrate their 100 anniversary. Celebration events planned for June. We sincerely invite everyone to come and celebrate with us such wonderful and significant date.
We work on the program of this feast today and on creation a movie where we tell about the history of our bukovina`s baptist brotherhood.
I thank God that he helped me to write a book, in which described 100 years path of our churches.
We experience with all country not easy period now. There is real possibility of a war. We don't know how will cases develop, but we pray God give us a peace for Ukraine and protect His Church.
Please, do not stop play for us. We really need prayer and spiritual support.
I sincerely thank God that I have such brothers and sisters as you who love God and serve Him.
God bless you all!
With love to you, missionary Pastushak Grigory.