Humanitarian aid in the heart of the war

I greet all stuff of the PIE mission with peace and love of Lord our Jesus Christ!

I wish you that God`s mercy and grace reside on all of you!

Ending of the last year and beginning of the new one were full of many events and services. We tried to use these days in the most effective way for evangelization at our city. We chanted carols at different points of a city, handed around Christian literature, and talked with people. Our youth toiled a lot in this ministry. In the result, people come to the House of the prayer, attend services, and receive the humanitarian aid. And the mostly important that they come to Christ to penance.

Recently, I had two trips with the humanitarian aid for the East of Ukraine.

In the ending of last year I went to the Kherson region. People live in a predicament without clothe, food, electricity, and heating. In the village we visited there almost all houses were without roof. Everything was destroyed and damaged. We conducted a short service for inhabitants of a village and handed out them aid.

And on these days I was in the Bakhmut vicinity. We left our aid in the House of prayer because there was continuous and unstoppable fight and bombing. Noise of shots from canons and tanks were resounded. On the next day local church handed out products to the all needy and destitute. Thank God for His protection.

In a plan for future, we want to enhance evangelization among youth and children. Also we want to give spiritual and moral support for the people who are connected with military acts.

Please pray for us our our ministry.

With prayer and respect to all of you, pastor Grigoriy Pastushak.