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Bread breaking at homes


I am grateful to God for the fact that He helped me this month to work in His field in the Spirit of love, strength and chastity. And I believe that you, all who support me, have prayed for my success in the gospel of Christ. With God's help, I conducted the following ministry:

1. Evangelization:

- In the church of the village of Nesvoya they conducted an evangelism and at the end of the sermon a young girl, Adeline, repented. She was in our camp last year. She stepped forward in front of the church and, with tears of repentance, received Christ in her heart. We pray that the Lord will bless her.

2. Help of a large family:

- We helped a large family to dig a well so that they have water for the family. This family lives in the village of Nesvoya, Chernivtsi region. All the brothers from our church helped to carry out this work, thank God!

3. Bread refraction:

- I made bread breaking in the churches of the village: Zhilovka, Nesvoya and Balkivtsi. He also visited patients from these churches with bread-breaking and made mini evangelism in their homes. And thank God that one soul repented of such mini evagelization.

4. Thanksgiving:

- Thank you for your prayers, because I strongly need them. Thank you for your material support, which helps me to work here. Thank you for praying for our granddaughter Daniela and she became better after the hospital. She will follow a diet and everything will be fine.

5. Prayer needs:

- Pray for peace in Ukraine.

- About young families to strengthen in the Word and not be discouraged on the path of life, but be pleased with what they have.

- For the leadership team of the PIEI Ukraine mission, so that this youth camp can be made in the power of the Holy Spirit and so that unbelievers repent. May God help us!

Yours faithfully, Pavel Petikhachny pastor, missionary of the mission PIEI Ukraine.

Youth Conference in the nature


I am grateful to God that I could still glorify Christ among unbelievers this month. I thank all those who pray for us so that we may succeed in the preaching of Christ.

1. Youth Conference:

The youth of our church from Nesvoi organized a district youth conference. This conference was organized in the forest in nature. At this conference there were about 50 young people who glorified the Lord through hymns and various spiritual quizzes.

I spent with them a lesson on the topic: - “Spend time because the days are evil”. Through this lecture, I inspired young people to find time for God, not just for their flesh. I pray that the Lord will touch their soul, that the youth will always find time to glorify Christ, because these are their blessings here on earth and in eternity when we are at the Savior's feet.

2. The blessing of our granddaughter:

On June 30, the blessing of our granddaughter Tatiana, the daughter of Angelica and Michael, took place in the Chernivtsi church "Philadelphia", where I conducted this service with love, together with the pastor of this church, brother Petrescu, Peter. We both prayed for our granddaughter Tanya, so that the Lord would bless her with health, wisdom and happiness. It was our family holiday for which we are grateful to God, Glory to Him for everything!

3. Evangelism:

We conducted 2 evagelization one in Balkivtsi and the other in Nesvoi. In Nesvoi, I preached at the funeral of one brother who was the father of the deacon of our church. There were many relatives of unbelievers, and even neighbors who heard the Word of God. I always pray for people who listen to the Word of the Lord in the house of prayer, at a funeral, or any other event in which the word of God is present, for the Lord to touch the hearts of these people and for them to accept Jesus in their hearts.

4. Thanksgiving:

We are very grateful to you for your material assistance and for your prayers, which very strongly support us in the ministry. May the Lord bless you and your families, and reward you a hundredfold.

5. Prayer needs;

- Pray for our granddaughter, Daniel. She lay 10 days in the hospital. She had stomach problems and fever. Now she is better, they have already let her go home, Thank God! We will finish it at home. We believe and hope that everything will be fine, with God's help.

- Pray for our youth camp Mision PIE Ukraine, which will be held July 29 to August 3. Now the leaders are preparing for this camp.

- Pray for our new president of Ukraine, that he asked God for wisdom, how to stop the war in Ukraine.

We love you and we pray for you, with respect Paul and Larisa Petihachny.

Gospel on the funerals


First of all, I want to thank God that He has opened new doors for glorifying Him. And I feel in my heart how you pray for me so that I can proclaim the word of God with the power of the Holy Spirit and love. I thank you for your prayers.

1. Evangelism:

-In the church of the village of Nesvoi, we had great evangelism. We had a good program and choir, and youth and the Word of God was preached. We invited many friends to this evangelism and after evangelism 2 men were repented, thank God!

-Preached at two funerals where there were a lot of unbelievers,

who heard the Word of God. In a neighboring village, Mamaliga, was at the funeral of the pastor's wife, Peter Zhitar. His wife's name was Axenia. I preached and comforted the brother of pastor Peter and their children.

2. Preparation for baptism:

-In the churches of the villages of Nesvoi and Zhilivka, we prepare all candidates for water baptism. There are 2 candidates in the church of Zhilovka and 5 candidates are in the church of Nesvoi. We pray that the Lord will bless these people to be true followers of Jesus Christ.

3. Meeting of missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission:

- This month we organized a meeting of missionaries of our mission to determine the teachers who will teach in our youth camp in Boyans and who will preach in every evening on youth glorification in the camp, how many youths can we take in this camp and other organizational issues.

We also decided that every church from our area should conduct daytime Christian children's camps. We prayed that the Lord would help to carry out these projects and that the Name of the Lord would be famous for these things.

4. Thanksgiving:

-We are very grateful to God and to you, brothers and sisters from the USA, that you are true partners in evangelism together with us in work for God here — in Ukraine. You always came and come to help us so that we could organize great things for God. Let the Lord bless you and return to you a hundred times your sacrifice.

5. Prayer needs;

-Pray about ending the war in Ukraine.

-Pray so that we can continue to help people who live in places where there is still war, they really need our help.

-Continue praying about our youth camp of the PIEI Ukraine mission, which will be held from July 29 to August 3, in Boyanah. Pray for our team so that God will give wisdom from Above and protect us from all evil. To the Lord to protect all young men, girls, children in this camp and the Holy Spirit awakened the youth to repentance. Pray for me and the Lord bless me and my wife Larisa with health and wisdom from God. We believe and know that the Lord will be with us. Let His Name be forever and ever! Amen!

We love you and pray for you. Brother Paul and sister Larisa Petihachny.

Helping the poor


I want to thank God that the Lord has helped me so that all the events in my life, this month, will be a success in the gospel and in glorifying Him.

I thank from the bottom of my heart to those who pray for me, so that I can carry out those plans of evangelism that I set before me.

1. Conference of Novoselitsky district sisters:

This sisters conference was organized by me and Larisa and Popovy family, Alla and Valeriy, to help the sisters study the word and include them in the 24-hour prayer: for young families, for young people, for children, and ministers. They studied Mark Gospel to show the sisters how Christ served other people. There were 45 sisters from different churches.

2. Evangelism:

We participated in Evangelization in the village: Molinovka, Koshuliany, Balkovtsy and Zhilovka. After these evangelisms, one woman repented, I prayed for her so that she could be an example before an unbelieving husband and with children who study at the university.

3. Helping the poor:

We helped one family, both of whom are disabled, to settle in the same house, which is located in the village of Nesvoya, where they will pass a course to restore their health, in the fall I will take them back to their apartment in Chernivtsi.

4. Thanksgiving:

I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you are helping with prayers and materially so that we can preach the gospel throughout Ukraine.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray for peace in Wakrain

-Pray for the PIE camp, so that unbelieving youth will respond to this camp, and that the Lord will protect this camp with his strength.

-Pray so that we can continue to help people from the ATO area and orphans.

- Pray for our children, Misha and Angela, who had a daughter Tatyana, so that the Lord would bless our children and our granddaughter with health.

We love you and we pray for you.

With respect, the pastor of the mission of the PIEI Ukraine mission, Pavel Petikhachny.

Great Evangelisation in the Bukovina


I am greeting you dear brothers and sisters with the love of Jesus Christ!

I thank God for helping me this month doing the work so hard to glorify Christ.

Thanks to all who prayed for me that I would succeed in Gospel, as well as to my family, who always helps me to carry out this ministry.

All-Ukrainian Congress of the ECHB in Kyiv:

24 on May 25, in the city of Kyiv (the capital of Ukraine), was held 28th All-Ukrainian Congress of ECHB. From Chernivtsi region, there were 47 pastors delegates to the Congress.

At this Congress reported for the work done for 5 years of activity, the bishop and the pastor who is responsible for all the churches of Ukraine, brother pastor Antonyuk Valeriy. And also all the missions that serve in Ukraine.

The mission of PIEI UKRAINE also reported of the work was done, the writing. All pastors of churches from Ukraine were satisfied with the work of all these missions and prayed for them so that they could continue to glorify Christ in this activity.

On the second day of the Congress, they chose a new Bishop (the pastor who is responsible for all the churches of Ukraine). Pastor Antonyuk Valery again turned out to be the bishop. This brother is very energetic and will organize the activities of all the ECHB churches in Ukraine. All pastors delegates prayed for him.

Evangelization with Nikki Cruz, May 26, 2019, Chernivtsi, Bukovyna Stadium:

26 May, in the city of Chernivtsi, at the Bukovina stadium, there was great evangelism where Nikki Cruz preached. There were about 10,000 people on the stadium, 500 choristers and about 200 were repented. From all 24 churches of the Novoseletsky district, people came to this evangelism. From our village where I serve (p. Nesvoya) repented brother George, a former collective farm chairman and former secretary of the Communist Party organization. He’s been in our meeting for a long time, his wife repented long ago, but he couldn’t dare. He always said ... I don’t know if God will forgive me because I worked a lot against churches. We prayed a lot about him and thank God! Let us be praying about him for God to strengthen him in his faith. Their children also come to the meeting and we pray for their repent.


I thank God every day for you, for helping me and we can do God's work together, and thank you for your prayers and financial help. Let the Lord bless you and return you a hundredfold.

Prayer requests:

- Pray so that we can organize our youth camp well (Non Stop), missions PIEI Ukraine, in Boyany. We have already started conducting classes with leaders. Let the Lord bless us with health, wisdom, and humility. We believe and know that it is not we, but the Lord Our God will bless His work and give repentance among the young people.

- Pray about the day-to-day children's camps to be held in churches in Novoseletsky district in June, in July and in August.

- In July 2019, I will organize a pastoral conference with pastors of the churches of the ECHB of Novoselitsky district. Pray for me that I hold this conference in the force of the Holy Spirit.

- On June 8, the sisters of the churches of the Novoselitsky district will hold a conference. Pray for God to bless our sisters who pray for the work of God.

We love you and we pray for you.

With respect, the pastor of the mission of the PIEI Ukraine mission, Pavel Petikhachny.

Missionary conference in Romania


I praise God, and thank Him for giving us success, in being preached to the unbelievers.

We are grateful to all those who pray for us and are grateful to the missionaries of the PIE Romania mission, who organized an excellent conference in the city of Alba Iulia (this city is located in the middle of Romania) for Missionaries of churches from Ukraine and Romania.

1.       Communication.

The missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, together with their families, were at this missionary conference, and exchanged experiences on missions, with the missionaries of the PIE mission in Romania. I personally from Romanian missionaries, took for myself, new missionary strategies that I will use in our mission PIEI in Ukraine. Our missionaries of PIEI of Ukraine would like to have such conferences organized annually.

2. Evangelism.

In connection with the holiday of Easter, we organized two great evangelicals, in two churches: in the church of the village of Nesvoya, and in the church of the village of Balkivtsi. For these evangelisms, our young people invited all the inhabitants of these villages to attend our worship service.

At the first evangelism, in the church of the village of Nesvoi, about 40 non-believers were around, who praised Jesus Christ is Risen with us. In the second gospel, in the church of the village of Balkovtsi there were about ten non-believers. Our youth at the end of these two evangelicals, congratulated all visitors, with postcards with the inscription Christ is Risen. We pray for unbelievers who have visited these evangelicals so that the seed that is sown grows in them and leads them to Christ.

3. Gratitude.

I am grateful to all those who help me prayerfully and financially. Because thanks to this help, we can organize, evangelism, even in those villages where there are no evangelical churches. May God bless you.

4. Prayer needs.

   - Pray for us, so that we can help young families, establish themselves in God.

   - Pray for peace in Ukraine, where else in the east of Ukraine in the cities of Donetsk and Lugansk, there is a war. Let His peace come.

 - May 26, there will be a large-scale evangelism. At the Bukovina stadium, the city of Chernivtsi, with the famous evangelist Nick Cruz, pray for the non-believers who will be present there.

Please accept my sincere greetings from our family, we love you and we pray for you.

Yours faithfully, the missionary of the PIEI Ukraine mission, Pavel Petikhachny.

Pastor Conference

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I am grateful to God that all the circumstances in my life were for success, for preaching the word of God.

I want to thank everyone who prays for my ministry, which I perform with my family.

This month, on April 13, I organized the Pastor Conference, with pastors of the churches of Novoselitsky District. I held this conference in the Church of Emanuel, in which the pastor is Popov Valery. I taught them lectures on the subject: The Sermon on the Mount, with the goal that all Pastors would be role models in their churches, so that they would have the righteousness of Christ, and not the scribes and Pharisees.

And this month, I distributed seeds in 18 churches, for the poor, to plant their fields.

In the future, with God's help, I want to spend two large-scale evangelizations, in connection with the Easter holiday.

Brothers and sisters, I want to greet you with the feast of the Resurrection of Christ, with the words: Christ is Risen, Christ is truly Risen.

Thank you for your prayers and for the material support that helps me in serving here in Ukraine. Be blessed.

Yours faithfully, Missionary PIE Ukraine, Pavel Petihachny.

Reaching young families

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I am very grateful to God that He helped me this month to accomplish the work of God with my family. I am grateful to all those who support us in their prayers.

This month, I served on the field of God with young families from our church in Nesvoya, who help me to bring other unbelieving families to God. We conducted with this team of families, three evangelizations this month. Afterward, one family of unbelievers joined the believing families, pray for them, please.

This month I visited three small churches, and for the future, I want to help poor people with seeds so they can sow their fields.

Thank you for your support, and may the Lord bless you.

Missionary PIE, Paul Petykachny.

The Gospel for the orphans

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Thanks to God that He uses me, to proclaim the Gospel throughout Ukraine, we are also grateful to those who pray for us so that we can achieve this goal with God's help. We send greetings and grateful to Kim and Erik von Oeyen that especially help us in our ministry.

 My whole family help me to proclaim the Gospel, for example, this month on March 19, we organized Evangelization in an orphanage and boarding school in Sadgora, Chernivtsi City. We prepared a spiritual program for them, as well as gifts with fruit, sweets, stationery goods they needed.

This Evangelization, we held in the power of the Holy Spirit, the children were pleased with this spiritual program and sweet gifts. The head of the boarding school was especially grateful to Kim and Erik for their help in the stationery and gifts, because the children needed them very much.

All children shouted together like a choir “Thanks the Lord and you!”. After this, they prayed the prayer “Our Father” and sang together a song “God`s love is high like a sky”.

This month, I spent a lot of mini Evangelizations, and next month I plan to work with young families.

Thank you for your prayers and for the material help that helps me in the ministry.

Missionary of the Mission PIE Ukraine P. Petihachny

The teaching of the Holy Spirit

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Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. (Jn.5:39)

From 4th to 14th of March I taught the students of Biblical Institute with the session of “Difficult points of Bible”. The main subject was the doctrine of the baptism with the Holy Ghost. This theme is very hard to understand and many churches have different interpretations of it. But we want members of churches to have one and true comprehension.

I think that this topic has to unite the youth and elders in understanding what we received and what we have with Holy Spirit whose we accepted after repentance.

Afterward, we have to fill with the Holy Spirit every day.


P. Petihachny