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Missionary conference in Romania


I praise God, and thank Him for giving us success, in being preached to the unbelievers.

We are grateful to all those who pray for us and are grateful to the missionaries of the PIE Romania mission, who organized an excellent conference in the city of Alba Iulia (this city is located in the middle of Romania) for Missionaries of churches from Ukraine and Romania.

1.       Communication.

The missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, together with their families, were at this missionary conference, and exchanged experiences on missions, with the missionaries of the PIE mission in Romania. I personally from Romanian missionaries, took for myself, new missionary strategies that I will use in our mission PIEI in Ukraine. Our missionaries of PIEI of Ukraine would like to have such conferences organized annually.

2. Evangelism.

In connection with the holiday of Easter, we organized two great evangelicals, in two churches: in the church of the village of Nesvoya, and in the church of the village of Balkivtsi. For these evangelisms, our young people invited all the inhabitants of these villages to attend our worship service.

At the first evangelism, in the church of the village of Nesvoi, about 40 non-believers were around, who praised Jesus Christ is Risen with us. In the second gospel, in the church of the village of Balkovtsi there were about ten non-believers. Our youth at the end of these two evangelicals, congratulated all visitors, with postcards with the inscription Christ is Risen. We pray for unbelievers who have visited these evangelicals so that the seed that is sown grows in them and leads them to Christ.

3. Gratitude.

I am grateful to all those who help me prayerfully and financially. Because thanks to this help, we can organize, evangelism, even in those villages where there are no evangelical churches. May God bless you.

4. Prayer needs.

   - Pray for us, so that we can help young families, establish themselves in God.

   - Pray for peace in Ukraine, where else in the east of Ukraine in the cities of Donetsk and Lugansk, there is a war. Let His peace come.

 - May 26, there will be a large-scale evangelism. At the Bukovina stadium, the city of Chernivtsi, with the famous evangelist Nick Cruz, pray for the non-believers who will be present there.

Please accept my sincere greetings from our family, we love you and we pray for you.

Yours faithfully, the missionary of the PIEI Ukraine mission, Pavel Petikhachny.