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Pastor Conference

viber image 2019-04-25 , 10.02.51.jpg

I am grateful to God that all the circumstances in my life were for success, for preaching the word of God.

I want to thank everyone who prays for my ministry, which I perform with my family.

This month, on April 13, I organized the Pastor Conference, with pastors of the churches of Novoselitsky District. I held this conference in the Church of Emanuel, in which the pastor is Popov Valery. I taught them lectures on the subject: The Sermon on the Mount, with the goal that all Pastors would be role models in their churches, so that they would have the righteousness of Christ, and not the scribes and Pharisees.

And this month, I distributed seeds in 18 churches, for the poor, to plant their fields.

In the future, with God's help, I want to spend two large-scale evangelizations, in connection with the Easter holiday.

Brothers and sisters, I want to greet you with the feast of the Resurrection of Christ, with the words: Christ is Risen, Christ is truly Risen.

Thank you for your prayers and for the material support that helps me in serving here in Ukraine. Be blessed.

Yours faithfully, Missionary PIE Ukraine, Pavel Petihachny.