I want to thank God that the Lord has helped me so that all the events in my life, this month, will be a success in the gospel and in glorifying Him.
I thank from the bottom of my heart to those who pray for me, so that I can carry out those plans of evangelism that I set before me.
1. Conference of Novoselitsky district sisters:
This sisters conference was organized by me and Larisa and Popovy family, Alla and Valeriy, to help the sisters study the word and include them in the 24-hour prayer: for young families, for young people, for children, and ministers. They studied Mark Gospel to show the sisters how Christ served other people. There were 45 sisters from different churches.
2. Evangelism:
We participated in Evangelization in the village: Molinovka, Koshuliany, Balkovtsy and Zhilovka. After these evangelisms, one woman repented, I prayed for her so that she could be an example before an unbelieving husband and with children who study at the university.
3. Helping the poor:
We helped one family, both of whom are disabled, to settle in the same house, which is located in the village of Nesvoya, where they will pass a course to restore their health, in the fall I will take them back to their apartment in Chernivtsi.
4. Thanksgiving:
I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you are helping with prayers and materially so that we can preach the gospel throughout Ukraine.
5. Prayer needs:
-Pray for peace in Wakrain
-Pray for the PIE camp, so that unbelieving youth will respond to this camp, and that the Lord will protect this camp with his strength.
-Pray so that we can continue to help people from the ATO area and orphans.
- Pray for our children, Misha and Angela, who had a daughter Tatyana, so that the Lord would bless our children and our granddaughter with health.
We love you and we pray for you.
With respect, the pastor of the mission of the PIEI Ukraine mission, Pavel Petikhachny.