Youth meeting- „Come and help us!”


By the grace of our Lord Jesus, on November 14th, 2018, we had the first youth meeting we organized in partenership with Brethern Church in Alexandria and Pentecostal Church in Smardioasa. This meeting is held in the building of the Brethern Church with the help of „Word of Life” Association.

As they are more experienced in the youth ministry, we decided to ask for help from this organization and two men regularly come in Alexandria and guide us.

Besides games, socializing, snacks, competitions and sport youth from our town have the opportunity to hear the Gospel through presentations, testimonies or debates in small groups.

As a team, we meet weekly with the men from the „Word of Life” and we have follow-up discussions and plan the next meeting. May the Lord grant us wisdom, love and persistence in this ministry and may the Holy Spirit convince and transform the lives of many young people in our town