At The Crossroads


There is a pump at the crossroads in Orbeasca de Sus. Many villagers quenched their thirst from its waters or watered their animals. Here is also the meeting place for the children who attend Children's Club. Many times, when the weather is nice, they wait for us at this place. Right in front of the pump there is sister Ioana's house, where we meet to share the Gospel to the children of the village.

For three weeks, we have started to meet on a regular basis with the kids. The Truth of the Scripture is brought home to them, with stories and games, crafts and songs, Bible verses and good cheer. We have also started to learn Christmas carols in order to prepare a special Christmas program for their parents and other children.

Last week, while we were talking to kids before telling them the Bible story, I realized that among the boys who attended each and every meeting there were some of the school's problem-kids. On one hand, I was encouraged to see how wonderfully does God come closer to those who are a problem for others, not for Him. On the other hand,I saw the responsibility He entrusted us to make Him known to them.

Our ministry has just started, but we pray that the Living Water may fill this village where there is no evangelical church. And may all the persons who will be called at the crossroads to make a decision for Him to get to know the WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE that is our Lord Jesus!

Emanuela Geabou