And other sheep I have…

The words of our Lord Jesus are still vibrating in my heart.  And other sheep I have... (John 10.16)


Indeed, He has other sheep right in Orbeasca, even though more obstacles emerge.     

Carmen is a school-aged girl. She used to attend all the kids meetings in the house near the fountain with her friend, Nicoleta. This time she was alone. When asked why Nicoleta was missing, her answer didn’t surprise us, but saddened us: Her parents do not allow her to come anymore...

This happened exactly the week Mihai had gone to the mayor to ask for permission to use the village’s festivities hall for a caroling night. The Mayor had given us a „diplomatic” answer: we may use it only if it is the written demanding of  4-5 villagers, if we have a special approval from the County School Inspectorate etc...

 Other kids stopped as well to attend the evangelistic club because of the interdiction of their parents or teachers...


Please, pray with us:

1.       for open hearts for the Gospel

2.       for the mayor and those who are in charge of making decisions in this village

3.       for those who tell children not to come to the kids club

4.       for all the other Lord’s sheep who are living in this village, to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd

5.       for sister Ioana, in whose house we gather weekly

6.       for our team (Mihai, Ema, Cozinia, Rebeca and Rebeca)

7.       for wisdom and creativity to organize a caroling evening despite the fact that we don’t have a proper space for that


And other sheep I have... This is what motivates us to continue to work in this barren soil.

And other sheep I have... It is God’s desire for us to go.

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd. (John 10.16)

We praise our Shepherd He will save His loved ones!

Mihail si Emanuela Geabou
