„Adventures on 4 wheels (High Gears)” in Orbeasca

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We met Costel Cojan four years ago. A medical doctor with Phd, a professor in Republic of Moldova and at the same time a worker with the kids, organizing vbs. This time he offered to help us organize a VBS in Alexandria. But I was not ready, I didn’t want to be involved in organizing a vbs as we had just adopted three kids at the time and it was too challenging for us. Even though, at my wife’s sugestion, I accepted to organize a VBS but in Orbeasca de Sus, not in Alexandria.

Summer, 2018. I contacted the Mayor of the village. Gladly, he offered to let us use the festivities hall in the village. I saw it and I liked it, it was spacious and clean. But I was a little worried. Something was not so good: how could he be so open to an evangelistic ministry? Soon I discovered the mayor hadn’t understood what was all about. After he did, we understood that we can no longer use that place.

We started to look for another location. We succeded to find a strategic one- according to my thoughts- but the owner, open and glad to offer his house yard in the begining, after a short phone discussion with the mayor, let us know that the place is no more available, saying that he didn’t want people to accuse him he offered his space for the „repenters”.

After a time of struggles and prayers we decided to use what we had. We asked sister Ioana if she was willing to let us use her yard and she accepted with joy. We had plenty of space there. We borrowed two tents from Campus Crusade for Christ and off we went.

The Lord blessed us richly. There were windy and rainy days. Nevertheless, the children continued to come. There were around 60 kids who attended this vbs. We were so happy to see parents who came to see their kids and the Bible lessons presented by Costel Cojan were very clear and very helpful even for parents who were impressed. „The Way of the Lord” Church in Alexandria was extremely generous to help in organizing this event and the Lord sent us some youth from Potcoava and Craiova to help with the vbs as well.

HE, who made the walls of Jericho to fall has the power to make the walls of the opposition in this village to fall! May the Lord shine HIS light upon Orbeasca de Sus!