We rejoice of the repentance


Our dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I praise the Lord that, this month, I had a blessed time when I preached the Gospel.

Earlier this year, I visited many families from our church, and also had a good opportunity to proclaim the Word of God to unbelievers.

1. Together with our church, we organized and made social assistance in the amount of 7000 grams, and other necessary things, one family where only the wife is a believer, she is a member of our church but is seriously ill. Other members of this family are nonbelievers, but they thanked us very much for this help. We pray for this family that those unbelievers who live near it will be touched by the Word and the behavior of the Church of Christ, because we are constantly wondering about the condition of this sister, about her health problems and always come to her aid.

2. The quarantine continues in our country, but we are grateful to God that we can gather together with the church during the hours of prayer and worship of the Lord, where we have fellowship with brothers and sisters, with other people from our village who have a desire to come to church, with us, to worship. Last week, a 79-year-old woman who has been attending our church for several months repented. We rejoiced that the Lord loves, has mercy and saves those who seek Him.


-Thank God that He hears our prayers and answers us in due time.

-Thank God for the fact that we are healthy at this time and can get together for prayer and worship of the Lord.

-Thank God for you too, because you are a great help for us to serve in Ukraine.

4.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for the sister who repented that the Lord would strengthen her because her family members are all unbelievers.

-For our church, so that the Lord will keep it from disorder and false teaching.

-For me and our servants, so that the Lord would heat up our gifts and that they would work with courage to expand His Kingdom.

-For my family, so that the Lord will save us from sickness, from sin, from falls and to work with love for Him.

We also pray for you brothers and sisters from the United States, we love you and wish the Lord bless you. We greet you with the verse from 2 Corinthians 13:11.

With love, your brothers in Christ, the Hortopan family.


Meeting 2021 on knees


Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI organization, at the beginning of 2021 we greet you again with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! We are very glad to glorify God for the fact that He miraculously cares for His children, blesses

our affairs and keeps us on his shoulders.

1.The last minutes of this year, 2020, we spent in the house of prayer, together with the church. Each preacher had a short word through which we expressed gratitude to the Lord and had words from the Holy Scriptures for the church to encourage each member of the church for the next 2021. Young people, teenagers and everyone who wanted to had a program of praise for the glory and praise of God, also had prayers of thanks for the past year.

2. A few days later, on Sunday, we spent the breaking of bread, together with the church, which is communion with the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. We also visited the sick of our church with the breaking of bread.

3.On January 7, we celebrated the feast of Christmas, according to the old style. Children, teenagers, youth and everyone took part in this holiday. The main Person of this holiday was the Born Messiah, Who was sent by God on this earth to be born, grow up, to show us an example a righteous life, and then so that he would die for the sins of the whole world, so that we would be saved by believing in Him and live for Him. For this service, unbelievers from our village also visited us. At the end of the service, children and youth received gifts.

4. Our church sisters had their first prayer meeting this year. And as the motto of 2021, they took the 120th Psalm of David and took the Lord as an Assistant, Protector and Guide in the year ahead of us.


-Thank God for the fact that despite the quarantine we have the opportunity to gather together with the church for the ministry

-Thankful to the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for the fact that you are the help we need in serving the Lord.

-Thank God for our youth who have zeal and courage to serve God.

Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that the Lord will keep us safe from this raging Pandemic.

-So that the Lord would encourage each member of the church with zeal to serve Him.

-For me and my family, so that the Lord would protect us from sin, from sickness and from falls, so that we could serve the Lord more for His Glory.

We constantly pray for you, brothers and sisters, from the USA. We wish the blessings of God to remain over you in 2021. My family sends you their heartfelt greetings.

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Mihai Gortopan.


Christmas days


Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I praise God that we again, by His grace, have reached the last days of this past year, 2020. This year was difficult for us, but thank God that He does not leave His children even when they go through problems and difficult circumstances. I felt the hands of the Lord in the ministry this year and His blessings accompanied us every day.

We always thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for God's grace that was given to you in Jesus Christ, because in Him you were enriched in all directions, and you are a good testimony and blessing for us.

We had a good opportunity to preach the Gospel at a funeral. One elderly sister who had unbelieving children, relatives and neighbors, and they had such an opportunity to hear the Word of God, passed into eternity. This method is good for evagelizing people.

On December 25 we celebrated Christmas in our church. The Word was preached, rejoiced together, the children of our church had a good program. This service was broadcast online and I pray that the Lord, through His Word, will touch the hearts of people.

On the second day of the holiday of Christmas, we organized an evangelism with the children of our church and with other children from unbelieving families, where these children were taught, by our leaders, lessons about the Birth of Jesus Christ. Also, the children had games and competitions, and at the end they were treated to sweets and everyone received a gift.


Also, our church helped the poor people from our village with food. Pensioners, sick, single, poor families and believers, and unbelievers thanked God that at the end of this year they received such necessary help through the Church of Christ. So they said that the State is to us. does not help, and believers always come to the aid of poor people. We really want the Lord to be glorified through such works of mercy and that He would test the hearts of unbelievers so that they would repent.

I thank God that even if some of the members of our church went through the disease of Covid, but the Lord healed them, saved our lives and we were able to live until the end of 2020 - Thank God! I thank God for all the blessings with which He blessed us throughout this year.

Prayer Needs:

1. Let's pray that the Lord will save us in the future from problems with the Covid 19 pandemic.

2. So that we can preach the gospel of Christ on these holidays: Christmas and New Year.

3. For me, so that the Lord will strengthen me with courage in serving Him.

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021! We wish you that this year will be for you the Year of peace, health and abundant blessings from the Lord. We always pray for you.

With love, the Hortopan family.

22nd anniversary of the inauguration of our House of Prayer


Dear brothers and sisters from the PIEI organization, I greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I praise God for the fact that He cares for us every day and supports us in His ministry.

1) At the end of the month of November, on the 29th, there was a big holiday in our church. We celebrated the 22nd anniversary of the inauguration of our House of Prayer. We had a blessed ministry where all interested members of our church took part, thanked our Lord for giving us beautiful and blessed years so far. In this House, God is exalted and glorified through chants, we came to meet with prayers of Gratitude and our petitions before the Lord and He heard us, and in this House many people from our village have found the salvation of their souls. May our God be blessed that He made sure that we have our own Prayer House where we can worship Him.

2). At the beginning of the month, our church participated in the Breaking of Bread - the service that the Lord Jesus himself commanded, because it is communion with the Body and Blood of Christ the Savior. We also visited the sick of our church in their homes.

3). In our church, we began the Analysis of the Word of God for young people who had not yet entered into a marriage bond. We separated the boys separately and the girls separately. One brother was engaged with the brothers who is a leader for the youth, and one setra leader also taught them for the sisters. essential things for young people -How to keep your path in purity and holiness, in such a sinful world, only by heading to the Word of God.

4). - I am grateful to God that more ministries have begun in our church through which God is glorified.

-Thank God for the fact that at the current time we are healthy and can meet for prayer.

-Thank you for your prayers and for your material assistance in our ministry here.

5) Prayer Needs:

-Despite the Pandemic, which is still raging, we will pray like a church that, in connection with these holidays, we can carry the good news of the Gospel to unbelievers.

-For our youth, so that the Lord will strengthen them in the ministry that they should carry.

-For me and my family, so that God, through His Grace, will keep us healthy so that we can serve Him zealously.

We also pray for you, brothers and sisters from the United States, that God will save you from all diseases and from all evil.

We also want to wish you a Happy Christmas and Happy New Year 2021, and we wish you God's blessings to be with you every day of your life.

With love, the Hortopan family.

Women pray from all over the world


Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God and always pray for you that you are a great support for us.

At the beginning of the month of November, the sisters from our church united with all the Baptist sisters from all over the world in fasting and prayer and prayed for the troubles and problems through which women from all over the world are going through. We also collected donations for this purpose. Our sisters gather for prayer once a day. week in every week. They pray for the needs and deeds of the church. We have one case in our church, where there is one sister, her name is Veronica, she alone is a believer in her family, where all family members are unbelievers. And now Veronica fell seriously ill and this the disease had serious consequences for her health - her mind became clouded. She became a burden for all unbelieving members of her family. A grave condition. And so our sisters united to help this family and even help them with finances. This is a very good testimony for this family. We pray for this family.

In the middle of this month, a pastor's conference was organized in Kiev, which was broadcast online. For the pastors of our region, the conference was organized in 2 places, in churches where there is Internet. These are in Tarasovtsy and in Chernivtsi. There were good biblical instructions and trainings on the topic: "The personality of the pastor, his vocations and the responsibility that he has in the ministry of the pastor" There were very good moments where we were spiritually edified.


At the end of the month we had one blessing of a child in our church, where we prayed, together with the church, for this family and their newborn child, handing it over in the hands of Almighty God.

Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for the unbelieving family where our sick sister Veronica, a member of our church, lives.

-For the people of our village who listen to the words of the Gospel, so that they seek God.

-For the youth and children of our church, so that they grow spiritually and that they are useful in God's Vineyard.

-For me and my family, for God to protect us from the Covid 19 Pandemic.

At the same time, I am very grateful to you for the help that we have on your part in our ministry and for your prayers that you raised before God for us.

We, too, pray for you and wish you God's Blessings and that these blessings accompany you every day of your life.

With love, your brother in Christ Mihai Hortopan and my family.