We rejoice of the repentance


Our dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I praise the Lord that, this month, I had a blessed time when I preached the Gospel.

Earlier this year, I visited many families from our church, and also had a good opportunity to proclaim the Word of God to unbelievers.

1. Together with our church, we organized and made social assistance in the amount of 7000 grams, and other necessary things, one family where only the wife is a believer, she is a member of our church but is seriously ill. Other members of this family are nonbelievers, but they thanked us very much for this help. We pray for this family that those unbelievers who live near it will be touched by the Word and the behavior of the Church of Christ, because we are constantly wondering about the condition of this sister, about her health problems and always come to her aid.

2. The quarantine continues in our country, but we are grateful to God that we can gather together with the church during the hours of prayer and worship of the Lord, where we have fellowship with brothers and sisters, with other people from our village who have a desire to come to church, with us, to worship. Last week, a 79-year-old woman who has been attending our church for several months repented. We rejoiced that the Lord loves, has mercy and saves those who seek Him.


-Thank God that He hears our prayers and answers us in due time.

-Thank God for the fact that we are healthy at this time and can get together for prayer and worship of the Lord.

-Thank God for you too, because you are a great help for us to serve in Ukraine.

4.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for the sister who repented that the Lord would strengthen her because her family members are all unbelievers.

-For our church, so that the Lord will keep it from disorder and false teaching.

-For me and our servants, so that the Lord would heat up our gifts and that they would work with courage to expand His Kingdom.

-For my family, so that the Lord will save us from sickness, from sin, from falls and to work with love for Him.

We also pray for you brothers and sisters from the United States, we love you and wish the Lord bless you. We greet you with the verse from 2 Corinthians 13:11.

With love, your brothers in Christ, the Hortopan family.
