Meeting 2021 on knees


Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI organization, at the beginning of 2021 we greet you again with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! We are very glad to glorify God for the fact that He miraculously cares for His children, blesses

our affairs and keeps us on his shoulders.

1.The last minutes of this year, 2020, we spent in the house of prayer, together with the church. Each preacher had a short word through which we expressed gratitude to the Lord and had words from the Holy Scriptures for the church to encourage each member of the church for the next 2021. Young people, teenagers and everyone who wanted to had a program of praise for the glory and praise of God, also had prayers of thanks for the past year.

2. A few days later, on Sunday, we spent the breaking of bread, together with the church, which is communion with the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. We also visited the sick of our church with the breaking of bread.

3.On January 7, we celebrated the feast of Christmas, according to the old style. Children, teenagers, youth and everyone took part in this holiday. The main Person of this holiday was the Born Messiah, Who was sent by God on this earth to be born, grow up, to show us an example a righteous life, and then so that he would die for the sins of the whole world, so that we would be saved by believing in Him and live for Him. For this service, unbelievers from our village also visited us. At the end of the service, children and youth received gifts.

4. Our church sisters had their first prayer meeting this year. And as the motto of 2021, they took the 120th Psalm of David and took the Lord as an Assistant, Protector and Guide in the year ahead of us.


-Thank God for the fact that despite the quarantine we have the opportunity to gather together with the church for the ministry

-Thankful to the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for the fact that you are the help we need in serving the Lord.

-Thank God for our youth who have zeal and courage to serve God.

Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that the Lord will keep us safe from this raging Pandemic.

-So that the Lord would encourage each member of the church with zeal to serve Him.

-For me and my family, so that the Lord would protect us from sin, from sickness and from falls, so that we could serve the Lord more for His Glory.

We constantly pray for you, brothers and sisters, from the USA. We wish the blessings of God to remain over you in 2021. My family sends you their heartfelt greetings.

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Mihai Gortopan.
