Evangelization month


I praise God for the fact that He takes care of His Work perfectly!


-Brothers and sisters from the USA and from Romania, thank you for your help and support in traveling to Romania at the missionary conference which was at the beginning of the month of May. I had a very blessed time and wonderful fellowship with brothers missionaries from Romania and from the USA. There I was edified spiritually and returned home with a joyful soul. I wish God to bless and reward you for your sacrifice to this good work, what you did for us missionaries PIEI UKRAINE, because with our own forces we could not afford such a wonderful trip. May my God fulfill your every need, according to His riches in glory, by Jesus Christ. Phil. 4:19.


“Throughout the entire month, three Sundays in a row, with God's help, we organized 3 evangelisms in our church, where the pastor's brothers and preachers from Romania preached. We invited many friends to these evangelizations and thank God that many of those invited came to evangelism. And our young people were preparing for the glorification of Christ. They prepared an excellent program and the choir members of our church, and the orchestra with a glorification group. Praise the Lord that the Word of God was preached in the Force of the Holy Spirit and many of the friends listened attentively to these sermons. We pray that the Lord will touch many hearts for repentance.

Prayer needs:

-We have a need to pray for one woman who attended our church for a long time and even told us that she would repent, but her relatives (unbelievers) persuaded her and she stopped going to church. So that the Lord would reveal to her Himself and show that without repentance she would lose her soul.

-Pray for a daytime, Christian, children's camp to be held this summer in our church. So that the Lord will bless this camp.

We love you and we pray for you.

With respect, the pastor missionary of the PIEI Ukraine mission, brother Gorthopan Mihai.

Evangelization through computer technology

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I praise God for helping me to proclaim His Word this month, let His Name be glorified forever!

1. Youth evangelism:

-In our church, a youth meeting was held on the topic: "How to use a computer for the purpose of evangelism among unbelievers"

-Through bible verses

-Through spiritual videos and many more other methods.

Our youth praised God for this meeting by singing along with our orchestra. There were also various games and quizzes with questions and answers from the Bible. This meeting was broadcast online. We invited a brother who gave these lectures to hold a couple of meetings and among all of our members of the church, so everyone would be able to evangelize people through computer technology.

2. Funeral evangelism:

-Also, this month, we conducted the funeral services of one of our sister from the church. The Word of God was preached and our choir sang hymns of praise for God. There were many unbelievers who had this opportunity to hear the Word of our Lord. The funeral is also an evangelization under the open the sky where people listen to the Word and think about their lives.

3. Thanks:

-I am grateful to God and to you for your prayers and for your material assistance that you provide me in services for the Lord.

- Thank you for inviting me to Romania in the missionary conference in Alba Iulia, where I traveled, together with our missionaries from the PIEI Ukraine mission, and together we had excellent communication with our brothers from Romania. Let God bless you and return to you a hundred times .

4. Prayer needs:

-Pay for revival and repentance among unbelievers from our village.

-Pray for young families from our church to increase faith and zeal for work for the Lord.

-Pray also about my family, that the Lord gives us health and blessings in work for God.

We always pray for you and remember you with love. Yours faithfully Gortopan Mihai-pastor missionary from the mission of PIEI Ukraine.

Blessing newborn

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I praise and exalt the Lord for the fact that He wonderfully cares about His ministry.

This month we had the blessing of a child in the church, a girl named Evelina, and children from our Sunday School also participated in this ministry. They had a rich program, with songs, poems, through this, they congratulated the newborn.

We prayed over the newborn and handed it over to the Lord because only the Lord could bless this baby and her parents. At this holiday, unbelieving relatives were present, of this young family and at this ministry, they heard the word of God. We pray for these unbelievers, that the Lord will touch their hearts. Thank you for your help.

Sincerely, Missionary PIE Gortopan Mihai.

Family Holiday in our busy days

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I send the great greetings to everyone who prays for us and supports us!

I praise and thank the Lord because He miraculously took care of the ministry that we bring to God.

Our church, together with two other churches in this month, organized Evangelization called (Family Holiday), which was located in a restaurant. Believers of the family had invited unbelieving families, where they had fellowship at the table of love. Here they heard spiritual instruction, spiritual psalms, had useful conversations among themselves.

Seventy percent of the people gathered were unbelievers. There was a very good atmosphere, everyone was happy and contented. All costs for the restaurant, believing families took over.

We pray that the Lord will bless this ministry, and the seed of the Lord that has been sown in their heart, will germinate and bear much fruit.

Best regards,

Pastor Gortopan Mihai

Reaching the Unsaved

In February I made a lot of visits in which I had the opportunity to share the Gospel to the Lord’s children as well to the unsaved people. I am glad that we regularly have unsaved people from our community who attend our Sunday services. This month, a woman who has gone through health problems remembering her father who was faithful started to come to church. Pray with us for this person who is seeking God, to understand the Scripture, and start to follow Jesus Christ as her father. 

Later in February, we had a funeral where many unbelievers listened to the Gospel. The deceased had relatives with studies, having high positions in society. It is hard to invite such people to church or to an outreach as they usually refuse to attend church on the basis of not having time, but on such occasions as funerals they have the opportunity to listen to the Word. During the sermon, we urged people to read the Scripture, for only through the Word we can truly know Christ and the path that leads to His kingdom. I pray for those people to be searched by the Word of God that is alive and works. 

Sermon on the Mount

This month our youth along with other young people from other churches in the district had a Bible study in the church of village Marshinets. They have studied the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5, beautiful teachings that the Lord Jesus gave to the multitudes that were gathered, still current nowadays, for us who live in the 21st century. They are good promises for young people to find their happiness in Christ in the beautiful teachings of Scripture.

Thank you so much for supporting us in the ministry and praying for us. And we pray for you and for all your prayer requests. I wish in the future to remain partners and coworkers together.

Sincerely, Gortopan Mihai.