Reaching the Unsaved

In February I made a lot of visits in which I had the opportunity to share the Gospel to the Lord’s children as well to the unsaved people. I am glad that we regularly have unsaved people from our community who attend our Sunday services. This month, a woman who has gone through health problems remembering her father who was faithful started to come to church. Pray with us for this person who is seeking God, to understand the Scripture, and start to follow Jesus Christ as her father. 

Later in February, we had a funeral where many unbelievers listened to the Gospel. The deceased had relatives with studies, having high positions in society. It is hard to invite such people to church or to an outreach as they usually refuse to attend church on the basis of not having time, but on such occasions as funerals they have the opportunity to listen to the Word. During the sermon, we urged people to read the Scripture, for only through the Word we can truly know Christ and the path that leads to His kingdom. I pray for those people to be searched by the Word of God that is alive and works. 

Sermon on the Mount

This month our youth along with other young people from other churches in the district had a Bible study in the church of village Marshinets. They have studied the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5, beautiful teachings that the Lord Jesus gave to the multitudes that were gathered, still current nowadays, for us who live in the 21st century. They are good promises for young people to find their happiness in Christ in the beautiful teachings of Scripture.

Thank you so much for supporting us in the ministry and praying for us. And we pray for you and for all your prayer requests. I wish in the future to remain partners and coworkers together.

Sincerely, Gortopan Mihai.