Holiday Joy


January was a blessed month in which we could preach the Gospel lots of times. We celebrated Christmas on the 7th of January and went caroling thorough the village of Tarasauts and the neighboring village of Vanchikauts. We invited everybody we saw to a special Christmas program at church and most of them responded to our invitation. The youth, the church choir and the children praised the Child Who came to Earth to die for our sins through songs, poetry and skits. It was a beautiful holiday atmosphere which brought us lots of joy. I pray for everybody who heard the Gospel to be touched by God and make a good decisions for themselves.   

Unplanned Evangelism

Also in January we held three funeral ceremonies at which we could preach and lots of unsaved people could hear the Gospel. The Bible says that “through the sadness of the face the heart is getting better (Eccl. 7:4)”. That is why the funeral ceremonies are unplanned evangelisms at which people come and hear the Gospel. Let us pray for every person who hears the Gospel!


Thank you for supporting the missionary work in Ukraine. You are a great help and a blessing to us. We wish God to take care of you. We love you and pray for you.

Best regards

Gortopan Mihai