Family Holiday in our busy days

viber image 2019-03-27 , 21.23.35.jpg

I send the great greetings to everyone who prays for us and supports us!

I praise and thank the Lord because He miraculously took care of the ministry that we bring to God.

Our church, together with two other churches in this month, organized Evangelization called (Family Holiday), which was located in a restaurant. Believers of the family had invited unbelieving families, where they had fellowship at the table of love. Here they heard spiritual instruction, spiritual psalms, had useful conversations among themselves.

Seventy percent of the people gathered were unbelievers. There was a very good atmosphere, everyone was happy and contented. All costs for the restaurant, believing families took over.

We pray that the Lord will bless this ministry, and the seed of the Lord that has been sown in their heart, will germinate and bear much fruit.

Best regards,

Pastor Gortopan Mihai