Holiday Joy


January was a blessed month in which we could preach the Gospel lots of times. We celebrated Christmas on the 7th of January and went caroling thorough the village of Tarasauts and the neighboring village of Vanchikauts. We invited everybody we saw to a special Christmas program at church and most of them responded to our invitation. The youth, the church choir and the children praised the Child Who came to Earth to die for our sins through songs, poetry and skits. It was a beautiful holiday atmosphere which brought us lots of joy. I pray for everybody who heard the Gospel to be touched by God and make a good decisions for themselves.   

Unplanned Evangelism

Also in January we held three funeral ceremonies at which we could preach and lots of unsaved people could hear the Gospel. The Bible says that “through the sadness of the face the heart is getting better (Eccl. 7:4)”. That is why the funeral ceremonies are unplanned evangelisms at which people come and hear the Gospel. Let us pray for every person who hears the Gospel!


Thank you for supporting the missionary work in Ukraine. You are a great help and a blessing to us. We wish God to take care of you. We love you and pray for you.

Best regards

Gortopan Mihai

Wrapping up 2018


We praise the Lord for the blessings of 2018. We thank God for leading us and taking care of us amazingly throughout the year. In December I had more free time for visits as the work in the fields finished. In this way I could visit the sick and other members of the church. Through conversations I could understand the personality and the mood of the other person well. I could encourage and comfort them through the Word of God that can relieve and solve any problems. I met unsaved people to whom I told about the great God’s plan of salvation. The last week of the month we met at church for prayer every day. We thanked the Lord for the past year and asked for guidance and blessing for the year to come. We also had a funeral where we preached the Gospel and lots of unsaved people could hear it. Thank you for supporting the ministry in Ukraine. I wish us to continue to be partners in Evangelism. 

Love, Gortopan Mihai

Get Up and Shine

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I praise the Lord for taking care of us and guiding us in a wonderful way during this month. At the beginning of the month the ladies from our church united with the other sisters in Christ from all over Ukraine in prayer and fasting for God’s ministry in the whole world. The topic of their prayer was called “Get up and shine”. During their meeting they understood how important united prayer is, and how powerful can it be. At the end of the meeting they donated money for God’s ministry in poorer countries. Later the same month, they attended a regional conference for women where the main topic was “The Relationships Between Young and Old Generation”. They learned that only the love of God can cover any difference between us.

This month our church celebrated the 20th anniversary since the opening of the current church building in our village. We held an outreach with this occasion with great preparations of programs by the children, the youth and the choir. We had preachers from Romania and guests from other churches in our district and unsaved people from our village. 

At the end of the month we went to Fagadau village and helped at a funeral service. There came a lot of unsaved people who heard the Gospel and for whom we pray to open their hearts for Christ. 

Thank you for supporting us financially and for your prayers. Your sacrifice makes us praise God as it is written in 2 Corinthians 9:13-14: “Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, we will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with us and with everyone else. And in our prayers for you our hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you.” We wish God’s blessings follow you every day. 

Best regards, Mihai Gortopan

Watching Seeds Grow


I glorify God for taking care of us every day in any ministry we do. 

I want to share with you the joy we have at church as a wonderful result of the PIEI camp we had this summer in August. Two young boys, Andrey and Vadim, who repented at the PIEI youth camp this summer, come regularly to church and are keen to study the Bible. They are very active in the church ministry along with other youths of our church. We glorify God who has started His ministry in these youths’ lives too.  Let’s pray for them to be strong in their faith and to stay near God all their life so that the other people in our village could se Jesus in their lives. 

Precious Teachings

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At the end of October all the Romanian churches in our district celebrated Thanksgiving in the town square of Novoselitsa. Our youth took an active part at that outreach. A lot of passers by stopped to hear the praise to God given by the youth through songs and the sermon. We pray for everybody who heard the Gospel to be touched by the Holy Spirit. 

The preachers of our church attended a seminar in Chernauti, held by a professor in Theology from Bucharest, Romania. We all received precious teachings. 

Thank you for supporting us in our ministry here. I wish our partnership never end so we could be workers in the Lord’s vineyard.

Best regards, Gortopan Mihai

The Future of the Church


I praise the Lord for letting us to live one more month in which He showed us His mercy and kindness. This month the youth had the opportunity to lead a whole service at church one Sunday. All the church was encouraged to pray for our youth because they are the new generation and the future of our church.

Missions Around the World

We were visited by a young missionary family from Kazakhstan. They presented their work and their vision for the future, to go to a poorer area and work with street children. We always pray for them, and were able to give them financial help to support them and their work (Elena and Sergei). On the last Sunday of September, we celebrated Thanksgiving when we praised and thanked God for the blessed harvest and for His care during this year. There were unsaved people at church too who could hear the Gospel. On the same afternoon our choir visited a smaller church in our district and we were a great encouragement and joy for brothers and sisters of that church.  


Thank you for the great support you give us. You are our help, encouragement, and reason of thanksgiving and praise to God. Pray with us for the work in Ukraine.

Best regards, Gortopan Mihai
