Regional Ministry


August started with the PIEI youth camp which, was attended by 4 leaders and 10 youths from Tarasauts. Along with other youths of the region, they all spent a wonderful week studying the Bible. This camp is a great and fruitful ministry which brings repentance, blessing and joy. We thank wholeheartedly the American team who dedicated themselves completely to this ministry. 

On Monday after camp, all the PIEI missionaries met at our church with two brothers from Michigan USA, Brother Rob Cook and Brother Charlie. We shared our experiences from the ministry and learned how to schedule our work more efficiently.  

Our church hosted a regional conference for families with the participation of some brothers from Romania. We pray for families in our region to be strong enough to face the Devil’s temptations and stay healthy Christian families useful to their communities and their local churches. 

Glorify the Savior

La intalnirea misionarilor misiunii PIEI Tarasauti..jpg

At the end of the month our church had another guests from Romania, who preached the Gospel and sang to the Glory of God. There were unsaved people from community to the services. Our wish and prayer is that anything is done at church and in our community is to glorify our Savior, so that more unsaved people to find Jesus and the local church to grow spiritually. 

We thank the American team for their full dedication to the ministry in the camp. May the Lord reward your sacrifice! We thank you and pray for you: “That in everything you are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge.” (1 Corinthians 1:5) We also thank the other PIEI brothers and sisters who didn’t visit us, but support our ministry. We pray for you and wish God’s blessings follow you every day!

Blessings Through VBS

I praise the Lord for the blessings in this month in which we felt His mercy and Grace. We started the month with a week of VBS for kids. It was a blessed time in which lots of unsaved kids as well as kids of our church had the opportunity to hear the Gospel and learn the Word of God. They also had lots of different contests and games. The youth of our church were involved in this ministry as the number of children reached 80 and that required more leaders. Also on Sunday after the VBS week we held a regional children’s meeting in our church. The meeting was full of songs, Bible contests, games and Bible study. All the children praised the Lord. We pray for the children who heard the Gospel to tell their parents about Jesus and their parents investigated by the Holy Spirit to be transformed. We also had a New Testimonial baptism in our church, where several people wanted to be baptized. It was a beautiful holiday for our church and lots of unsaved people could hear the Gospel. 

Sharing Experiences

At the end of the month the American team arrived and the ladies had a regional conference where sister Gabriela, Dr. Jackie and sister Patricia Grupp shared valuable teachings with the ladies from different churches of our district. At the same time the PIEI missionaries got together and shared their experiences from their ministry with brother Cornel Stef, the PIEI president, and brother Daniel Petruts, a pastor from Romania. We are very thankful for the American team who sacrifices their time for the ministry in Ukraine. We pray for the PIEI camp that God will prepare more hearts to receive the Word. 

Gortopan Mihai

Small Groups

The first summer month has passed and we praise the Lord for the opportunity to work with Him for His kingdom.

The ladies of our church who are engaged in children's VBS have started their ministry in other churches from our district. It is an important work that is supported by the whole of our church. Once a week the members of the church and other willing people got together for Bible study. We studied the books of Habakkuk and Haggai and learned how a person can be blessed abundantly if they obey God.


Our youth took an active part in the organization of a mega evangelism in Novoselitsa, with the participation of a Romanian group of singers called "Hope".  There were a lot of unsaved people who heard the Gospel and for whom we pray to be changed. We also thank the Lord that there were other people who answered the call to repentance and went in the front of the stage and asked the Lord to come in their hearts. We pray for them to stay near God all their lives and grow spiritually.

Thank you for supporting us. It is a great encouragement for us.  And may God meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

Best wishes, Gortopan Mihai

Celebrating the Ascension

I praise the Lord, for he has taken great care of us and of His work this month. In May we celebrated the Ascension of Jesus and the Pentecost. The whole church, children, youth, and the choir took an active part with special programs at the church services. We had some unsaved listeners from the community for whom I pray to repent. We thank brother Cornel and sister Gabi Stef who organized the meeting with Terry Mortenson. Several brothers from our church attended their conference and liked it a lot. We learnt a lot of useful and interesting facts about creation. We wish you God's blessings upon you for the effort you made in this ministry. 

Working with Children

Eight young people from our church attended special courses in which they learnt how to work with children in VBS. They start VBS in June and I am glad that they agreed to get involved in this ministry teaching children about the Lord. 

We had a funeral where lots of unsaved people heard the Gospel. 
Thank you for supporting me in the evangelism. I wish to continue working with you for the Glory of God. 

Best wishes, Gortopan Mihai

Proclaiming the Resurrection

    April came to us with lots of blessings, joy and holidays. On the first Sunday we celebrated Jesus' glorious entrance into Jerusalem and on the following Sunday we proclaimed Jesus' Resurrection. The whole church glorified the Lord with songs and special programs on those special events. I was glad to see lots of unsaved people from our community at church. A person accepted the Lord at the Resurrection service. We pray for the other people who attended the outreaches on those days to open their hearts for Jesus. 

Praying for the Lost

    Our church started a new project - to pray for the people in our church who have departed from Christ. We have also visited them and talked to them. We rejoiced when three people returned to Christ again. Through these things we praise and glorify only the Lord. We are motivated to continue in interceding for the lost. 
Thank you for your support. You are a great help and encouragement to us. We love you and pray for you.

Best wishes, Gortopan Mihai