Proclaiming the Resurrection

    April came to us with lots of blessings, joy and holidays. On the first Sunday we celebrated Jesus' glorious entrance into Jerusalem and on the following Sunday we proclaimed Jesus' Resurrection. The whole church glorified the Lord with songs and special programs on those special events. I was glad to see lots of unsaved people from our community at church. A person accepted the Lord at the Resurrection service. We pray for the other people who attended the outreaches on those days to open their hearts for Jesus. 

Praying for the Lost

    Our church started a new project - to pray for the people in our church who have departed from Christ. We have also visited them and talked to them. We rejoiced when three people returned to Christ again. Through these things we praise and glorify only the Lord. We are motivated to continue in interceding for the lost. 
Thank you for your support. You are a great help and encouragement to us. We love you and pray for you.

Best wishes, Gortopan Mihai