Regional Ministry


August started with the PIEI youth camp which, was attended by 4 leaders and 10 youths from Tarasauts. Along with other youths of the region, they all spent a wonderful week studying the Bible. This camp is a great and fruitful ministry which brings repentance, blessing and joy. We thank wholeheartedly the American team who dedicated themselves completely to this ministry. 

On Monday after camp, all the PIEI missionaries met at our church with two brothers from Michigan USA, Brother Rob Cook and Brother Charlie. We shared our experiences from the ministry and learned how to schedule our work more efficiently.  

Our church hosted a regional conference for families with the participation of some brothers from Romania. We pray for families in our region to be strong enough to face the Devil’s temptations and stay healthy Christian families useful to their communities and their local churches. 

Glorify the Savior

La intalnirea misionarilor misiunii PIEI Tarasauti..jpg

At the end of the month our church had another guests from Romania, who preached the Gospel and sang to the Glory of God. There were unsaved people from community to the services. Our wish and prayer is that anything is done at church and in our community is to glorify our Savior, so that more unsaved people to find Jesus and the local church to grow spiritually. 

We thank the American team for their full dedication to the ministry in the camp. May the Lord reward your sacrifice! We thank you and pray for you: “That in everything you are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge.” (1 Corinthians 1:5) We also thank the other PIEI brothers and sisters who didn’t visit us, but support our ministry. We pray for you and wish God’s blessings follow you every day!