Small Groups

The first summer month has passed and we praise the Lord for the opportunity to work with Him for His kingdom.

The ladies of our church who are engaged in children's VBS have started their ministry in other churches from our district. It is an important work that is supported by the whole of our church. Once a week the members of the church and other willing people got together for Bible study. We studied the books of Habakkuk and Haggai and learned how a person can be blessed abundantly if they obey God.


Our youth took an active part in the organization of a mega evangelism in Novoselitsa, with the participation of a Romanian group of singers called "Hope".  There were a lot of unsaved people who heard the Gospel and for whom we pray to be changed. We also thank the Lord that there were other people who answered the call to repentance and went in the front of the stage and asked the Lord to come in their hearts. We pray for them to stay near God all their lives and grow spiritually.

Thank you for supporting us. It is a great encouragement for us.  And may God meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

Best wishes, Gortopan Mihai