Foreign Language Day Camp

By God’s grace, a foreign language day camp was organized at the PIEI Center in Alba Iulia from June 26th to June 30th. Fifty-three children participated in the camp, coming from non-believing families. These children are part of the Foreign Language Club project, which takes place twice a week at the PIEI Center in Alba Iulia, where they learn and practice two modern languages grammatically.

During this camp, the children had the opportunity to hear about the miraculous ways God worked in the lives of biblical personalities and how the same God can intervene in their own lives, offering them joy and hope. Through songs and activities specially prepared for them in German and English, they were able to discover more about God.

For most of the children, this was their first camp experience, and it served as their introduction to the Christian world, where they learned to pray and address God personally. Parents were surprised and moved by the way the children were supervised and taught to have moral and pro-social behavior during the camp. Through this camp, a stronger bond was formed with the parents, gaining their trust and openness, and leading to the possibility of more projects involving their children in the future.

Our prayer is that God continues to work in the hearts of the children and then in the hearts of their parents.

Emanuel Joldos - PIEI Romania Missionary 

Reach The Hearts with The Gospel

During this period, we are delighted to see a consistent participation of over 65 children in German and English classes. During the Easter season, we were able to present the story of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ to the children in a way they could understand through lessons and activities with English-German vocabulary. The classes take place every Monday and Wednesday, with eight groups attending at different times in the club. Preschool and school-age children actively participate in language assimilation activities and practice their knowledge through worksheets prepared by Damaris, tailored to the cognitive levels of the learners. At the same time, our goal is to bring the message of salvation through these language lessons to the families of these children.

Additionally, floorball meetings have started at the PIEI Center, and we hope to use these gatherings to reach the hearts of the children and their families with the Gospel.

Furthermore, together with my brother Beniamin, who is responsible in the Baptist Church of Craiva, Cricau commune, we have started a new floorball project in Cricau, aiming to attract children from four villages. We pray for God's blessing on this project as well.

Prayer requests:

  • Preparation for the foreign language camp at the end of June.

  • Expansion of the number of students in the foreign language club and the need to increase the number of educators in the educational project.

  • Development of relationships with the parents of the children who are part of these projects.

  • Preparation for the floorball camp at the end of June.

  • Integration of as many children as possible into the floorball group in Alba Iulia and Cricau.

  • Salvation of the children and families involved in both projects.

Emanuel Joldos - PIEI Romania Missionary

Celebrate More

On December 18, 2022, at the PIEI Christian Center in Alba Iulia was held a celebratory event organized and coordinated by Joldos Damaris with children of English and German language programs that meet weekly within the PIEI Christian Center.

On this occasion the good news of the birth of the Lord Jesus was conveyed through the children's pranks both in English and in German and through a short message from me specifically to children and their parents who 90% do not attend any Church.

We enjoyed the large presence of 70 children and of more than 100 parents. At the end of the program each child received a special gift prepared for themselves through which their eyes were directed towards the greatest gift of Jesus Christ. At this event was offered a diploma of appreciation and acquisition of linguistic competencies offered by Damaris Joldos in collaboration with the PIEI Organization. 

Prayer Requests:

  • strengthening relations with the parents of these children

  • the salvation of these parents 

  • the opening of the children to the message of the Gospel 

  • summer camp 

  • power and wisdom in teaching the English and German language

Emanuel Joldos - PIEI Romania Missionary

God Will Work

With the help of God, the PIE Christian Center in Alba Iulia has opened its doors to the "Hallo Kinder" Language School, which offers courses in German and English for preschool and schoolchildren.

Most of the children come from non-Christian families. Thus, we arranged a waiting room for parents.

Weekly 50 children attend, who are divided into 7 groups. Meetings are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We enjoy the great openness we have with the parents. Our prayer is that beyond the educational side, we can positively influence their spiritual life. We are in the process of planning a summer school for all these children, where we hope that God will work in their lives.

Emanuel Joldos - PIEI Romania Missionary

All For The Glory Of God

April 14-17, together with a group of young people from Saliste and Alba Iulia I participated in the QVJ Career Orientation Conference organized by Emanuel University in Oradea.

During this conference, 7 young people decided to attend the courses of Emanuel University in Oradea and to invest and prepare themselves for the work of God in the following areas: pastoral service, music, social work, literature and management.

We pray that these young people can complete their studies well and then be able to serve for the Kingdom of God.

Emanuel Joldos - PIEI Romania Missionary

Mission In Action

December 28 to January 2 the Christian PIEI Center in Alba Iulia partnered youth winter camp with the MIA (Mission in Action). The young people enjoyed biblical education, entertainment and enthusiastic activities in a healthy community. The theme was: “In a heart of stone, in a heart of flesh” inspired by

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;

I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and

I will give you a heart of flesh.” [Ezekiel 36:26]

God blessed this time with these young people, who have given their lives into God's hands and desire to see spiritual growth in the lives of the saved.

Also, from January 3-6 the Christian PIEI Center hosted 35 teenagers who were discipled as potential young leaders in their communities. The group learned how to teach biblical lessons, share their testimony, evangelize and lead their piers on the path of faith. Please pray that God raises a new generation of young Romanians, whose lives are relevant and impact salvation of the next generation.

Emanuel Joldos - PIEI Romania Missionary

Growing in Christ at the Center

At the PIEI Christian Center in Alba Iulia since the beginning of October another group of approximately 20 young people and adolescents are meeting for Bible study and spiritual growth.

We are happy for their deep desire to know Scripture and the passion to live it in their lives. We are confident that God will awaken an ardor in the young generation for Christ.

Emanuel Joldos

Light in a Dark World

During July 8-11 the Cetatea Baptist Church in Alba Iulia, in collaboration with the International Evangelization Partners, organized a Vacation Bible School at the Christian Center in Alba Iulia.

The children were guided by leaders in the biblical world by characters who shone in their generation, and being challenged and to shine forth in the present generation.

We were thankful to God for the massive participation in the VBS, enjoying a daily presence of over 130 children.

We have prayed and continue to pray for the children who have heard the Word and for God to work on the hearts of unsaved parents.

During July at the PIEI Center in Alba Iulia several spiritual and sports meetings took place for both children and young people. One of the most special was on June 26th when we organized a special evening in which over 40 young people worshipped in singing and listening to the Word, and finally enjoyed a campfire and delicious dessert prepared at the fire. We pray for and invest in children and young people because we hope that God will bring a revival among them.

Emanuel Joldos,- PIEI Romania Missionary

Sports and Youth

By the grace of God, in June at the PIEI Christian Center in Alba Iulia we started a special program of sports and spiritual meetings for children and young people. Every Saturday they have floorball training and then a game proper. The spiritual part takes place after a snack that children and young people can enjoy. There are also other sports activities such as volleyball or football that bring enthusiasm, joy and delight among children and young people.

We are thankful to God for the openness and collaboration we have with the families of the children, especially since some come from unsaved families, and for the possibility that in this way we can proclaim the Gospel.

Emanuel Joldos, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Sports and the Spirit

By the grace of God in June at the PIEI Christian Center in Alba Iulia we started a special program of sports and spiritual meetings for children and young people in ’’Alba Iulia.’’ Every Saturday they have a floorball training session and then a real game.

The spiritual portion takes place after a snack that children and young people can enjoy. There are also other sports activities such as volleyball or football that bring enthusiasm, joy and delight among children and young people.

We are thankful to God for the good openness and collaboration we have with families of the children. This is especially good since some children come from unsaved families, and for the possibility that in this way we can proclaim the Gospel.

Emanuel Joldos, PIEI - Romania Missionary

Stronger together

In these times of uncertainty and instability, we are grateful to God that we have Him and the faith in His Word that generates the spiritual comfort and peace of mind we need.

Although we are going through a more difficult time, the Church has the mandate to fulfill the Great Commandment and to be a blessing to the community.

With this in mind, on January 16th we organized at the PIEI Christian Center in Alba Iulia a meeting with pastors and missionaries in the area to design together a missionary action plan for the region.

During this meeting, several missionary and spiritual projects for the future were proposed, targeting both the city of Alba Iulia and the entire county of Alba.

  • Monthly meetings with pastors and missionaries for fellowship and prayer and also for current studies and discussions for pastors and church work;

  • Meetings every two months with the working brothers in the churches where the pastoral brothers serve for their more efficient preparation and equipment in the work;

  • Weekly meeting with children from Baptist churches in Alba-Iulia and their friends, outside the church, for floorball activities and Bible lessons;

  • Weekly meeting with teenagers and young people from the Baptist churches in Alba-Iulia and their friends, outside the church, for floorball activities and spiritual lessons.

  • Meeting and mission with the young people from Alba Iulia in the villages of origin of the young people from the villages near the city of Alba Iulia.

  • Summer camps with evangelistic and sports activities - floorball with children and teenagers from Alba Iulia

  • Summer camps with sports activities - floorball with children and teenagers from the villages near Alba Iulia

  • Apologetics courses in which students and young people from the community are invited

  • Homiletical courses for preaching to youth leaders and working brothers in local churches

  • Online Bible study with sisters in our churches and all Romanian PIE missionaries.

  • Support in prayer, for each other, every night at 9PM

Also presented are some principles that we want to be the basis for the cooperation of the ministering brothers:

  • Mutual service must prevail;

  • Equality of brothers in the service of others;

  • Development of a common strategy;

  • Ability to learn from each other;

  • Together we are stronger

The pastoral brothers appreciated the proposals made and offered their willingness to get involved in the future in all these aforementioned projects.

Prayer Requests:

  • Unity and harmony between servants

  • Perseverance in the development of these projects

  • Ability and humility to accept each other and learn from each other

  • Protection and health for servants and their families.

  • Team formation for each proposed project.

We thank God for this meeting and we are confident that in unity and connection God's work will be fruitful and effective.

With brotherly love,

Emanuel Joldos

My Vision for the Youth Center

As the new Director of the PIEI Youth Center in Alba Iulia, I would like to share with you my vision for it. Please pray that this vision will be fleshed out and fulfill the needs of the community and bring the Gospel to those who need it.

Emanuel Joldos, PIEI-Romania Missionary



  • Formation of an apprenticeship group and initiatives regarding the county mission work

  • Preparing and equipping young people to serve through the Word

  • Evangelism and working with children locally

  • Forming and equipping a work team as spiritual and sports mentors

  • Training and preparation of floorball instructors / coaches

  • Training leaders with spiritual involvement

  • Discipleship of young people in the Church

  • Saving young people

  • Establishing good and trusting relationships with their families in order to save them

  • Occasional mission in village churches

  • The inter-relational connection of the young people from the city with those from the villages

  • Strengthening and deepening relations between zonal workers.

Projected Activities

  • Weekly meeting with children from Baptist churches in Alba-Iulia and their friends outside the church for floorball activities and Bible lessons

  • Weekly meeting with children from Baptist churches and their friends outside the church, from villages near the city of Alba Iulia, for floorball activities and Bible lessons

  • Weekly meeting with teenagers and young people from Baptist churches and their friends outside the church, from villages near the city of Alba-Iulia, for floorball activities and spiritual lessons

  • Meeting and doing missions with the young people from Alba Iulia in the villages of origin of the young people from the villages near the city of Alba Iulia.

  • English Language Club (2 days a week)

    • Teaching English to the group (s) of children at beginner level

    • Teaching English to the group (s) of children at intermediate level.

  • German Language Club (2 days a week)

    • Teaching German to groups of children at beginner level

    • Teaching German to groups of children at intermediate level

    • Teaching German to groups of children at an advanced level.

  • Christian counseling (4 counseling sessions per week):

    • Providing guidance, emotional, socio-affective and spiritual support to parents with various needs

    • Providing spiritual-behavioral psychotherapy sessions for children

    • Family and couple counseling sessions

    • Concrete and specific interventions to improve, solve and prevent significant problems of children

    • Parenting sessions and courses

Summer Camp- Floorball/Sports

  • Evangelistic and sports activities - floorball with children and adolescents from Alba Iulia (three days)

  • Sports activities - floorball with children and teenagers from the villages near the city of Alba Iulia (three days)

We are in need of

  • Synthetic ground, materials (gates, edges, clubs, balls, equipment) for Floorball

  • Snacks

  • Language and counseling center:

    • benches

    • chairs

    • stationery

    • teaching materials

    • blackboard

    • desk

    • playground

    • laptop

    • printer