Reach The Hearts with The Gospel

During this period, we are delighted to see a consistent participation of over 65 children in German and English classes. During the Easter season, we were able to present the story of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ to the children in a way they could understand through lessons and activities with English-German vocabulary. The classes take place every Monday and Wednesday, with eight groups attending at different times in the club. Preschool and school-age children actively participate in language assimilation activities and practice their knowledge through worksheets prepared by Damaris, tailored to the cognitive levels of the learners. At the same time, our goal is to bring the message of salvation through these language lessons to the families of these children.

Additionally, floorball meetings have started at the PIEI Center, and we hope to use these gatherings to reach the hearts of the children and their families with the Gospel.

Furthermore, together with my brother Beniamin, who is responsible in the Baptist Church of Craiva, Cricau commune, we have started a new floorball project in Cricau, aiming to attract children from four villages. We pray for God's blessing on this project as well.

Prayer requests:

  • Preparation for the foreign language camp at the end of June.

  • Expansion of the number of students in the foreign language club and the need to increase the number of educators in the educational project.

  • Development of relationships with the parents of the children who are part of these projects.

  • Preparation for the floorball camp at the end of June.

  • Integration of as many children as possible into the floorball group in Alba Iulia and Cricau.

  • Salvation of the children and families involved in both projects.

Emanuel Joldos - PIEI Romania Missionary