Light in a Dark World

During July 8-11 the Cetatea Baptist Church in Alba Iulia, in collaboration with the International Evangelization Partners, organized a Vacation Bible School at the Christian Center in Alba Iulia.

The children were guided by leaders in the biblical world by characters who shone in their generation, and being challenged and to shine forth in the present generation.

We were thankful to God for the massive participation in the VBS, enjoying a daily presence of over 130 children.

We have prayed and continue to pray for the children who have heard the Word and for God to work on the hearts of unsaved parents.

During July at the PIEI Center in Alba Iulia several spiritual and sports meetings took place for both children and young people. One of the most special was on June 26th when we organized a special evening in which over 40 young people worshipped in singing and listening to the Word, and finally enjoyed a campfire and delicious dessert prepared at the fire. We pray for and invest in children and young people because we hope that God will bring a revival among them.

Emanuel Joldos,- PIEI Romania Missionary