My Vision for the Youth Center

As the new Director of the PIEI Youth Center in Alba Iulia, I would like to share with you my vision for it. Please pray that this vision will be fleshed out and fulfill the needs of the community and bring the Gospel to those who need it.

Emanuel Joldos, PIEI-Romania Missionary



  • Formation of an apprenticeship group and initiatives regarding the county mission work

  • Preparing and equipping young people to serve through the Word

  • Evangelism and working with children locally

  • Forming and equipping a work team as spiritual and sports mentors

  • Training and preparation of floorball instructors / coaches

  • Training leaders with spiritual involvement

  • Discipleship of young people in the Church

  • Saving young people

  • Establishing good and trusting relationships with their families in order to save them

  • Occasional mission in village churches

  • The inter-relational connection of the young people from the city with those from the villages

  • Strengthening and deepening relations between zonal workers.

Projected Activities

  • Weekly meeting with children from Baptist churches in Alba-Iulia and their friends outside the church for floorball activities and Bible lessons

  • Weekly meeting with children from Baptist churches and their friends outside the church, from villages near the city of Alba Iulia, for floorball activities and Bible lessons

  • Weekly meeting with teenagers and young people from Baptist churches and their friends outside the church, from villages near the city of Alba-Iulia, for floorball activities and spiritual lessons

  • Meeting and doing missions with the young people from Alba Iulia in the villages of origin of the young people from the villages near the city of Alba Iulia.

  • English Language Club (2 days a week)

    • Teaching English to the group (s) of children at beginner level

    • Teaching English to the group (s) of children at intermediate level.

  • German Language Club (2 days a week)

    • Teaching German to groups of children at beginner level

    • Teaching German to groups of children at intermediate level

    • Teaching German to groups of children at an advanced level.

  • Christian counseling (4 counseling sessions per week):

    • Providing guidance, emotional, socio-affective and spiritual support to parents with various needs

    • Providing spiritual-behavioral psychotherapy sessions for children

    • Family and couple counseling sessions

    • Concrete and specific interventions to improve, solve and prevent significant problems of children

    • Parenting sessions and courses

Summer Camp- Floorball/Sports

  • Evangelistic and sports activities - floorball with children and adolescents from Alba Iulia (three days)

  • Sports activities - floorball with children and teenagers from the villages near the city of Alba Iulia (three days)

We are in need of

  • Synthetic ground, materials (gates, edges, clubs, balls, equipment) for Floorball

  • Snacks

  • Language and counseling center:

    • benches

    • chairs

    • stationery

    • teaching materials

    • blackboard

    • desk

    • playground

    • laptop

    • printer