Stronger together

In these times of uncertainty and instability, we are grateful to God that we have Him and the faith in His Word that generates the spiritual comfort and peace of mind we need.

Although we are going through a more difficult time, the Church has the mandate to fulfill the Great Commandment and to be a blessing to the community.

With this in mind, on January 16th we organized at the PIEI Christian Center in Alba Iulia a meeting with pastors and missionaries in the area to design together a missionary action plan for the region.

During this meeting, several missionary and spiritual projects for the future were proposed, targeting both the city of Alba Iulia and the entire county of Alba.

  • Monthly meetings with pastors and missionaries for fellowship and prayer and also for current studies and discussions for pastors and church work;

  • Meetings every two months with the working brothers in the churches where the pastoral brothers serve for their more efficient preparation and equipment in the work;

  • Weekly meeting with children from Baptist churches in Alba-Iulia and their friends, outside the church, for floorball activities and Bible lessons;

  • Weekly meeting with teenagers and young people from the Baptist churches in Alba-Iulia and their friends, outside the church, for floorball activities and spiritual lessons.

  • Meeting and mission with the young people from Alba Iulia in the villages of origin of the young people from the villages near the city of Alba Iulia.

  • Summer camps with evangelistic and sports activities - floorball with children and teenagers from Alba Iulia

  • Summer camps with sports activities - floorball with children and teenagers from the villages near Alba Iulia

  • Apologetics courses in which students and young people from the community are invited

  • Homiletical courses for preaching to youth leaders and working brothers in local churches

  • Online Bible study with sisters in our churches and all Romanian PIE missionaries.

  • Support in prayer, for each other, every night at 9PM

Also presented are some principles that we want to be the basis for the cooperation of the ministering brothers:

  • Mutual service must prevail;

  • Equality of brothers in the service of others;

  • Development of a common strategy;

  • Ability to learn from each other;

  • Together we are stronger

The pastoral brothers appreciated the proposals made and offered their willingness to get involved in the future in all these aforementioned projects.

Prayer Requests:

  • Unity and harmony between servants

  • Perseverance in the development of these projects

  • Ability and humility to accept each other and learn from each other

  • Protection and health for servants and their families.

  • Team formation for each proposed project.

We thank God for this meeting and we are confident that in unity and connection God's work will be fruitful and effective.

With brotherly love,

Emanuel Joldos