A guy is ill with cerebral palsy


I send sincere greetings to all missionaries of the mission PIEI. “The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace”. (Nu.6:24-26)

Our God bless us amazing from day to day. So we wonder of His grace and mercy. May our powerful and almighty God bless all of you and will repay you in one hundred fold for your help and support for us. I am happy that God can use me for His purposes and I can be like a tool in His hands.


We are glad that we can spread the Gospel to millions of people through the radio and via the internet. In our program “Family Bible Hour” we talked about family problems when a man doesn`t respect wife`s work at home with kids and he thinks that she is lazy and didn`t do anything all day. But he couldn`t imagine how many things she doing every day which are invisible to him. She cares about children, washes them, feeds them, clean after them, plays with them, cooking, clean up all house, laundry stuff and etc. But he thinks if you have not a job and stay at home that’s mean you are doing nothing. So, we broke this thought and showed the reality and ask men to respect their wives at home especially when they are pregnant. They need to be appreciated and give them honor.


I visit one guy every month his name is Michael and he is ill with cerebral palsy. He is 28, but his mind is only 15 years old. I brought him some cookies and stuff he likes. We talked about life and we prayed with Our Father prayer. Then we walked the city and we decided to clean our streets. So we took two garbage bags and filled them up very quickly because our city is too dirty. Then we visited the ecological Centre where he could breathe fresh air and see many different plants, exotic flowers, ducks, rabbits, sheep, goats, and pheasants. He is a good guy and he needs Jesus.

We conduct a family group in our flat. We invite different families which have some problems and talk with them, discuss the Bible and find out the solutions from their situations. We are glad that every time two or three couples come and we have some influence on them.


Prayer needs:

1. Please, pray for our radio programs may God help us to share His Word in the right way.

2. Pray about this guy Michael may God bless him and his mother she is very sick too.

3. Pray about our family group may God bring to us more people who need help and make them more like Jesus Christ.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support, without you we couldn’t do what we do.

Love all of you!

With a prayer of you, missionary in Chernivtsi Pastushak Alex

Junior Coffee House


Greet to you all who loves God and seeks His Kingdom. God bless you with His richness and grace.

Thanks for concerned our mission for your prayers and support.

God gave me a great opportunity to spread the Gospel through radio broadcasts. Every week we produce two programs which are called “Family Bible Hour” and talk about different topics. For example last month we talked about the American holiday Halloween that is getting popular in Ukraine. Halloween is not a feast of saints. People want to have fun and play with death and its images. But is that funny? We told the history of the holiday and its original meaning. There are no saints there, only witches and sorcerers.

The last program was about God`s support in the poorness. God loves us and does not let us die starving. He is a Heaven Father and feed us. Only faith and hope help us to recognize that.

Every month we conduct the junior coffee house. I am involved in the team and lead there a group of studying the Bible. This time we talked about offense and forgiveness, that God forgives us as much as we forgive others.

Prayer requests:

1. About God`s leading in our radio programs, so Holly Spirit could touch the hearts of people

2. About juniors of our coffee houses that they could accept Jesus Christ

3. About our health, that God gives us strength and passion to share the Gospel.

Thanks for your prayers and support without you we couldn't do this ministry as well.

With a prayer for you missionary Alex Pastushak

"Good News" children's camp


But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt.19:14)

Greetings to all of you who loves Jesus and serve Him with a pure heart. God bless you by His mercy and Grace.

At the end of July, we had another special event - the Good News children's camp. The very name of the project speaks for its purpose - to sow the good truths of the gospel truth in the hearts of children. The central biblical theme of the camp is conversion. Zacchaeus, Mephibosheth, Noah, the Ethiopian lord, and Saul are the five characters discussed in the camp. Each of them can set by example the story of conversion to God, service to God, and His mercy toward sinful people. This time the theme of the event was mostly evangelistic.


The average number of children who were in the camp was about 230. Most of them were not just children but adolescents; some were also those who had already graduated from school. About 40% of the children who were in the camp do not attend church and their parents either. We hope that the word sown will bear fruit in their souls and in their families!

The weather, the atmosphere, the kids, the team - everything was blessed and God help was felt throughout. In addition, all children were healthy, with no injuries.

After the general program, the teens had the opportunity to go to Bible study groups, the children stayed in the hall, where they also had a bible lesson in an interactive interactive way. After that was the sports part. We were in the stadium, doing chemical experiments, illustrating different biblical truths, playing games, singing gospel stories, learning English, making sweet cotton candy, eating corn - so fun and fun spent time in camp.

The most important thing is that God spoke in the camp to these children and teenagers! And we believe that it is not in vain. And in good time, by the will of God, this good news in their lives will bear fruit.

I served there as a leader of group of children where we had lessons every day. We talked about all theme and characters fron Bible. Children were unbelivers and listened very carefully. I pray God they become to know Jesus as their Savior.

Also I served there as a photographer and videographer.

Prayer needs:

1.           Please, pray about everyone who attended the camp. May God bless them!

2.           Pray especially about unbelievers who were at the camp and heard the Gospel. May God change their mind and they become believers.

3.           Pray about me and my family. May God give us His wisdom and strength for the ministry.

Thank you very much for your prayers and your help. God bless you!

Best regards,

Missionary Alex Pastushak

New Covenant with God


“And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Mt.3:16,17)

Greetings to all of you who loves Jesus and serve Him with a pure heart. God bless you by His mercy and Grace.

When we became the children of God and the part of His huge family, it came the time to make the covenant with Whom you love most of all. So, many people from our church and our region recognized this time and that they are ready to improve their relationship with God to a new and high level as dedicating all life for Him.

This month we had a baptism at the lake close to Chernivtsi. A lot of people came here from our region to glorify God and to bless them who were baptized. God gave us very good weather, many people around the lake could look at us and join our meeting. 13 souls gave their lives to the ministry for God.

That was really great holiday for our church. I served there as a photographer and videographer.


Prayer needs:

1.           Please, pray about everyone who was baptized. May God help them to be strong in faith and to bring a lot of fruits for Him.

2.           Pray about unbelievers who were at the lake at that time and saw us and heard the Gospel. May God change their mind and they become believers.

3.           Pray about our church, we would like to have more people for repentance and baptism.

Thank you very much for your prayers and your help. God sees your sincere hearts and let He bless you by His wealthy and grace.

Best regards,

Missionary Alex Pastushak

Bible Family for Ukrainians


But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. (Mt.19:14)

Peace and grace to all of you who reads this letter of God`s work in Ukraine. He is an amazing God who cares for children and families.

There is a great temptation for Ukrainians and our families because of the LGBT societies and politic laws. The meaning and precious of family is changed in the worse way. You can love or man or woman whoever you want and get married to them. Don`t care about the children think only of yourself.

That’s why we as Christians have to proclaim the Bible family and God`s plan for us.

I took the participation in one evangelization for families.  There were more than 500 people with children. It was on the square in the center of Chernivtsi and a lot of people could see us and join the Family Fest.

There were a lot of locations for children to play and have fun and have some sweeties. For the elder, there were some other spots, for example, Centre of critical pregnancy, where everyone who thinks about the abortion could have psychological help. Also, there was a family consultation and talking with the pastors. On the main stage, many groups sang the songs and shared their stories as God saved them.

That was an unforgettable time for many kids, they were so happy and appreciated. Our goal is to proclaim the Bible principles of the family because He has created the family.

Please, pray for such meetings and their influence on our people. Let God give a pearl of wisdom to refuse from this new politic and social waves.

Pray for those children and parents who attended this Fest, may God touch their hearts.

Pray for us and team to make such more meetings.

I am really appreciated to you that help us to work for unbelieve people here. God bless you abundantly.

Best regards,

Missionary Alex Pastushak

Glory God from disabled people

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I send greetings to brothers and sisters in the USA who cares about our ministry here, who prays and supports us.

God gave us everything we need so we have to be grateful Him for that. How little we thank Him for our legs and arms, for our healthy mind and ability to live. There are so many people that don`t have such many blessings that we have.

One guy, he is 28 years old and his name is Michael, he is disabled with his body and his mind. That`s the very sorry and sad picture when you see him. He is thinking like a teenager and can`t read and write. I showed him how to play guitar, he liked Christian songs, we talked about God and His love. I know him for about 10 years. I visit him often and try to help his mother, I take him on a wheelchair and go to the city and to the park with animals. His mother is named Irina and she is a widow so she looks after him alone and is too tired and distressed. Michael was born with сerebral palsy so all his life Irina cares about him.

Every month he visits a Christian club where he can listen about Jesus, sings some songs and plays games. This time he heard about the Palm week and the Easter. They learned a song with such meaning: With God, everyone who was blind can see now, who was deaf can hear now and who was disabled can walk now. God is almighty and nothing is impossible to Him.

This day Michael prayed to God and asked Him for forgiveness. I pray God he realizes the real meaning of these words and has a rebirth with Holy Spirit.

Please, pray for him and his mother. May God bless them with all His richness and goodness.

Thank you for your help to such needs.

Missionary Alex Pastushak

Broadcasting the Gospel

Hello, we send to you a great greeting from our family! Peace to all of you! 

For me and my wife, it`s a privilege and honor to work with radio broadcasting programs. We couldn`t dream about this but God gave us this opportunity, so it is a blessing and a responsibility at the same time. Thanks to the Lord that He entrusted us with so important a ministry, to spread the Gospel to unbelievers. From day to day we learn and want to make this ministry better.

We record the "Family Bible Hour" program on the radio for 15 minutes. We read the Bible there and discuss biblical stories and current applications. 

I and Nadia, we have one more "Family Bible Hour " program, but it is for 50 minutes online with video streaming and at RadioM waves (Donetsk, Lugansk and Odessa regions). We invite some pastors, psychologists or social workers to talk about family topics. This program is online, so listeners can call us and write comments on the Facebook Live. We host it once a week.

We have a little team which attends homes with old Christians and unbelievers. We talk with them, sing songs and share the Gospel.

We arranged a family home group, invited different families, and have a nice time. We talk about the worries of life and how to solve them, inspire each other, sing songs and have a short service. Everyone is satisfied and excited with such meetings.

Every month I preach in our local church “House of peace” with pleasure. 

Thank you very much for your support and prayers. It is a great privilege and honor for us to cooperate with you for God`s glory and His Kingdom. God bless you abundantly!

With prayer for you,

Alex and Nadia Pastushak