Junior Coffee House


Greet to you all who loves God and seeks His Kingdom. God bless you with His richness and grace.

Thanks for concerned our mission for your prayers and support.

God gave me a great opportunity to spread the Gospel through radio broadcasts. Every week we produce two programs which are called “Family Bible Hour” and talk about different topics. For example last month we talked about the American holiday Halloween that is getting popular in Ukraine. Halloween is not a feast of saints. People want to have fun and play with death and its images. But is that funny? We told the history of the holiday and its original meaning. There are no saints there, only witches and sorcerers.

The last program was about God`s support in the poorness. God loves us and does not let us die starving. He is a Heaven Father and feed us. Only faith and hope help us to recognize that.

Every month we conduct the junior coffee house. I am involved in the team and lead there a group of studying the Bible. This time we talked about offense and forgiveness, that God forgives us as much as we forgive others.

Prayer requests:

1. About God`s leading in our radio programs, so Holly Spirit could touch the hearts of people

2. About juniors of our coffee houses that they could accept Jesus Christ

3. About our health, that God gives us strength and passion to share the Gospel.

Thanks for your prayers and support without you we couldn't do this ministry as well.

With a prayer for you missionary Alex Pastushak