A guy is ill with cerebral palsy


I send sincere greetings to all missionaries of the mission PIEI. “The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace”. (Nu.6:24-26)

Our God bless us amazing from day to day. So we wonder of His grace and mercy. May our powerful and almighty God bless all of you and will repay you in one hundred fold for your help and support for us. I am happy that God can use me for His purposes and I can be like a tool in His hands.


We are glad that we can spread the Gospel to millions of people through the radio and via the internet. In our program “Family Bible Hour” we talked about family problems when a man doesn`t respect wife`s work at home with kids and he thinks that she is lazy and didn`t do anything all day. But he couldn`t imagine how many things she doing every day which are invisible to him. She cares about children, washes them, feeds them, clean after them, plays with them, cooking, clean up all house, laundry stuff and etc. But he thinks if you have not a job and stay at home that’s mean you are doing nothing. So, we broke this thought and showed the reality and ask men to respect their wives at home especially when they are pregnant. They need to be appreciated and give them honor.


I visit one guy every month his name is Michael and he is ill with cerebral palsy. He is 28, but his mind is only 15 years old. I brought him some cookies and stuff he likes. We talked about life and we prayed with Our Father prayer. Then we walked the city and we decided to clean our streets. So we took two garbage bags and filled them up very quickly because our city is too dirty. Then we visited the ecological Centre where he could breathe fresh air and see many different plants, exotic flowers, ducks, rabbits, sheep, goats, and pheasants. He is a good guy and he needs Jesus.

We conduct a family group in our flat. We invite different families which have some problems and talk with them, discuss the Bible and find out the solutions from their situations. We are glad that every time two or three couples come and we have some influence on them.


Prayer needs:

1. Please, pray for our radio programs may God help us to share His Word in the right way.

2. Pray about this guy Michael may God bless him and his mother she is very sick too.

3. Pray about our family group may God bring to us more people who need help and make them more like Jesus Christ.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support, without you we couldn’t do what we do.

Love all of you!

With a prayer of you, missionary in Chernivtsi Pastushak Alex