The social experiment in education


Greetings to you! God bless your family and ministry!

Holidays have passed already, but I just want to let you know about our traditions.

In most countries of the world, Christmas is celebrated on December 25, but in Orthodox Ukraine on January 7, this remains from the Soviet Union. The main reason for this difference is using by churches of different calendars. The Western Church uses the Gregorian calendar, which was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, and the Eastern Church remained on the old Julian calendar, which was developed under Julius Caesar in the year 45 BC. The difference between these calendars is 13 days.

Today, our society has been indignant at the government’s plans for changes in the curriculum of schools in Ukraine. Minister of Education and Science Novosad Ganna, unmarried and has no children, said she wants to make school neutral gender. This means that children will be taught that they are not boys and not girls, but that they themselves can decide who they want to become. And in the future, they will be able to change themselves floor. Statistics in Western countries say most suicides occur people who did such an operation, broke their own lives and could not deal. For example, in America, the level of such suicides is 80 times higher than the general level suicides among the US population.

This social experiment in education can also break the lives of our children.

All residents of the country ask the government not to remove the subject from the curriculum “Family basics” were to speak about the right biblical family and that they do not introduce this gender neutrality.

In our programs, we often say that the devil fights for the hearts of children to steal them from their parents and ruin their thinking. This new school program is his methodology. We always proclaim the biblical principles and foundations of the family.

Jura, 32 years old, Ivano-Frankivsk

A year ago, I returned from the ATO, Donetsk region. My call sign there was a chaplain, although, in fact, I was not chaplain, I always tried to help everyone, both mentally and financially, therefore I was called so. I encouraged the soldiers before the battle and consoled when there were losses. I did it gratis, not expecting any fee. The last person I helped for about six months just forgot my kindness and used this. Before this, this man had lowered his arms, coming from Italy, where he spent 15 years, estranged from relatives and did not see the point of living on. I held out his hand help and convinced him the opposite, that we need to live on, that I will help him achieve it goals. In these six months, he achieved his goal with my help, but I had nothing from this and, in principle, I did not want to have something. But, moreover, I turned out to be in his eyes the worst enemy in the world, it happens, I don’t blame him. We parted with him, but recently he disappeared for three days in Odessa. His family immediately called me, I could be indifferent to this news, but I could not and helped relatives. I called back all foremen and workers and there was found a loss, he didn’t even thankful for the fuss, and it’s not necessary, I’m not proud.

After such cases, a burden appeared on my soul, people have joy, and I sadness.

I accidentally saw your program on Facebook. Thanks for answering me in the comments and in PM. Now I understand that God will never be indebted and that Jesus also did a lot of good that is not appreciated.

Prayer needs:

1.           Please, pray for our government and education system. May God gives them wisdom and fear to teach children biblical principles about family.

2.           Please, pray for this guy Yura, may God turn him to Himself.

3.           Please, pray about our radio team to proclaim the Gospel to unbelievers.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support. You are a great blessing to our family and our ministry.

Love all of you, missionary in Chernivtsi Alex Pastushak.