Camp meeting


Greetings to all workers of mission PIE and all who support it. God bless you abundantly by His grace and His richness. Thanks for your prayers and concern about our ministry.

We made a meeting with children who were in the summer Christian camp of Prelipche village. Over 40 non-Christians children came to the service. We made many games, songs for them. They learned a gold verse from Bible John 3:16. They watched the cartoon about the horse “Mustang”. And then I preached them about God’s love to them and among people. They were very impressed with the meeting and would like to come again.

As usual, I visited one guy Misha who is sick on cerebral palsy. We talk with him about God and His Word. He understands everything and is close to Jesus Christ. This time we went to the parade of more than 20 robots. Most of all he liked to talk with the robot named Vania who has Artificial Intelligence. There were many interesting robots who can talk, run, play, and print some details. Also, he liked fishing and spent there a lot of time.


Every month we carry out the teenagers coffee house. A lot of people had come this time. They played games, sang Christians songs, and discuss about friendship. And then they divided into small groups and I talk with them about relationships between people and God. Jesus calls us friends and there is no more love than when you give your soul for your friend. Jesus had made that for us.

Prayer needs:

  1. For non-Christian children in Prelipche village that God reveals them Himself, and they get to know Him.

  2. For Misha, his health and mind, and for his sick mother.

  3. For teenagers of our city may they open their hearts to God.

Thanks for your prayer and support. It is so great to be coworkers with you on God`s field and make this ministry together.

God bless you all!

With love and prayer for you, missionary in Chernivtsi Pastushak Alex