Gospel through the radio in the difficult time


Greet to you all who loves God and seeks His Kingdom. God bless you with His richness and grace.

Thanks for concerned our mission for your prayers and support.

1. Radio broadcasts

  • Subject: Believe in yourself (Phil. 4:13). Due to the low self-esteem and opinions of others, we may be afraid to start our own business, to prove ourselves and our inner world among others. With such a constrained and squeezed life, you will never be happy and successful. But God gives strength and frees from these complexes.

  • Topic: Life is not a lottery (Eph. 4:28). In this life, nothing is simply or easily given, everyone has to pay for everything. The Bible condemns laziness and calls such people insane. "The worker is worthy of food" or who does not work, let him not eat.

  • Theme: Hearing God (Er. 33: 3). Often it seems to us that God has forgotten about us and does not hear us, why should we turn to Him for this? But the problem is that we cannot hear God when He speaks. He answers us in many ways, but most through the Scriptures, if I do not read Him, then I will not receive an answer from God.

2. The fact of Ukrainian culture

The people are in fear of a coronavirus pandemic. Statistics are not reassuring, but vice versa. The number of infected does not decrease every day. In Ukraine, quarantine was extended again, and in some areas, they even increased the rigidity and requirements. People continue to die. Some churches began to gather, they thought that everything had already passed, but everyone who was in the ministry and all their households fell ill. This happened in three churches in our Chernivtsi region. People call us and tell us that they have a panic fear that they are afraid of the future, that this disease may overtake them. Some have already gone to psychologists and psychiatrists to cope with these fears.

3. Social problems and ways to solve it

Our society is very politicized. In every conversation, any Ukrainian will remember and abuse our government. All news media and print media are full of political information. People know a lot, not only for the conduct of the policies of each deputy but also for their personal lives, how many children, what their name is, what they do, how many cars and houses everyone has, etc. Dirty politics, all the quarrels, and debates associated with it only oppress and clog the soul. This very negatively affects our mood and attitude towards others. It is better to seek and fill yourself and your mind with positive information that will heal and make our life happier.

4. Listener Testimony

Vasil, Slavuta

Once he was a believer, but in his youth he went for bad company and left God. Further, problems began with the law and relatives. He was forced to leave his own city, now he settled in the town of Slavuta, Khmelnitsky region. Recently, he heard the news that his pastor and his son were riding in a minibus in the front seats and there was a severe accident where they two died. This touched his heart very much, because this pastor was his soul-guardian, constantly communicated with him and cultivated spiritually when he was still attending church. He is very attached to his pastor, and now such a loss. Vasily wondered, and where will I be if I suddenly die, like him? By chance, he heard our radio and called, opened and told the whole story. We comforted and reinforced him, explained that God was leading him to Him in this way and that he agreed to repent and renew his relationship with God. Now he attends a church in the city of Slavuta. Thank God for the return of the lost sheep!

5. Prayer needs:

- Pray for the health of our family, that God will save and bless us.

- Pray for our ministry on the radio so that more people will learn about God and be able to accept Him and change their lives

- Pray for my wife she is pregnant. May God bless her and a baby to grow up and born in a time and healthy.

Thanks for your prayer and support. It is so great to be coworkers with you on God`s field and make this ministry together.

God bless you all!

With love and prayer for you, missionary in Chernivtsi Pastushak Alex