A difficult time in Ukraine


Peace to you brothers and sisters in the USA. God bless you with His richness and grace.

I am grateful for your prayers and support of our ministry in Ukraine.

1. Radio broadcasts

  • Subject: I want revenge (Rom. 12:19). We are often offended and treated unfairly, and we really want to stand up for ourselves and respond in kind. The Bible says that we should give vengeance into the hands of God so that He will intercede for us.

  • Topic: What guides me? (Eph. 5:18). When we give in to feelings, we are guided by anger, envy, jealousy, etc. The Bible says that it is better to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be led by Him.

  • Topic: How to survive if we are different? (Genesis 2: 18-22). Will a family in which the spouses are radically and diametrically opposed can last long? Which union is better: 100 percent identical or different people? If God pairs up, then nothing can destroy it, neither character, nor nerves, nor circumstances. The love of God covers everything and builds up a marriage for the better.

2. Fact about Ukrainian culture

Western Ukraine suffers from severe floods. Annual precipitation fell in a few weeks. It rained all day. Dykes, bridges were torn down, roads, people's houses were demolished, vegetable gardens, fields and greenhouses were flooded. The damage is impossible to calculate. Everything that people accumulated over the years and that they grew for living and selling, everything disappeared in a few hours. Now people have nowhere to live and nothing to eat. You watch the video, the footage is like from an apocalypse movie.

3. Social problem and ways to solve it

There are many people in Ukraine who live below the poverty line. Their living conditions are difficult to call human. Moreover, this pandemic and crisis have complicated the economic condition of the country, and this part of the population was left without a chance of life. They call our support line and we send them a food bag. This is a small help, but it shows them the love and care of Christians for them that we are not indifferent to their misfortune. Many become interested in the church and the issue of salvation. Thank God, there are many repentances every month. It is a good social ministry that expands the boundaries of God's kingdom.

4. Listener testimony

Valentina Nikolaevna found a brochure about our ministry, and there was our phone number. I called to ask how to pray correctly. Her husband died a year and a half ago. Only yesterday she realized that she had not forgiven him, and even did not want to go to the cemetery. This worries her very much, and she really wants to free herself from resentment. They lived with her husband for 46 years. There were many difficulties: my husband drank, was a drug addict, was ill a lot. They also buried their son. Her daughter has no device in life, the relationship between mother and daughter does not add up. Valentina Nikolaevna cannot attend the church because of the quarantine. she is over 60. She is very tired of this, she says that her faith has weakened. Our counselors held a counseling conversation with her, explained that all the past will interfere with her living in the present, that resentment will eat up her from the inside and that Jesus forgave us more than anyone on earth. She agreed to pray about this, and also forgave and released her husband. She said that the stone left my soul, it became easier to breathe. We prayed for our daughter and her relationship with her daughter. It became much easier for her. She said that she felt so bad, did not know what to do. Thank you for this service. So good that you can call and tell a stranger what is there.

5. Prayer needs:

- Pray for the health of our family, that God will save and bless us.

- Pray for our ministry on the radio so that more people will learn about God and be able to accept Him and change their lives

- Pray for my wife she is pregnant. May God bless her and a baby to grow up and born in a time and healthy.

Thanks for your prayer and support. It is so great to be coworkers with you on God`s field and make this ministry together.

God bless you all!

With love and prayer for you, missionary in Chernivtsi Pastushak Alex