"Good News" children's camp


But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt.19:14)

Greetings to all of you who loves Jesus and serve Him with a pure heart. God bless you by His mercy and Grace.

At the end of July, we had another special event - the Good News children's camp. The very name of the project speaks for its purpose - to sow the good truths of the gospel truth in the hearts of children. The central biblical theme of the camp is conversion. Zacchaeus, Mephibosheth, Noah, the Ethiopian lord, and Saul are the five characters discussed in the camp. Each of them can set by example the story of conversion to God, service to God, and His mercy toward sinful people. This time the theme of the event was mostly evangelistic.


The average number of children who were in the camp was about 230. Most of them were not just children but adolescents; some were also those who had already graduated from school. About 40% of the children who were in the camp do not attend church and their parents either. We hope that the word sown will bear fruit in their souls and in their families!

The weather, the atmosphere, the kids, the team - everything was blessed and God help was felt throughout. In addition, all children were healthy, with no injuries.

After the general program, the teens had the opportunity to go to Bible study groups, the children stayed in the hall, where they also had a bible lesson in an interactive interactive way. After that was the sports part. We were in the stadium, doing chemical experiments, illustrating different biblical truths, playing games, singing gospel stories, learning English, making sweet cotton candy, eating corn - so fun and fun spent time in camp.

The most important thing is that God spoke in the camp to these children and teenagers! And we believe that it is not in vain. And in good time, by the will of God, this good news in their lives will bear fruit.

I served there as a leader of group of children where we had lessons every day. We talked about all theme and characters fron Bible. Children were unbelivers and listened very carefully. I pray God they become to know Jesus as their Savior.

Also I served there as a photographer and videographer.

Prayer needs:

1.           Please, pray about everyone who attended the camp. May God bless them!

2.           Pray especially about unbelievers who were at the camp and heard the Gospel. May God change their mind and they become believers.

3.           Pray about me and my family. May God give us His wisdom and strength for the ministry.

Thank you very much for your prayers and your help. God bless you!

Best regards,

Missionary Alex Pastushak