Postusak Grigory

Dear brothers and sisters, 

We greet you with the peace of the Lord!

We thank and praise the Lord for His love and mercy we saw during this month in the ministry. Even when there is war in the country we thank God for peace in our area and the opportunity to organize lots of evangelisms as well camps for children, widows, teenagers, disabled people and orphans.  May the Lord protect us from bloodshed and have mercy for the people in Luhansk and Donetsk regions! Please, keep praying for Ukraine, for peace and repentance of more people who do not know Jesus. 

At the beginning of July we had a great holiday in our church where 11 people confessed their faith in Jesus Christ through the water of baptism. We pray for the guests of the church who were present at the baptism and who heard the Word of God. 

On July 3rd we had a big outreach on the stadium “Bukovina” in Chernovtsy, with the participation of a singing group named “Hope” and a preacher from Canada George Daviduk. There were near 5000 people at the outreach and we are glad that many of them accepted the Lord as their Savior. 

Last month God helped me to visit a lot of sick people, members of our church. They were comforted by the Word of God. 

On the last week of July we had a VBS for children at our church. Around 250 children attended the Bible study. I thank God for our leaders who worked hard at the organization of this camp. There were a lot of children who came from unbelievers and we pray for them to come to Sunday school again, that will start in September. 

In August we plan a youth camp in the Carpathians, in the mountains. We are praying for this important ministry too.

We pray for you and are so sorry that sister Marilyn won’t come to Ukraine this year. We are praying for her, and for the upcoming surgery. We also are praying for sister Patricia who will teach the teens at camp.  May the Lord bless you!

Best wishes, Postusak Grigory